17 October 2024

Episode 5 - A Mystery Solved

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Bedroom Hallway, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kassi: "Well, here we are."

Mama Rox: "You heard what Tybalt said, the final challenge is coming up soon.. so this is our last opportunity to sleuth around."
Kassi: "I know. Let's make the most of it."

Mama Rox: "Well they cleaned up most junk in here.."
Kassi: "Oof."

Mama Rox: "They also removed Odes--- What the heck?!"
Kassi: "Huh?"

Mama Rox: "Holey moley gurl, you're so white as a sheet, Diane could learn a thing or two from you!"
Odessa: "....."

Odessa: "... I suppose soooo..."

Odessa: "... But that's not what I came back here for..."

Odessa: "... I am here for one thing only, mortals..."

Odessa: "Revenge on my killer"

Kassi: "Wait aren't ghosts supposed to, y'know.. only haunt at nighttime?"

Odessa: "Oh. uh.."

Odessa: "I brought a couple 10K's of pocket money with me when I died. So I bribed the Grim Reaper for a nice exception to that rule."
Kassi: "... Fair enough."

Odessa: "But hey, I got a nice offer for your Investigation..."
Kassi: "We're listening."
Odessa: "If you give me one thing somebody said, or something you saw around, I can tell you whether it's a hint that leads to the killer's identity or not."
Mama Rox: ".. Or you could just tell us who killed you."

Odessa: "Ugh you clever dipshits, that'd ruin the fun of sleuthing around, just play along m'kay???"
Mama Rox: "... Okay???"
Odessa: "Soo... got anything you'd like to verify?"

Mama Rox: "I got me one moment that stuck out to me..."
Kassi: "Me too.."
Odessa: "Then I'll take turns with you... Who first?"


Kassi: "The first thing that comes to mind is that I overheard Artie say: 'Zis iz une abnormalité'... Is that a reference to Abnormality?"

Odessa: "This is... a cold trail. No hint to the killer in that quote."


Mama Rox: "I think Diane said 'I honestly can't believe it, this is abnormal...', right before I joined her and Connie in a conversation."

Odessa: "This is... a cold trail. No hint to the killer in that quote."


Mama Rox: "Well..."
Kassi: "And?"
Mama Rox: "I.. figured out what way I shouldna be looking..."

Kassi: "Same here..."
Mama Rox: ".. I guess confiding in you can't hurt can it?"
Kassi: "If it gives us a nudge in the right direction then sure."

Mama Rox: "Okay.. Count of 3?"
Kassi: "Sure. One."
Mama Rox: "Two."
Kassi: "Three!"

Both: "It's not Abnormality."
Mama Rox: ".. Welp."
Kassi: "Guess we both found out the same.."

Mama Rox: "Okay.. Let's get outta here and try and keep this between us."
Kassi: "Deal."

Kisha: "Hmm..."

Kisha: "What were those two up to there?"

Kisha: "The crime scene... Of course."

Kisha: "Let's see if I can find something of use---"

Odessa: "SWOOSH!"
Kisha: "AAH!"
Odessa: "I am a ghost! I can help you clear ONE thing you saw or heard!...."

Kisha: "I- I-.. I heard Jenson say.. 'I was in the kitchen, getting ready for the ceremony. Around 10:55 I went up to the wedding arch to wait for Min Hee.' The previous murder was in the kitchen... Is Jenson the killer?"

Odessa: "This is... a cold trail. No hint to the killer in that quote."
Kisha: "So it's not him..."
Odessa: "But do you know who it issssss???"

Kisha: "Uhh no bye!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Back Deck, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Diane: "Well dear..."

Diane: "Did you get any luck piecing some information together?"
Connie: "Uh.. not much..."

Connie: "... but I did get into an.. interesting situation with Lana and Maddie."
Diane: "Hmm.."
Connie: "Turns out Lana got the Murdle wrong and was looking to trade information. And, eh.. because our team missed out on the Escape Room hint, she thought we could help each other out."

Diane: "Why really? That's admittedly concerning.. why did she leave me out of it?"

Connie: "I can't tell for sure, but.. well, I only got involved myself because I happened to walk in on them."
Diane: "Hmm... so our dear Lana originally approached.. just Maddie?"
Connie: "I guess so?"

Connie: "To be honest.. I feel we're being left out of the loop. Mama Rox is quite reluctant to really help us with information, and I tried to talk to Kassi before too, but not much has come from that..."

Diane: "Frankly I understand your sentiment dear... I tried talking to the fine Oliver, actually. But alas, a certain someone came in and had the nerve to shut any attempts at conservation down."
Connie: "Kisha?"
Diane: "Kisha."

Connie: "Ah, I see. Can't colour me surprised. From what I hear other people say she's made herself very.. unpopular on the team, to put it nicely."
Diane: "Exactly! I believe Oliver also wasn't amused with her antics."

Connie: "Understandably so. But yeah.. we're still out of the loop on things."
Diane: "That's a fair concern.. I figure we have to play the classic stealth card before the final challenge commences."

Connie: "I guess so... Oh - before we do so, there's still the hint Lana shared with us."
Diane: "I'm listening..."
Connie: "Apparently it's a set of numbers.. It's---"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
At the same time, Former Diary Room, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Odessa: "If you give me one thing somebody said, or something you saw around, I can tell you whether it's a hint that leads to the killer's identity or not."
Ali: "Ohmygawsh Ava, this ghost is a nice one!"

Odessa: "Well, not too nice, I do want vengence on my killer... mwuahahaha..."
Ali: "Oh.. Oh my!"
Ava: "Oh oh, I remember Jenson said: "I was in the kitchen, getting ready for the ceremony. Around 10:55 I went up to the wedding arch to wait for Min Hee."
Is this a hint or part of a hint?"

Odessa: "This is... a cold trail. No hint to the killer in that quote."
Ali: "Aaah, shoot."
Ava: "Nah, we can cross off that Jenson guy now so, not too bad right."
Odessa: "Very true, girls. You may go now."

Ali: "..... Waaaaaait, why are WE the girls, aren't we like, older than Odessa?"
Odessa: "Oi, I'm the one with grey hair here!"
Ava: "We're young at heart, Al. That's what matters."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Front Deck, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Oliver: "Hmmm..."

Oliver: "I'm 95% sure of my suspect..."

Oliver: "The thumb print, the Murdle riddle, even that unicorn that keeps reappearing..."

Oliver: "It all points to *them*. But..."

Oliver: "The code Artie and Willie gave us. No idea how that relates to my suspect..."

Oliver: "... does that mean I'm missing something, or am I on the wrong trail after all?"
Kassi: "Oh hi Oliver!"

Oliver: "Hey, any luck finding out the killer?"

Kassi: "Well.. not too much.. trying to piece those hints we got together in a way they make any sense.."
Oliver: "I know, they're really tricky. The one we got after the escape room is the most tricky to me."

Kassi: "Yeah, not sure what to make of it either. I do think I've figured out another one however."
Oliver: "Oh?"
Kassi: "I've spoken to a couple of other people about the Investigation in the library and... All solutions I've come across turn out to be different.. EXCEPT.. the kitchen."

Oliver: "Now that you mention it, the kitchen was the crime scene in my Murdle as well."
Kassi: "Aha! We may be on to something!"

Oliver: "I did take notes of the solution I got.. but they're in my room. I don't have them memorised too well yet."
Kassi: "Hmm we could meet there and compare, the more we're on the same page the easier it is to bring Odessa's killer to justice!"

Oliver: "Yeah. We can't waste too much time, not sure how long we still got before the final thing comes up."

Ali: "Hey guys, whatcha taaaalking about?!"
Ava: "Shush, Ali, you're interrupting them!"
Ali: "Sowwyyyyy..."
Oliver & Kassi: "..."

Oliver: ".. Just... kinda puzzling things together. Or well, trying to that is."
Ava: "Yeah, we got like three names..."
Oliver: "Hmm maybe we could strike it down to one... Any idea what the second hint could be about?"

Ali: "Oooh, that one was easyyyyy! Like, Ali and I used to play this game as kids where we turn letters into numbers using a super secret code! Like, A is 1, B is 2, and that goes on."
Ava: "Uh, actually I'm Ava and you're Ali, and second why are you revealing our secret code to them?"
Oliver: "... I guess if the killer knows it, then it's not so secret anymore, is it..."

Ava: "Hmm, that's a good point Ollie..."
Oliver: "Oliver. And... Wait..."
Kassi: "Wait.. That code makes..."
Oliver: "... Hmm. It all falls into place."

Ali: "What falls into place?"
Oliver: "Uhh.. You know what that finger print really means right?"
Ava: "Yeah, the show right?"
Ali: "Wait, so we add that show to that code..."

Ava: "Hmm now I wish we asked something else to Odessa's ghost."
Ali: "Think we can get another question?"

Oliver: "Wait.. Odessa's ghost?"
Kassi: "I can confirm. She's at the crime scene."
Oliver: "Oh.. pardon me for a minute."

Oliver: "Hmm-mm-mm-mm-mmmm..."

Diane: "Hmm..."

Diane: "They're up to something. I better stick around near that group."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Former Diary Room, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Oliver: "Crime scene... Ah."

Odessa: "You look like you knew what to expect in here..."
Oliver: ".. Yeah you can say that."

Odessa: "I guess you also know what I can help you with?"
Oliver: "Yup, we can ask you something right?"
Odessa: "About one thing someone said, or an object you saw lying around."

Oliver: "Okay.. I have one main lead, but one alternative second choice I wish to rule out....
Hmm, Artie once said: "We vould never kill Odessa, pourquoi vould we kill her? Zis iz une abnormalité!" Can I cross that path out?

Odessa: "This is... a cold trail. No hint to the killer in that quote."
Oliver: "That confirms it all. Thank you."

Odessa: "Go get that killer for me!"
Oliver: "I will, I will."

Oliver: "Now to gather Kassi and work out things with him..."

Lana: "Okay, the coast is clear."

Lana: "Let's see what's in there!"

Lana: "Wh-whoa?!"
Odessa: "Surprise!"

Lana: "Uhh... Odessa?"
Odessa: "Yup, the one and only!"

Lana: "Oh! You know who the killer is!"
Odessa: "Yeah... but my vengeance would be so much better if you lot would figure it out yourselves, wouldn't it?"
Lana: "Uh, I guess?"

Odessa: "So, here's what I can help you with. Give me a quote someone said, or an item someone found and I can tell you whether it is a hint to the killer."
Lana: "Well.. I talked to Jenson and.. "This morning I found a diving suit lying around on the deck, and no idea who put it there." Does that mean anything?"

Odessa: "This is... hmm how to put this... The diving suit does happen to be a hint that refers to the killer's identity."
Lana: "Hmm.. in what way?"
Odessa: ".. That's up to you to deduce."

Lana: "Oh well.. Thanks for the answer anyways."

Odessa: "You're welcome!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Kitchen, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Min Hee: "Okay.. a drink.."

Min Hee: "Hmm I guess orange soda works."

*A nearby toilet flushes*

Maddie: "Oh... it's you."

Min Hee: "Oh... Nice dress."
Maddie: "Uhh.. thanks?"
Min Hee: "It looks so... shamelessly copied."

Maddie: "Aha, there's the Min Hee we all know and love. I didn't even know you'd wear that thing. Also the details hun. Gloves, earrings, shoes."

Min Hee: "Don't you 'hun' me. Also, please explain why you would even attend my wedding to begin with when you're never up to any good when I'm involved?"
Maddie: "Simple. I was invited."
Min Hee: "First, by whom? And second, why would you go along with it?"

Maddie: "Anyone who competed on a reality game show is welcome, remember? So yeah, of course I decided to tag along!"
Min Hee: "Despite your long history of harassing me?"
Maddie: "No.. you were the one harassing me, Ni."

Min Hee: "Golden, Golden, Golden.... That's where you're wrong."
Maddie: "Oh? Remember the school play?"
Min Hee: "Yes. How many times do I have to keep repeating myself? That. Was. An. Accident!"

Maddie: "How many times do I have to keep repeating myself that I. Do. Not. Buy that excuse."
Min Hee: "Until it finally gets through your thick skull that I am telling the truth."
Maddie: "The only one who is telling the truth here is me when I repeat again that I did not do anything to your story for the school newspaper!"

Min Hee: "Then why were you snooping around my writings?"
Maddie: "I dunno, I was just hanging out with a friend!"
Min Hee: "Aha... so maybe you told your friend to do something instead???"

Maddie: "Uh no! I would never do that!"
Min Hee: "It's beyond coincidence, Golden! What else could've happened?"
Maddie: "I dunno what could have happened, but I do know that we did not do it!"

Min Hee: "Just like how it was absolutely not you who put a spider in my drink at lunch?!"
Maddie: "Easy! It dropped from the ceiling or something!"
Min Hee: "Or it dropped from your hand when you just happened to pass by?"

Maddie: "For the umpteenth time, no! Or wait, remember that time you hid my gym shoes so I had to run barefoot during the school sports tournament?"
Min Hee: "Why would I even touch those stinky sneakers?!"
Maddie: "I dunno, same reason you sabotaged me in the school play!"

Min Hee: "I did not do that!"
Maddie: "Who else would it have been?!"
Min Hee: "Maybe you were just being clumsy?"
Maddie: "No. It was something else."

Min Hee: "Real good message you're giving to the kids - don't take the blame when you mess up, just give the fault to innocent bystanders."
Maddie: "Oh no, you did not say that..."
Min Hee: "It's an objective observation."

Maddie: "Wanna hear an actual objective observation? You adopted Odessa just for the money! Am I right or am I right?"
Min Hee: "... That was really uncalled for!"
Maddie: "Maybe it was you who killed her after all! Hmm?"

Min Hee: "Your detective skill are as worthless as those other made-up accusations you keep throwing at me!"

*Min Hee moves her drink in a rapid manner. Maddie notices*

Maddie: "Oh no you were gonna throw that drink at me?!"
Min Hee: "Hands off, that's mine!"
Maddie: "You were gonna throw it huh?!"

Min Hee: "No! I was gonna head out before you drop another spider in my drink!"
Maddie: "What spider?"
Min Hee: "Why else would you reach for my drink?!"

Maddie: "So you wouldn't shove it in my face!"

Min Hee: "I wasn't!"

Maddie: "Then get out!"

Min Hee: "This is MY place.. YOU get out!"


Tybalt: "Investigators!..."

Tybalt: "... It is time for the final challenge! Everybody gather near the Theatre!"


Min Hee: "Well, you heard him. Get out of here. And just to warn you a little, you'll look like an idiot if you'd actually accuse me."

Maddie: "Don't worry, I will point the finger at the right killer. I made some good connections on board. Time to go do my duty for the greater good..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Theatre Hallway, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tybalt: "Welcome, Investigators."

Tybalt: "Soon and one by one you'll go with me into the Theatre. In there I will explain to you what the final challenge is about."

Tybalt: "Remember... In order to win the title of Master Investigator you will need to perform the best in this challenge. But your score will only matter if you can identify the correct killer! So basically - the person who scores the best out of everyone with the correct killer guess, wins."

Tybalt: "First come, first serve - let's start this off with Oliver! Please come with me."
Oliver: "Well.. wish me luck!"
Other Investigators: "Good luck Oliver!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Theatre, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tybalt: "So.. Here's the main deal."

Tybalt: "On the big screen, I will show you 14 questions about things that have happened during the investigation."

Tybalt: "You will answer these multiple choice questions. I will put your answers in your personal case file."

Tybalt: "The final question is the most important one. This 15th question goes: 'Who is the killer?'. You will type your answer on the laptop, after which I will put that, too, in your case file."

Tybalt: "The person who accuses the correct killer, and then has scored the most questions correctly, will win the title! Is all this clear to you?"
Oliver: "Affirmative."
Tybalt: "Good. Time to start the final challenge."


Tybalt: Question 1: Which guest was seen talking when the diving suit was visible?
A) Apricot Autumn
B) Natalia Fiore
C) Wendell Ferris

Oliver: "Uhh... I have no clue.. Wild guess: I think it's B?"
Tybalt: "B it is!"

Kassi: "I'm.. going for C."

Ava: "Wait, a diving suit? I completely missed that."
Ali: "Uhh.. Oh I know, let's go for A! Apricot Autumn.. Ali & Ava?"
Ava: "Ohmygawsh yes, that's brilliant! A it is! Our lucky letter!"


Tybalt: Question 2: Who was the first Investigator to arrive after the last moment Odessa was seen alive?
A) Ali & Ava
B) Diane
C) Kisha
D) Mama Rox
E) Oliver

Lana: "Hmm.. Is it Diane? B?"

Kisha: "It was me, C. I'm confident."

Connie: "Hmm I think I saw Odessa walking around somewhere when I just arrived... so I'm guessing D. Which is Mama Rox."

Diane: "It would make sense to have the kill take place after everyone has arrived, my dear. I recall Oliver arriving last, so my answer shall be E."


Tybalt: Question 3: At the start of the wedding ceremony, how many chairs were empty?
A) One
B) Two
C) Three

Maddie: "Two. Odessa wasn't there and Mr Ni was guiding.. her to the altar."

Kassi: "Min Hee, Jenson and.. Kayle were at the altar. So it'd make sense if they all had an empty seat, right? My guess is 3, C."


Tybalt: Question 4: Which person never physically stood up at any point between Min Hee's arrival at the altar, and Min Hee running off after hearing a scream?
A) Eric MaCarther
B) Leonnard Dockhatt
C) Mr Ni

Kisha: "Easy. Eric stood up when Kayle started giving birth. Mr Ni brought Min Hee to the altar. Captain Dockhatt was seated the entire time which means it's B."

Mama Rox: "Oh phooey.. Eric stood up with the birth thingy. And imma go on a leap and say Dockhatt also got up after the scream.. which leaves C, Min Hee's dad as my answer."


Tybalt: Question 5: In what room were Artie and Willie detained at first?
A) Gym
B) Kitchen
C) Vampire Bedroom

Oliver: "I know that one, that's the Gym, A."

Maddie: "Hmm the Kitchen was off-limits at first wasn't it? I'm picking B."

Connie: "The Vampire Bedroom if I remember correctly. That's where they were at the end of the escape room game right? At least, uh.. that's what I was told.."
Tybalt: "For confirmation, C?"
Connie: "Oh, yes, C."


Tybalt: Question 6: What item that was sent during the first Investigation was actually physically present at the crime scene itself, but NOT marked as a potential clue?
A) Neon Car
B) Karaoke Machine
C) Fruit Painting
D) Barstool
E) Lyrics Reader

Connie: "Uhh... B? Wild guess."

Ali: "Uh.. I dunno?"
Ava: "I do - I saw the fruit painting there when we were with Odessa."
Ali: "Ohmygawsh Ava you're a GENIUS! Aaaaaah!"
Ava: "Aaaaah!"

Lana: "The karaoke stuff would be far too noticable.. I think the Barstool would be the easiest to hide there. D."

Maddie: "Hmm the Karaoke Machine itself is pretty big.. but that Lyric Reader wouldn't stick out too much."


Tybalt: Question 7: At what time did Min Hee go to bed at the end of the wedding day?
A) 8pm
B) 9pm
C) 10pm

Everyone: "10pm - C!"

Mama Rox: "Well actually I think that's B, 9pm."


Tybalt: Question 8: During the second Investigation, how many Investigators found the number hidden in the Sofa/Couch before they found the number in the Dresser/Vanity?
A) One
B) Two
C) Three
D) Four

Kassi: "... What kind of question is this?.. Uh.. I do know Oliver and Kisha went for the dresser first.. Wild guess.. A?"

Ali: "Uhh..."
Ava: "We got the dresser one first didn't we?"
Ali: "Yeah.. No wait, we found the two there right?"
Ava: "Two... B, we think."

Diane: "Hmm.. I checked with Connie afterwards and we both found the dresser numbers first. Maddie did so too. As for the other Investigators... I'd presume it'd be a 50/50 shot for either.. six divided by two would make Three.. which would correspond with C. My educated guess."

Lana: "Mama Rox told me she tried the dresser first.. And so did I myself... Let's go with D! 50/50 for the rest! I feel this question would have one of the outliers as an answer."


Tybalt: Question 9: Who was the first to find all 5 items needed to escape during the second Investigation?
A) Kisha
B) Lana
C) Oliver
D) Mama Rox

Kisha: "Me. Obviously."

Kassi: "If I remember correctly Oliver and Kisha found their final items at the same time. So if we have one clear outlier I can cross out those two... Let's go with Lana. B."

Diane: "Out of those people I believe Oliver is the most intelligent. He'd figure it out sooner rather than later, which I unfortunately cannot say of the other eligible options. C is my pick."

Mama Rox: "Let's boost my own ego for a second - Let's say it was myself!"


Tybalt: Question 10: How did Tybalt explain the tiebreaker of the second Investigation to the Investigators?
A) "There's been some rumours going around on what exactly is behind that door. The team that cracks the code for THAT door, earns an extra hint..."
B) "There's been some rumours going around on what exactly is behind that door. The team that unlocks THAT door, earns an extra hint..."
C) "There's been some gossip going around on what exactly is behind that door. The team that cracks the code for THAT door, earns an extra hint..."
D) "There's been some gossip going around on what exactly is behind that door. The team that unlocks THAT door, earns an extra hint..."

Connie: "... I wasn't even there?? A???"

Oliver: "Unlocks.. He never said crack the code, he said unlock."
Tybalt: ".. Kinda awkward when you're referred to in the third person but you're right there."
Oliver: "What was that?... B or D, B or D.. let's go with B."

Maddie: "..... I was still locked in my bedroom wasn't I?... C, because I cannot see the answer."

Kisha: "D. It's D."


Tybalt: Question 11: In the introduction of the third Investigation, Dr Black was killed at the same time of day as Odessa was.
A) True
B) False

Lana: ".... What time was he killed again?... The murders were similarly themed so it might as well be true, right?"

Ali: "Uhh. Avaaaa.... What time was he killed again?"
Ava: ".... I dunno-- oh wait.. Midnight, wasn't it?"
Ali: "Aaah! Odessa was killed in the morning!"
Ava: "Uhh.. That makes B, right?"


Tybalt: Question 12: Who was holding the Wrench in the correct solution of the third Investigation?
A) Miss Scarlett
B) Colonel Mustard
C) Reverend Green
D) Mrs Peacock
E) Professor Plum

Kisha: "That has to be Miss Scarlett. A."

Lana: "... Oh shoot the Investigation I got wrong rears its ugly head once more... Uhh.. B?"

Mama Rox: "I remember this one, I'm 1000% sure it was that Professor Plum!"


Tybalt: Question 13: What colour was the writing equipment Tybalt used for his notes during the third Investigation?
A) Orange
B) Green
C) Purple

Oliver: "... I think it was A."

Diane: "Oh for plumbob's sake... I think out of these colours Green feels as the most common one for writing equipment. B is my guess."

Maddie: "Oh.. uhh.... Wait.. if who I think is the killer IS the killer, it's gotta be C..."


Tybalt: Question 14: What word did Tybalt NOT use in his final speech at the end of Episode 4?
A) Auras
B) Crumbs
C) Shades
D) Trails

Mama Rox: "Aha! A goes well with my killer... There, Auras it is."

Ava: "... I have no idea.."
Ali: ".. Me neither... Aliiiii what do we do nowwww?"
Ava: "C? Because this question is shady?"
Ali: "Yeah that makes sense."

Kassi: "One answer goes well with my killer... but I distinctly recall you SAYING that word... I guess I'll go with D?... Now I'm starting to question my murder suspect..."


Tybalt: Question 15: Who is the Killer?

Use the laptop in front of you to type out the full name of the person you suspect of being Odessa Wolff's killer. I'll print it and add it to your Case File...

*Everyone types in the name of their murder suspect*


Tybalt: "You hereby have accused someone of the murder of Odessa Wolff."

*Tybalt picks up the answer paper and reads it to himself*

Tybalt: "Hmm.. interesting..."

*Tybalt puts the answer papers in the Case File*

Tybalt: "Your Investigation has hereby ended. The next time we'll meet, the answers will be revealed."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Theatre, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tybalt: "The Investigation is over. The official accusations have been locked in your case files. We're about to find out whether you managed to unmask the killer of Odessa Wolff or not..."

Tybalt: "But before we do so, let's take a look at how the killer took Odessa's life..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Bedroom Hallway, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Odessa: "Nobody saw me... good."


Janna: "Small question.. I hope HEALTH-E's not here?"
Rep: "So far he hasn't shown up yet no."

Janna: "Ah good - I still blame him for that one time he kicked my in the butt."

The Killer: "Okay.. just do this thing.. blend back into the crowd, then meet up with them to get my money..."

Odessa: "Oh!"

Odessa: "Uh, sorry, you're not supposed to be down here."

Odessa: "Guests should stay--- wait, what are you-"
The Killer: "Do what I must."

Odessa: "No, get outta here you psycho!"


Odessa: "OW!! BASTARD!!"

*The Killer repeatedly hits...*

*... and stabs Odessa in the face with their wrench!*

Odessa: "Aaaaaaahhhh....."



*The killer quickly pockets their wrench...*

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Theatre, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Connie: "D- did.. did we really have to see that?!"
Ali: "Poor Odessa."
Ava: "Poor poor Odessa..."

Maddie: "Thank goodness the kids weren't watching."
Kassi: "That jerk deserves to be put behind BARS."
Maddie: "Don't do adult drinks, kids! Always say no to them!"
Kisha: "Uhh..."

Tybalt: "Diane, Kassi.. Please take a step forward."

Tybalt: "Both of you accused the same person of being the killer."
Kassi: "Ooh."
Diane: "Great minds think alike, my dear."

Tybalt: "This means that only the person who had the most questions correct still stands a chance at winning."

Tybalt: "Kassi.. Out of the 14 questions, you answered 8 correctly."
Kassi: "Hmm, is that good?"
Tybalt: "That depends... Diane, out of 14, your score is..."

Tybalt: "... only 6. Which means you do not get the honour of having unmasked Odessa Wolff's killer."
Diane: ".. I suppose I have to keep cherishing my win on Jetset instead."
Tybalt: "Diane, you may take a step back. And Kassi, you may do so too, for now..."

Tybalt: "Who next..."

Tybalt: "Kisha, our own Private Investigator... Please step forward."

Tybalt: "I can officially confirm that your talent as a PI did come to good use on board - out of everyone you got the most questions correctly."
Kisha: "Woo! Go me!"

Tybalt: "But.. what it all comes down to is whether you got the correct killer or not..."
Kisha: "I am confident."

Tybalt: "You in fact pointed the finger at an old friend, or enemy, of some people here. You pointed the finger at Kain Henderson."
Mama Rox: "Ooh that slimy..."

Tybalt: "Kain Henderson... is NOT the killer of Odessa Wolff."
Kisha: "... Damn..."
Tybalt: "You may take a step back again."

Kisha: "Pfft.. If the twins or the mermaid or taxi girl win I'll bury my head in the sand like an ostrich."

Tybalt: "Speaking of Lana.. Please take a step forward."
Lana: "Oh..."
Tybalt: "Feeling confident?"
Lana: "No?"

Tybalt: "You accused Lucas McCloud."
Lana: "I did..."

Tybalt: "Lucas... was not our killer."
Lana: "Shoot. Oh well, I tried my best..."
Tybalt: "Please take a step back again."

Tybalt: "Next to step forward is... Connie!"
Connie: "Oh.. uh."

Tybalt: "You, in fact, tied with Diane on the questions."
Connie: "Oh.. I guess that means I lost then."
Tybalt: "Not per se. You were the only person to accuse this person. If you got the right killer, you win by default, no matter how many questions anyone got right. Take a step back for now..."

Tybalt: "Oliver, Ali & Ava... Your turn to step forwards."
Ali: "Oh-em-gee! I'm so nervous now, Ava!"
Ava: "Like, so am I."

Tybalt: "The two - or well, three - of you also chose the same killer. So in your case, the questions also are the deciding factor..."

Oliver: "Good luck girls..."
Ali: "Good luck to you too Ollie!"
Oliver: "You're not in the Ollie zone, girls."
Tybalt: "One of you only got 5 questions correct..."

Tybalt: "... and that someone is Oliver."
Oliver: "Ouch..."
Tybalt: "Oliver, there's still hope that the twins got less than 5..."

Tybalt: "... but I sadly have to squash that hope here. Oliver, you can take a step back."
Oliver: "Alas."
Tybalt: "Twins, you can take a step back as well, for now."

Tybalt: "Up next... let's see what Maddie and Mama Rox have been thinking..."

Tybalt: "Mama Rox... I have to disappoint you in one regard. You, in fact, performed the worst on the challenge out of everybody here, as you got only 2 questions correct."
Mama Rox: "... oh dang..."
Tybalt: "Maddie, you did a solid job on those questions..."

Tybalt: "... but it is you who I have to REALLY disappoint, because the Twins, Kassi or Kisha also went down the same trail as you. And, whomever it is, they performed better. Please take a step back."
Maddie: "Oh well... I gave it my all and that's what counts."

Tybalt: "Meanwhile, Mama Rox, I can confirm that, just like Connie, you were the sole person going down this suspects' trail. Which means that if you are the only one correct, you win by default."
Mama Rox: "Man you're keeping me on my toes."

Tybalt: "Kassi, Connie, Ali & Ava.. You may step forward once more next to Mama Rox."

Tybalt: "I can confirm... That the answer to the question 'Who is the killer?' has been answered correctly today."

Connie: "Oh goodness..."
Kassi: "Justice.."
Ali & Ava: "Like, oh-em-gee!"
Mama Rox: "Heck yeah."

Tybalt: "......... An arrest warrant has been sent out and a squad will soon be on its way to take care of the killer!"

Tybalt: "Let's see who the killer was all along, shall we?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Somewhere in Sunset Valley
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Police Radio: "Officer Stuart - we have a 10-26 at the Valleyton Hotel - Copy!"

Officer Stuart: "Officer Stuart to Radio - I'm on it - Copy!"

"I think this one's for the homicide on the Jetsetter."

"Gott sei Dank they got that one solved - what a tragedy..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Valleyton Hotel, Sunset Valley
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Officer Stuart: "Be on your guard, the suspect may still be dangerous..."

The Killer: "Just gotta quickly dispose of this and then I can make my clear escape..."

Officer George: "This is the correct floor."
Officer Stuart: "The room in question should be this way."

Officer Stuart: "Here we are."
Officer Johnson: "May I have the honour of opening the door?
Officer George: "Yes, but don't go too hard."

*The door is violently kicked open*

Officer George: "NOT TOO HARD I SAID, WES!"

Officer Stuart: "You are under arrest for the murder of Odessa Wolff!"
The Killer: "No!"
Officer Stuart: "You have the right to remain silent!"
The Killer: "Not if I climb out of the window!"

Officer George: "No you won't!"
Officer Stuart: "You're allowed to tell a friend or relative of your arrest! You may speak to a lawyer and have an interpreter present by request!"
The Killer: "Nooo..."

Officer George: "Cuffs are on! Time to take them into custody!"

Officer Stuart: "Before we do however... I'll have to look you in the eyes, make sure we got the right one..."


Plum Parsons
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling investigators... It was supposed to be the event of the year you know, and with the money I got offered to make it even more of an event for the history books I couldn't say no and.... Oh, uh.. right to remain silent... heheh I will shut up now hmm'kay?"

Officer Stuart: "Cool story. The judge would love to hear all that juice."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Theatre, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ava: "From OUR season of Mini Mole!"
Ali: "Oh and Sharon was there too!"

Oliver: "I'm more concerned about Wes Johnson on the police squad."
Connie: "He doesn't even go on Sims Reality does he???"
Mama Rox: "Who even IS that Wes Johnson guy to begin with??"

Artie: "Finalement, mon name iz clairé! It wasn't moi, I said eet again et again!"
Willie: "Finally, justice for Artie!"
Min Hee: "Just like I said - the truth revealed itself."

Tybalt: "Time to find out who among you is the Master Investigator... Connie, who did you accuse of being the killer?"
Connie: "Oh... Uhh... Well..."

Connie: "I went with Rose Havas.."
Kassi: "Wait what?"
Tybalt: "Rose is, as we've seen, not the killer. Connie, you can take a step back."
Connie: "... Sorry Kassi."

Tybalt: "Up next... Mama Rox, who did you accuse of being the killer?"
Mama Rox: "Hmm..."

Mama Rox: "I got close but didn't pull it off. I accused me that Evarrine Roland."
Tybalt: "I can see why you would suspect her, but sadly you're not correct. You can take a step back."

Tybalt: "Ali, Ava... who did you accuse of being the killer?"
Ali: "Ohmygawsh that's us."
Kisha: "Idiots, honestly."

Tybalt: "Hmm your case file states that you accused someone else but you. Huh.."
Ava: "Err sorry - we actually accused Plum Parsons!"
Tybalt: "That's more in line with your case file. You can stay there..."

Tybalt: "Only one left... Kassi, who did you accuse of being the killer?"
Kassi: "Oh my..."

Kassi: "I got Plum Parsons too!"
Tybalt: "Exactly - which means we'll have to look at your quiz scores!"

Tybalt: "Kassi, I already revealed that your score is 8. This means that if the twins scored higher than that, they earn the title of Master Investigators..."

Tybalt: "... But if their score is lower, you will be the proud winner of the title of Master Investigator."
Kassi: "Good luck girls..."
Ava: "Good luck to you, too."
Ali: "Aaaah my nerves are killing meeee!"

Tybalt: "I can confirm, Ali and Ava, that your quiz score is, in fact....."


Tybalt: "9! Which means that YOU WON! Congratulations girls!"

Kassi: "Well done girls! Congrats!"
Maddie: "Congrats twins!"
Mama Rox: "Hey girls, remember that time I called you geniuses? Guess my sleuthing was at least good for pointing THAT out, congrats!"
Oliver: "Ooof I should've held my lips more tight.."

Kisha: "Aha, so you're the one who handed it to them on a silver platter?"
Lana: "That's what happens when you put the effort in making genuine ties with the rest. You solve it."
Diane: "We lost, Kisha. At least face yours with class, like the rest of us."
Connie: "Congratulations Ali & Ava! Well done!"
Oliver, Lana and Diane: "Congrats!"

Tybalt: "By the way, before we go and celebrate our amazing Investigative efforts, I got a few more things to show before we can wrap up... First of all - how well did you do during the final challenge?..."

Maddie: "Ooh I was third after Kassi? I'll take it."
Oliver: ".. I really should have kept my mouth shut."
Mama Rox: ".. To be fair if I'm the only one who got 7 wrong I kinda deserve last place, bhahahaha."
Kisha: "I got the most questions right, I should be the winner."
Everyone else: "Kisha, get over it!"

Tybalt: "There's one more thing to take care of... who wants to see those sneaky hidden hints that referred to the killer's identity all along?"
Everyone: "Me!"
Tybalt: "Then grab a seat! Here they come!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Hints
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Several hints were left behind that referred to Plum Parsons as the killer. 

A few of these hints could be found by the Investigators when they successfully finished their Investigations.

For example...

The fingerprint found on the art supplies in the first Investigation. A beginner would just say it's someone's fingerprint.
A more experienced sleuth would link it to The Mole and start their search from there...

But an expert...

They would have figured out that the fingerprint in question was the same as the favicon of The Mole 5's website. This strongly implicates the 14 contestants of that season plus the 2 hosts. 4 out of these 16 people were actually present at the wedding...


As for the second Investigation...

Artie: "Attention, s'il vous plaît.. You remember... ze code, right?"
Willie: "1-4-2-5-0-3..."
Artie: "Eet literally EEZ ze hint to ze killeur's identité!"

1 4 2 5 0 3

14   25   03

Turn these numbers into letters and you get:


New York City.

Our killer apparently has a tie to the Big Apple.

In fact, Plum Parsons is a born and bred New Yorker herself.


Up next is the Hint from the third Investigation.

Everybody's solution to the Murdle was unique to them. All the Suspects, Weapons and Motives got randomised...


Every Investigator's Murdle solution had in common that Professor Plum was in the Storage Room, had the Wrench with them, and was Bribed by Dr Black for their motive.

The Storage Room, also known as the Diary Room, was in fact the place where Odessa got killed.

Min Hee: "Where are you?!"
Willie: "The storage room! Now!"
Min Hee: "I'm coming!"

This Hint puts heavy suspicion on anyone with the name Plum.

Plum Parsons: "Ooh it's my name twin! You won Abnormality right? You did sooo well!"
Plum Love: "Pfft twin? More like you STOLE it from me!"
Plum: "Wait what? What the *plum* do you mean?"
Plum: "I am the one who wears the *plum* name better! You're just a fake *plum* imposter!"


Besides the Hints from the Investigations, there was a good amount of Hints hidden throughout the episodes that refer to Plum.

Hidden in plain sight there was a stash of clothes. In this case, a diving suit, which Plum originally intended to use it to make a quick escape.

How does it link to her? The purple colour, of course.


If Mama Rox was less focused on seeing Janna again, and more focused on what was happening inside, she would have seen Plum walking by Willie and Artie. Seconds later, Plum would sneak down the stairs towards Odessa, ready to pounce.


The crime scene contained a few additional Hints to Plum's identity.

First there is the Drawing Supplies that contained the fingerprint. The fingerprint being on the brush cup was a small red herring. However, among the other drawing supplies was a notepad. Plum, as a journalist, has to use one often when taking notes for her work.


Two more Hints could be found among some of the other items at the crime scene.

One of these items was the purple dress to the left - another reference to Plum's associated colours. 

Then there is the painting with the big apples right behind it. 
Big Apple. New York City. There you go.


Jenson: "Oh, my love... Uh.. you shouldn't have caffeine at 10, it's bad for your health... Especially after a stressful day like this."
Min Hee: "... I know.. sorry..."

Hmm, whose health also suffered badly from having caffeine at 10?

Mason: "On our way to take the quiz, she kept complaining of stomach irritation and she said her ears were ringing. Once we sat down to take it, she began throwing up, and told the camera crew that she needed medical assistance. Medical took her away, we kept taking the quiz, and that was the last we saw of her."

On Episode 10 of her season of The Mole, Plum was removed after her body suddenly started showing most unusual symptoms. How were those symptoms caused?

Apricot: "We tested Plum's vitals and blood after her medical evacuation, and found traces of caffeine overdose."

This scene between Min Hee and Jenson was referring to the circumstances of Plum's exit on The Mole.


*The Jetsetters rumour.. the doors rattle.. but none of them open*

Oliver: "So.. what is that door for?"
Tybalt: "Rumour has it something valuable... But you still need to help your teammates out, first."
Oliver: "Ooh, on it!"

Tybalt: "The tie here is simple: There's been some gossip going around on what exactly is behind that door. The team that unlocks THAT door, earns an extra hint..."

Jenson: "I heard some juicy gossip that my love needs a fruit salad?"
Min Hee: "Wonderful! Thanks dear."

Throughout episode 3, the words 'gossip' and 'rumour' were uttered fairly often. A reference to Plum's specialisation in writing about gossip and rumours.


Also throughout episode 3...

Have you noticed some items that seem a little out of place 
during the scenes after the second Investigation?

Guitar: Killian
Werewolf Teddy: Artie
Bottle of Wine: Georgie
Clive Christian Pure Perfume: Adrian
Blueprints: Rue
Purple Unicorn Stuffed Animal: Mason

These were in fact the personal items the Bloodclaws were keeping with them during the 5th season of The Mole. Only one was not shown that episode.

Artie: "Un stylo and some wash pour ze mouth."
Caden: "That's easy. Pen goes to Plum, and mouthwash, well, Midge. He's all about those gums."

This specific item just happens to be Plum's.


While Jenson was cutting fruits for Min Hee's salad, there's one fruit that's lying apart from the rest. 

The fruit in question? A plum. 

Speaks for itself, I reckon.


Artie: "... Zut.. if only moi could get mon griffes sanglantes on zat killeur's neck..."

Griffes sanglantes. The French term for: 'Bloody claws'.

A reference to Plum's original team on her Mole season.

Brent: "So let's get on with it! The members of BLOODCLAW have red tattoos representing claw marks. Those people are..... Adrian, Georgie, Killian, Mason, Artie...""

Brent: "Plum and Rue."

Looks like she's caught literally red-handed, even.


Look at what exactly Tybalt's writing tool is - a Purple Pen!

Which just happens to be the name of Plum's gossip column.


The final hint was passed on by none other than Tybalt himself!

Tybalt: "But overall, if you perceived that killer's trails and auras well, they'll show you their true colour! Now.. good luck finding the final crumbs that lead you down the correct path."

Auras? Showing you their true colour?

Plum: "I also have synesthesia, this weird condition that makes me see colors in noises and words, and names and stuff. Cool, huh?"

Plum: "Oh, splendid! So far I am quite delighted with all of my teammates. They all have such vivid colors to them… Killian is a deep blue color, like the sky. I can tell he is very charismatic, and idyllic. I look forward to getting to know him. I am definitely getting fuchsia from Georgie. She has a very maternal aura to her and fuchsia just seems to be the perfect fit for her. I do worry, however, that she may be a bit of a sycophant, trying to kiss up to the Mole.. Rue is a bit of a pastel yellow… somewhat meek and muted but still quite cute. I feel like he might be ostracized from the group a little bit, but I’m willing to assist him! Next we have Mason, who is a gloomy grey color. I’m sorry, but I don’t feel like I have much to say about him. He seems quite fastidious, although I’m sure we’ll find out soon now, right? Now Adrian, pardon my French, seems like a real douche. I’m getting some red vibes from him. I need to watch out for him. He seems a bit glib. And then lastly we have Artie Stique! Honestly, being around her makes me want to throw up… so many colors coming from one woman, and not to mention her thick accent. As of right now she is my top suspect for the Mole, but on the flipside I do look quite forward to getting to know her. Now! Onto Tribe Viper-"
Camera Guy: "There’s more!? How much do you talk???"

It was another reference to Plum all along! 


Those were all the hints that nudged you towards the real identity of the killer of Odessa Wolff.
Which ones did you spot? 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Port, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tybalt: "Time to say our goodbyes to the Jetsetter for now.."

Ali: "Wait Ava, I think I'm having a daysha vu here..."

Ali: "We've been on this beach before I think."
Ava: "Wait.. you're right! This was from Mini Mole!"


Ava: "Hold up a minute there!"
Taiha: "Woah. Woah. Calm down Ava!"


Lana: "Well, I guess the world on land is really small..."
Artie: "Vusn't this ze first realité show zhing with les twins that finished actuallé?
Rep: "Yeah it was lol! Talk about bookends!"

Tybalt: "It's kinda fitting, isn't it? That the place where you got robbed years ago now turned into the place where you got your redemption story."
Ava: "Uh.. and what does 'redempshun' mean?"
Oliver: "A comeback story, basically."
Ali: "Wait, robbed? Taiha was a cat burglar?!"

Kisha: "The only person here robbed was ME."
Diane: "My dear... For goodness sake!"
Dockhatt: "Lightning bombs, lady we get yer petty cranked ego already!"
Connie: "You know what let's just ignore her. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all."


*Crickets chirp*

*A vague thud is heard in the background*

Ali: "... What was that?"
Lana: "I dunno, those chirky sounds don't play under the sea.."

*A louder thud is heard*

Lana: "Ooh.. uuhh."

*The thuds get louder*

Willie: "Wait... that sounds.. too familiar to me..."

Ali: ".. I guess it's nothing."
???: "OKAY, WHERE IS HE!!!"

???: "WHERE is that guy who locked up BOTH my daughter AND my best friend in that DAMN vampire room?!?!"
Tybalt: "..."

Willie: "Mum?! What are YOU doing here?!"

Artie: "Ericaaa! Bonjooouuur! Over 'ere! It's MOI! ARTIE! Yoohoo!!!"
Maddie: "Look out for my face."
Artie: "Oh, excusez-moi."

Mama Rox: "So uhh, who's that?"
Connie: "Erica Wolff, first lady of Moonlight Falls."
Diane: "A first lady right?"
Connie: "Yup. Her husband's family founded the town."

Erica: "Hnnngh.. It was YOU wasn't it? White suit man?"
Tybalt: "Uhh... They were murder suspects though..."

Erica: "So it WAS you.. why didn't you send them over to a hotel?"
Tybalt: "Uhh... Any backup?"

Willie: "Mum please calm down!"

Erica: "Hush, not now Willie-paw, mummy's in a rage right now."

Willie: "Mum, no, you're embarrassing me!"

Erica: "... Wait.."

Tybalt: "AAAH!"
Willie: "... Well shit it's happened again..."

Rep: "Well that happened. Lol."
Connie: "He should be alright.. hopefully."
Ali: "Hahah ohmygawsh Ava, that's just like Tom and Jerry!"
Ava: "Ohmygawsh, we should rewatch those DVDs again tonight!"

Min Hee: "Before you grab the movies girls, I got something for you..."

Min Hee: "Normally Tybalt would've done this buuut well.. Thank you a lot for helping us solve the heartless murder of our beloved Odessa. May she rest in peace... 

As a token of my gratitude and as a reward for your services I'd like to grant you §25.000."

Ava: "Ohmygawsh Ali you know what THAT means?!"
Ali: "More Tom & Jerry DVDs?!"
Ava: "... Aaand?!"
Ava: "SHOPPING!!!"

Ali & Ava: "EEEEEEEH!"

Artie: "Vell.. zat experience in ze chambre vampiré was un bit.. traumatisée..."

Artie: "But I zhink I can take zhat with ze moi for un painting.. I zhink I got un idée vut to do... And perchance moi could give eet as un dedication to Odessa?"
Jenson: "I like that gesture Artie.. why not?"

Kisha: "Mmph I coulda been rich..."
Rep: "Uh Kisha? What are you doing there?"

Kisha: "I'm an ostrich. Head in the sand."
Rep: "I noticed. I guess you do stick to your word then."
Kisha: "I'll shut up from now on."

Maddie: "Sometimes, children, life is hard on you. But remember kids, behind every cloud is the sun. We lost Odessa.. but we kept her memory alive."
Lana: "Poor Odessa.. I do wonder.. what if she was still around?"
Kassi: "I'm sure that Odessa's soul is in a better place now..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Valleyton Hotel, Sunset Valley
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Officer Stuart: "Okay, careful. Don't let her escape."

Officer Johnson: "I got me a patrol at the school precinct, I can foot it."
Officer Stuart: "Noted. We got this situation under control now."

Plum: "Hey, careful, those cuffs are tight!"
Officer George: "Sorry. Can't allow any risk."

*Officer Stuart opens the door. Plum and Officer George enter the car.*

Plum: "Ughh... So close."

Plum: "... Wait, isn't the police station THAT way?"

A heavily edited voice: "Yes... but we're making a small fun detour."
Plum: "Wait.. what? Who are you?"

???: "Your 'client', so to speak. The one who offered you money to do the job."

Plum: "You!"
???: "Yes, me... And I'm sorry. Because you found yourself in this position..."

???: "... I cannot give you anything but the minimum payment, as per our contract."
Plum: "Oh shucks."

Plum: ".. But.. what brings you here? Why would the cops even allow you to drive this thing?"


???: "That's because they're working with ME!"
Plum: "..."


Odessa: "Did you REALLY think I would actually have myself actually KILLED

Plum: "Welp.. guess that cat's out of the bag now."
Odessa: "Me, Min Hee, Tybalt, Jenson, Dockhatt, Rep, Willie.. even Artie. They were all in on it!
Just not sure what the Investigators would think once they see my face again."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Lounge Room, Lone Wolff Manor
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Min Hee: "Aah..."

Min Hee: "Time to rewind after some heavy days..."

*The door bells rings*

Min Hee: "Hmm."

Min Hee: "Now who could that be?"

Min Hee: "Hello, may I help you?"
???: "Hello Min Hee."

???: "It's been a while hasn't it?"
Min Hee: "Wait.. YOU?!"

???: "You remember me?"
Min Hee: "BUT!!... HOW?!"

???: "... It's a long story. One you'd have been involved in if history went a bit differently..."
Min Hee: "... I.. I need a drink first."

'Miss Tereya': "Let's have some water. I remember you were always bad with anything alcoholic."


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kassi: "Hey guys why wait when you can walk on air!"

Oliver: "Whee! This is fun!"
Everyone else: "..."

Lenka: "yaWwwWaAaWwwww!!"
Mama Rox: "I don't mean to ruin the mood but is the Fox alright?"
Min Hee: "Oh dear she didn't take Odessa's death well."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Word of gratitude
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This is Vul speaking/writing and first of all I'd like to give a huge thank you to:

 All of the real life  players of The Wedding, for their time, effort and pretty clever sleuthing. It is amusing to see you try out different trains of thought, some close and some way off, but the one thing that thrills me the most is seeing someone think into the one correct solution.
That is the moment that TRULY glues me to the screen to encourage you on and on behind the scenes, and is what may be one of the very most joyful experiences of creating and hosting these stories. Without you I could've never written The Wedding like it is now.

And last but not least: 
Thank you for reading The Wedding.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
End of The Wedding
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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