29 April 2015

Episode 1 - A New Beginning

Pigeon Rock. The island, founded by Rflong7, where some time ago a cruiser left the port. A cruiser, which was later known as the Cruise from Hell. Luckily, a few faces, young Miss Odessa Wolff and Min Hee Ni succeeded to survive the evil and tell the tale to the world. To keep the memory of the less fortunate souls alive, the two decided to create a reality show based upon the situation on the cruise. A reality show which from now on would be known as Jetset...

12 Sims attend a cruise on the new ship, the Jetsetter, which will go on its way to a for now unknown destination. On their trip, they will face Challenges, on which they have to work together and trust eachother to successfully complete them, so they can earn money. However, one of them is a piece of scum, absolutely not to be trusted: the Assassin.

The Assassin will try to thwart the genuine players on the Challenges, to prevent money from being earned and, more important, clues towards their identity from being leaked. After each challenge, the Assassin will Nominate some of the cruise attendees for Elimination. Each player will then proceed with their Ranking: they have to pick their top 3 of Assassin suspects. Then, the Assassin will charge: they will Eliminate one of the other players from the cruise and send them back home.

This will go on until it's time for the finale. The remainder of the players, including the Assassin, will go back to the Grand Finale. There, all the players, including the Eliminated players, will vote one last time on the Assassin, followed by their big reveal. In the end, the money won during the Challenges will be devided over the players, based upon their rankings throughout the season.



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Pigeon Rock Port
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*The contestants arrive at the port. They all approach the Jetsetter...*

Hector: "Aha. There our beauty is!"
Janna: "Indeed. The Jetsetter looks even more stunning in real than on camera."

Diane: "Hey, don't push. You should stay in line, my dear."
Connie: "Oh, er, s- sorry..."
Salma: "Err..."

HEALTH-E: "Please, could you wait a second for me? I am feeling a bit rusty at the moment."
Kain: "Hey you all, could you please be nice wait for this rusty old robot?"
Edmund: "Hmm, not for now."

Roxanne: "Yo! I'm gonna go for it!"
Jason: "Me too!"
Olive: "I'll go pop here for too!"

Edmund: "I beg you pardon, but that is not a correct English expression.."
Olive: "Oopsie. Sorry, I am not from an Englishspeaking country."
Jason: "It's okay. Where are you from then?"
Olive: "I'm Dutch. You know, the little frogcountry near England."
Jason: "Hey, sounds cool."
Edmund: "But I've heard... Isn't English mandatory to graduate from high school there?"
Olive: "Euh..."
Hector: "Sir, please take it easy on her, 'kay?"

Janna: "Hey guys, it's so good to meet you all!"
Kain: "Yes, thank you. It'll be my pleasure to meet you regular people as well."
Diane: "Thank you..."
Kain: "You're welcome."
Diane: "Grrr-"
Salma: "ANYway, does anybody of you read the Bridgport Star?"
Roxanne: "I do. You're a columnist, aren't ya?"
Salma: "Yup."
Janna: "Cool!"
Diane: "Wait, I'm counting only 11 faces around here... Someone's missing..."
Roxanne: "That's no good."

Blane: "Sorry I lost you, I had to go to the loo..."
Connie: "Oh, hi, er, you did wash your hands, right?"
Blane: "Don't worry. They're clean as a whistle."
Connie: "Ah, phew. Great."
Blane: "So, looking forward to this?"
Connie: "Eh, yes, I am... Thank you for asking."
Blane: "You're welcome."

HEALTH-E: "Come on everybody, I think we should not let the boat wait. Lets go!"

*HEALTH-E goes to enter the boat. The others follow him*

Salma: "The Back Deck's this way, I believe. I remember Min Hee calling to say we had to wait there."
Roxanne: "True."
HEALTH-E: "I stored that information as well."
Connie: "Twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four..."
*Connie continues to count the stair steps*

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Back Deck
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Roxanne: "Sooo... Now we're just sitting here."
Jason: "I guess we'll have to wait and see..."
Janna: "I wish there were some extra chairs here."

Diane: "Look around dear, there are plenty of sunbeds around here."
Janna: "But then I'm sitting all alone. I don't wanna be alone for now."
Edmund: "Well then, you're a strapping young lady who is strong enough to move one yourself."
Janna: "... Okay..."

Hector: "Come on guys, don't go and stir things up already. We barely know eachother's names!"

*Connie sighs. She is nervous*
Blane: "Relax. Min Hee and Odessa will come any minute now..."
Kain: "He, the man in blue, has a point. Shouldn't we introduce ourselves?"

Olive: "Indeed. You go first?"
Salma: "Sure. My name is-"
???: "Ahem."
*Everybody looks up at the place where the cough came from*

Odessa: "Hello everybody and welcome to the Jetsetter!-"
Min Hee: "-Odessa..-"
Odessa: "- Please take a look at the other faces around-"
Min Hee: "-Odessa!-"
Odessa: "-you, and especially look deep into the eyes of everybody around you...-"
Min Hee: "Odessa!"
Odessa: "Oh, er sorry! What's up?"

*The players on the Back Deck are awkwardly silent*

Min Hee: "Well, I think it indeed is handy to let everybody introduce themselves first before moving on."
Odessa: "Oh, er, whoopsies! You're right."
Everybody: "... Okay..."

*Introductions. DRE's. Several things in the story are written by the Real-Life players in the story, whose actions are represented by the contestant Sims. To show that the creator of a Sim on the Jetsetter originally wrote a DRE, introduction or something similar, the text is written in italics.*

Salma: "So, hi, my name is Salma Guerrero. I'm a paper columnist from Bridgeport. Some of you may have seen my girlfriend, Shay Andrews, on Castaway: Isla Paradiso. I'm still a bit miffed over how she was elimination over a random drawing of all things. She was doing so good! I still think she would have won if not for that dumb rock! Anyways, I'm getting sidetracked... What I really should be saying is just how much I'm looking forward forward to this. So here goes. I'm really looking forward to this!"
- By Worldofdrakan

Olive: "Hello folks! My name is Olive Kropp, pleased to meet you all. I guess I am into a lot of stuff, lots of interests. Like Opera and mashed potatoes. And boats! We all have that in common, right? Anyway, just trying to, erm, chug along. Earn my keep. And to have fun obviously, I mean, what is this if it doesn't make our lives better? So what's interesting about me? I have a four octave range. I am from the Netherlands. Um, yeah. That's about it." 

- By Skelda

Jason: "Nice to meet you. My name's Jason."

- By Lovesstorms

Kain: "My name is Kain Henderson, the one and only. You've probably heard of me. My father runs the most influential university in all of Sim Nation. I can see that you're impressed by that small tidbit about my life. What you probably also know is that I am one of the most influential twentyfour year olds in the world. Not that I'm bragging or anything, but I have won A LOT of awards for my work in politics. I might just become the first guy to become president without having to make my way up the ladder. Who cares about all those rules? I am of course, always the exception to every rule." *Kain winks* "Anyway, nice to meet you regular people. It's your pleasure to meet my acquaintance."

- By ThePartySim

 Janna: "Hello girls and guys…  You can call me Janna if you wish… I’m so excited to know all of you better and I’m so excited to be on this ship… This is my first trip around the world… And I’m so excited about it…. Did I tell you?"
- By Alleenmens

Edmund: "Hello all! My name is Edmund Van Allen and I am assured you have heard of me! I am, yes, the very successful designer of furniture for Van Allen's Decor Company! You may marvel in my presence! I will provide you all with a little parting gift as you all leave! From the heart of me! I will no doubt be here until the end! I look forward to this journey upon us all!"
- By HayloHusky

Diane: "Hey, would you please get your hand out of my face?"

Diane: "Thank you. My name is Miss Diane White. Or simply, Miss White. Most of you may know me for my work in many defined restaurants, but to put it to you simply, I am no maid. Nor am I hunting for a new fur coat, as many believe. My father once recalled to me 'Diane, don't let the past define you, let the future decide on how you will live it.' My childhood fame may be my past, but dearie, this is my future. After his death, I lost all hope in recovering from the loss, you see, I never knew my mother, so life without a parent was honorably tough, but my dears, I moved on and after spending several years travelling the fine country side of France and Belgium, Miss White has returned home to enjoy the time she has left. Maybe, with my divine winnings, I can visit the great country of the Netherlands. Thank you for this time, and just to clarify, I am no maid."
- By Tigerblu11

Roxanne: "Why hello everyone, my name is Roxanne 'Mothertrucking' Quinlan. You can all call me Mama Rox though if you want. I cannot wait to see how this season goes, I love me a murder mystery and now that I'm involved in one, I'm gonna get my little spy pad out and take them notes down faster than a fat chick at a buffet. I wish you all a good game and good luck, oh and if you're the Assassin, I'm gonna find you honey!"

- By KingSmarties

Hector: "Greetings. My name is Hector, nice to meet you all. The only thing you need to know about me is that I'm a recovered alcoholic and been sober for over 10 years. I currently live in Denmark, in a loft by myself. I have a huge respect and appreciation for dolphins, as you can probably figure out by my name, which I changed legally recently. I am an outspoken activist for Dolphin and other marine life, except for giant squids. They are the devil's pets. But I won't get into that. I despise marine zoos that trap and hold dolphins and whales against their will. It's sickening. Every living being should be free. Those that try to take the freedom of others should be punished accordingly. But anyway. I am also a motivational speaker about living your life to the fullest, in case you were wondering exactly where I get my wealth from. I look forward to getting to know you all better.
- By Turner

Blane: "Hey, I'm the famous fashion designer Blane Scales. I create killer outfits that the world adores! I can see some of you wearing my designs. I also model for my own company,Blane Co.  Don't let my good looks fool you, I'm also one of the biggest donates in 3rd world country support and think we should all lend a helping hand."
- By Ninjakid150

Connie: "Hello, everyone. My name is Connie Mouskouri. I am from Moonlight Falls and I enjoy cooking a lot. Looking forward to getting to know more about you guys."
- By Chococub

HEALTH-E: "Hello I am HEALTH-E. I can be your personal healthcare companion. Any injury you ended having, I can think of a way to fix it."
- By x_MG_x

Odessa: "Yup. Now we got that done, it is time to move on for the next step! We are going to distribute the keys of the rooms to you. Please follow us for further instructions..."
Min Hee: "So, I guess it might be practical if we try and get down there. Please hang on..."

Kain: "Well, it's taking quite some time with the two of them."
Jason: "Relax. It's their first day hosting the show as well."

HEALTH-E: "So Salma, what are you doing on your cellphone?"
Salma: "Oh, just updating my- wait a sec! You know it's rude to peek at other's business?!"
HEALTH-E: "Oh, er, I  am very sorry! I completely apologize for this bad behavior."
Min Hee: "So. There we are everybody. Sorry for the long wait, Odessa couldn't resist taking her new friend with her."
Odessa: "Come on, she's just so cute as heck!"

???: "Yip yip!"
Min Hee: "True indeed."

Blane: "Oh my! Look what a sweet lil' fox!"

Odessa: "Yup. Everybody, this is Lenka. Named after the singer. Say hello to everyone, Lenka."
Lenka: "Yip yip!"
Blane: "Foxes are my favourite animals!"

Blane: "Hello, little friend. How are you?"

Lenka: "Yip, yip yawoo."
Odessa: "Looks like she's already making new friends..."

Janna: "Nice, but I'm thinking, it is not a good idea to take a wild animal on a boat, now is it? Is it actually even legal?"

Diane: "Well, you have got a point there, young miss..."
Min Hee: "Lenka comes from a long line of foxes bred in capacity especially for the purpose of domestication. So yes, it is not a good idea to take wild animals as a pet, but she is born with tame genes, like a cat compared to a tiger. It's all okay."
Janna: "Interesting. Good to know. And by the way, you can call my Janna." 
*Janna winks to Diane*

Odessa: "So without further ado, please follow us to the library."

Roxanne: "Comin' through."
Kain: "Wait for me!"
Diane: "Don't forget me too!"
Hector *muttering to himself*: "Like we will..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Odessa: "The library... It's fine if you get overwhelmed, but please don't be for too long. Please go stand around the golden table if you're ready."

Diane: "No way... This looks even better than what we saw on the tour episode..."
Jason: "Yup. You've got a point."

Min Hee: "It works like this: first, I'll put down the keys on the table. Do NOT touch them before they all are lying there, or else you'll get kicked off the boat before you can even say Jetset. Protocol, you know, everybody needs a fair chance to get a certain key."

Odessa: "But before you mindlessly snatch a key, please try to look straight into the other's eyes. Maybe, just maybe, you're able to figure out who the Assassin is before the very first Challenge actually begins."

*Min Hee puts down the final key on the table. Everybody is now eligible to pick one.*

*Diane immediately snatches the key to the Cloud Room*

Diane: "MINE! I love the pure looks of that place. No one touch my clouds!"

*Edmund and Jason quickly reach for the key to the Modern Room. Edmund is first though.*
Edmund: "This one please..."
Jason: "Shoot... I guess I'll wait for that other one..."

*Connie quietly picks the key to the Green Colonial Room*

Connie: "Er, can I take the Green Colonial Room? Everything I've seen so far looks really nice..."
Jason: "Oh, there it was..."
Connie: "Oh, er, would you like this one? I can give it to you..."
Jason: "Well, no, you are first to take it. I think I'll stick with what room is left instead."
Connie: "Oh..."

*HEALTH-E takes the key to the Cat Room*

HEALTH-E: "I think this one will do it."

*Janna's eye suddenly falls onto the key to the Fairy Room.*

Janna: "Eep!"
*Janna quickly snatches the key*
Janna: "Cool, I love the free feeling of that room."

*After considering it for a few moments, Salma goes and takes the key to the Rose Room*

Salma: "That one looks like it should smell like a dream."
Roxanne: "You got a talent with them words."
Salma: "Thank you Roxanne."
Roxanne: "You're welcome."

*Roxanne decides to go for the key to the Tropical Room*

Roxanne: "This one's gonna do the trick for Mama Rox."

*Blane takes the key to the Luxury's Lap Room*

Blane: "I think this one would be nice..."

*Olive looks at the keys left and bites the bullet: she gets herself the key to the Mission Room*

Olive: "That one seems for me like the most normal one left..."
Janna: "Come on, what is wrong with themed rooms?"

*Hector picks the key to the Werewolf Room*

Hector: "I'll take the Werewolf Room."

*Odessa smiles and winks at Hector*

*Kain and Jason look eachother into the eyes*
Jason: "Well, it's your choice now."
Kain: "Nope. I refuse to leave somebody else with one choice left."
Jason: "That's very noble of you, but no. You may pick one."
Kain: "Well, guess we have another noble person in here. Which is good, considering how selfish mankind can be these days. But no, I still refuse."

Diane: "Come on, we haven't got all day."
Roxanne: "I wanna see my sauna today, please..."
Blane: "... Okay..."

Jason: "I guess it's more noble to keep this thing going."

*Jason picks the Witch Room, leaving the Vampire Room for Kain. Kain first looks surprised for a second, after which he refits his attitude*

Kain: "Well, I'm impressed by such nobleness coming from the regular class, I really am!"
Jason: "... Thank you, I guess... not."

Min Hee: "12 keys in the hands of 12 players, we're done here! Time to go for the rooms downstairs."
Lenka: "Yip!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Bedroom Hallway
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Min Hee: "Oh... We forgot about him."
Odessa: "Dear contestants, can I please have your attention? This is your captain for the trip..."

Odessa: "Captain Leonnardd Dockhatt."

Odessa: "Are you okay, Captain Dockhatt?"

Captain Dockhatt: "As 'okay' as a Titanic who just hugged an iceberg, yer young lass. I just tripped over my dang own feet! Guess I'll go to my hut before history repeats itself..."

*Captain Dockhatt quickly tramps away*

Min Hee: "He indeed is a bit rough at first glance. Just don't judge this book by his cover, his heart is the one of a true seaman."

Odessa: "So, and for now, the big moment is here. Your keys are numbered as well, so you should know which door is yours. Now, if everybody would please wait in front of theirs..."

*The players look for their door and wait in front of them*

Odessa: "Yes, it is time! You may now unlock your doors and move in to your new home for the coming time."

Odessa: "Twelve people just entered their rooms... A few of them will be lucky enough to get to stay there for nearly 3 weeks. One of them however, is not so lucky and will leave the cruise soon already. And by soon we mean... tomorrow."
Min hee: "But who the unlucky player will be, is partially in their own grasp. Depending on their strategy during the coming Challenge and their suspicions they use in the Ranking, everybody has a fair chance to safe their own game. It's up to their choices in the situations they get in which will be a prominent factor. But in the end, the Assassin gets the final say in the identity of the player awaiting that fate."
Odessa: "But that's stuff we'll see tomorrow... First, we'll allow our contestants to enjoy their rooms."

*Everybody has entered their room during the speech Min Hee and Odessa held for the audience*

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Rose Room
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Salma: "Crud... I really wish Salma was here with me..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Cat Room
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

HEALTH-E: "This shall be a great place to stay."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Werewolf Room
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hector: "It could've been more marine, but this is fine as well..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Luxury's Lap Room
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Blane: "This one was based on the original bedrooms, they said?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Witch Room
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jason: "Ooh, mysterious. Something which would definitely fit with Lucky Ducky Roger's wife, I believe..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Tropical Room
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Roxanne: "Hey, there ya are, my private sauna! Nice... Gonna enjoy this all..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Cloud Room
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Diane: "It is mine, it is all mine... Wonderful."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Fairy Room
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Janna: "This is such an exciting room!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Green Colonial Room
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Connie: "It looks so neat, great!"

*Connie closes the door twice before entering her room further*

Connie: "Hey, there's an easel over there. Excellent!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Mission Room
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Olive: "East west, home best! I'm going to make it here."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Modern Room
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Edmund: "Tight and neat, just what a gentleman like me needs."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Vampire Room
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kain: "I must say, this is looking quite up to my class."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Captain's Hut
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Captain Dockhatt *through the intercom*: "Hello everybody, this is your captain speaking. I am proud to announce you that this cruise will set sail in 3, 2, 1..."

*Captain Dockhatt turns on the engine. He sails the Jetsetter towards the open sea, in the direction of new adventures yet unknown for our contestants...*

Everybody: "Yaaay!" 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Salma: "Oooh, this is just too exciting! I've never been on a cruise before, and I'm already loving it here! I really wish Shay could have came with me, though. I miss her already. Oh well, at least I brought my laptop with me so I can Skype her. I'm sure my blog followers would like to know how things are going, too."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Diane: "Hello my dear, I'm hoping we didn't bring in the computer here for any of that noisy gaming, I assume?"
Salma: "Nope. Just here to work on my blog. I've promised my followers to keep them updated on everything in here."
Diane: "Good. I'm not letting any soul coming in take my quiet hour of pure literature away from me for no good reason."

Salma: "Hmm... I'm sorry if I'm wrong to ask, but..."
Diane: "Yes?"
Salma: "Well, I am thinking, maybe it'd be interesting if I would interview some of my fellow Jetsetters..."
Diane: "Hmm... Fellow Jetsetters? So you do NOT think of me as the maid?"
Odessa *through the intercom*: "Jetsetters, we're gonna keep that one! Thank you Salma!"

Salma: "Oh, I guess you're welcome, Odessa. And, nope Diane, you're not the maid to me."
Diane: "Well, I guess it cannot hurt then."

*Diane stands up, puts her book away and heads toward Salma*

Salma: "Really? Awesome! It's going to be great!"

Diane: "Hmm... Where to start.."
Salma: "Okay, to begin: what was the reason you signed up for the show?"
Diane: "For the money, obviously..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Front Deck
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hector: "PRRR-WOOO!!!"
Janna: "Whoa!"

Janna: "Hey, please look out!"
Hector: "Oops! Sorry."

Olive: "And that's why I'd rather not jump there in yet."
Roxanne: "True. I like them swimming more at sunset. Water looks so magical then..."
Olive: "Water in sunset looks very nice, yes. We indeed should go and try for a dive tonight..."
Roxanne: "Lets do it!"

Jason: "Hey, I must say, your tattoo looks way cool."
Hector: "Thanks, it is very personal to me...  Dolphins just represent everything I stand for. You know, freedom, friendship, the whole wide ocean... They can be a symbol for anything good if you think about it."
Jason: "Dolphins are lovely animals. I'm more into horses though. I've been running my family's ranch for 5 years now and believe me, the tough times I've had are worth the results."

Roxanne: "Now that's cool! ... By the way, Olive, you do know that I'm fully gonna go for this whole Jetset game."
Olive: "Yes..."
Roxanne: "Ya look like a good gal to me. Should we team up for them rollercoaster we're gonna be in?"
Olive: "Hmm, I thought this was a boat..."
Roxanne: "Nooo, the game, you silly."
Olive: "Oh, the Assassin hunt! Yeah, I think I want to go in sea with you."
Roxanne: "Yeah, right."

Janna (whispering): "Hey guys, I just overheard Roxanne and Olive; they're teaming up for the game. Whattya think, us three together too?"
Hector: "Seems fine to me."
Jason: "The three of us together's a deal to me!"
Janna: "Excellent. Where to discuss this further?"
Hector: "We'll see... I'll gather you after the first Challenge, kay?"
Jason: "Fine to me."

Olive (whispering): "Aah, how wonderfully loud Jason's voice is..."
Roxanne: "Hmm, do you think they have heard us as well?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Blane: "There we go. A fresh Martini Tropicana."
Edmund: "Excellent. Perfect to celebrate our first day here."
Blane: "That's the trick, you see."
Edmund: "Right.."

*As Blane pours some the cocktails, Connie comes out of the lavatory. She has cleaned in there*

Blane: "Hey Connie, want one as well?"
Connie: "Oh, err no, I'd rather not. Plus... I still have some cleaning to do in the other bathroom..."
Blane: "Oh well. It's okay."
Edmund: "That's one extra for me."

Connie: "Erm, just don't drink too many. It'd be... horrible if anybody gets sick on the first day on the boat... The horror..."

*Connie shivers, then enters the other lavatory. She closes the door twice*

Edmund: "2 drinks wouldn't make me throw up, right?"
Blane: "Yes... But I'm wondering. Why would Connie clean up toilets which have yet to be used?"
Edmund: "Now that's a good question. And the answer's clear: er, how do we know the previous owner of this ship did clean up after themself?"

Blane: "Maybe... But how do we know for sure if this cruise was owned by somebody else first?"
Edmund: "If that's the way you're going, age has it's effects too..."
Blane: "Not sure either. Everything here seems pretty new to me."
Edmund: "You never know. I'm an expert on furniture, sonny. These days it's as easy as pie to make anything aged look fresh again."

Blane: "But still."
Edmund: "I'm the expert, of course I am the one who knows how this all works."
Blane: "Well, I guess so..."

Blane: "... But, I gotta go now."
Edmund: "Huh, why?"
Blane: "Oh, just got to do something..."

Edmund: "Hmm, well, it's your loss..." Blane, you're noted on my list.
Min Hee *through the intercom*: "Jetsetters! Please make sure to be in your own rooms in 30 minutes! The first Challenge will commence then."
Edmund: "Okay, but... How to check on the others if we're all apart?..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
15 minutes later...
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Connie: "Time to go to my room... Although... I still have 15 minutes... I could try it..."

*Connie enters the Diary Room*

Connie: "Okay Connie, here goes..."

*Connie sits down on the sofa. She doesn't say anything before looking around the room aimlessly*

Connie: "So I guess it will give me enough privacy at the moment... I do appreciate this painting very much though."

*Connie smiles embarrassedly*

Connie: "I am glad there's an easel in my room..."

*Connie takes a deep breath*

Connie: "Alright, I am a bit nervous now... I, I am not sure if I can befriend other guests on board especially after they have noticed some of my problems. This is indeed an awesomely-built cruise and I am truly impressed by the splendid spa area downstairs, even though it might take me some time to do the cleaning so I will need extra help... but I have to remake my bed first."

*Connie leaves the Diary Room quietly. She closes the door twice*

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Another 15 minutes later...
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Odessa *through the intercom*: "Okay everybody, is everybody in their own room?"
Everybody: "Yes!"
Odessa: "Great! Lets start your very first Challenge... right now. Please remove the sheets off of the mystery object in your rooms."

*All the Jetsetters remove the sheets. A painting easel is revealed*

Odessa: "Well, as you can see, each and every one of you has their own easel, including a picture of a moment on the original Cruise. As you can see, Min Hee's back is in plain view of you, as well as it is in Rudolph Peatman's view."
Min Hee: "Errr..."

Odessa: "Our late Rudolph was known for both his culinary creativity as he was for his cowardry. It is your Challenge to use your imagination to make up something which would scare him..."
Min Hee: "I'm really not sure whether I like the direction this is going to..."

Odessa: "Obviously, you will try and realize your scary idea by painting it right on Min Hee's back. Try to do it as neat as possible."
Min Hee: "Yup. I was afraid that would happen..."

Odessa: "What's going to happen next, you ask? Obviously you are going to rank the other's paintings... But there will be a twist in the game... And we won't tell you what this gimmick exactly will be..."

Odessa: "Everybody got it?"
Everybody: "Yes!"
Odessa: "Well then, lets begin!"

Edmund: "A creativity contest... Of course I have to win this... Hmm... Ah, that's a good idea..."
*Edmund begins to paint*

Hector: "Heheh, I'm feeling sorry for doing this to Min Hee, heheheh..."

Diane: "Painting... Not exactly my cup of tea, but it does the trick... Now what is scary enough?"

HEALTH-E: "I have to be careful. I do not want to get a bad case of rust due to the paint..."

Olive: "Een kloddertje roze hiiieeerrr! Een kloddertje roze daaaaaaarrr!"

Kain: "Voila. And here a bit..."

Blane: "Hmm, looking good... But, wait no. That's all wrong!"

Blane: "Ugh, now I can start all over again... Grrr..."

*Out of anger of his non-perfect painting, Blane throws the easel away*

Blane: "Graaaaawwr!"

Min Hee: "Blane, what was that all about?!"
Blane: "Oh, wait, I'm sorry! I just, yeah, I'm a little bit perfectionistic..."

Min Hee: "Okay... Do you want a new one to start over?"
Blane: "What, yes of course. Phew."
Min Hee: "Just remember the only thing you need to do for the next time is to ask, okay?"
Blane: "Sure."
*Min Hee sends a Production team to bring a new beginning painting to Blane*

*One by one, everybody hands in their painting. Just as the final one is in, Min Hee and Odessa call out the Jetsetters for the conclusion of this part of the Challenge*

Min Hee: "At the moment, your 12 paintings are being stylistically framed. This evening they will be hung in this Bedroom Hallway for you to see, admire and already make an mental ranking. Keep your eye out for them!"
Odessa: "But, because there always is one, there are some twists. One of them includes that you can't submit any rankings to us in the Diary Room before 6AM the next morning. At 10AM, every rating must be sent in as well, so we can do the calculations. The final result will be announced at noon."

Min Hee: "And now, the interesting stuff comes. Your goal as a group is to keep the Assassin out of the top 3 in the total rating. If you succeed, your final winnings will get $100.000 added, plus, you will earn yourselves a Hidden Clue leasing to the Assassin's identity. Also, everybody who scores a total of 85 points or higher wins Immunity against Nomination. If you fail, however, the money goes to the Assassin's private account."

Odessa: "The Clue will be lost as well in that case. So, of course you want to work together, crack the case and make sure the Assassin scores low. Or not, if you wish so. Just remember, that he or she might have a few tricks in their sleeves, to stir things up a little bit. But for now, good luck!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*Diane comes into the kitchen. She notices Connie doing some cooking already*

Diane: "Oh, hello."
Connie: "Whoa!"

*As a result of being startled, Connie nearly cuts her own finger*

Connie: "Oh gosh, sorry, er, I didn't hear you coming..."
Diane: "Oops... I'm sorry dear."

Connie: "It's okay..."
Diane: "I guess so.  What exactly are you cooking?"
Connie: "Ceviche..."

*Diane gets a few vegetables and some salmon out of the fridge*

Diane: "Okay. I'm cooking some salmon then. For a bit variety."

*Diane closes her eyes and cuts the vegetables blindly, to show off to the audience*

Diane: "I guess I'll have to cut the ice then... So, you told us before you do like cooking?"
Connie: "Yes... It feels very relaxing to me..."

*Connie adds a bit of spice to her ceviche*

Connie: "It calms me down..."
Diane: "Sounds nice. I've been nicknamed "the maid" before in life. Something I am disagreeing with. But if I had to pick one task, then it'd be the cooking."

Connie: "Sounds interesting... Should I make the dessert as well?"
Diane: "That sounds fine to me."
Connie: "Hmm... Maybe I should bake a lemon-cream pie..."

Diane: "Yum. Say Connie, can I make a small proposal to you?"
Connie: "Er.. okay... What can I help you with?"

*Diane throws a piece of salmon up in the air and stylishly catches it with her spatula*

Diane: "Well, why won't the two of us work together hunting down that Assassin? I mean, I assume we will spend quite some time in the kitchen together, so we can exchange our information here, right?"
Connie: "Hmm, I don't know..."

Diane: "Well then, if you have made up your mind, feel free to tell me later."

Connie: "Hmm, er, I think I'll for it then..."
Diane: "Great!"

Diane: "So, what do you think about the Challenge up to now? What should we do when it comes to the voting?"
Connie: "Er..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dining Area
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Min Hee: "... and a big Thank You to Diane and Connie, for cooking this wonderful dish."
Diane: "No problem."
Connie: ".. You're welcome..."
Min Hee: "So, for now: enjoy your dinner."

Diane: "Salma, do you enjoy the food?"
Salma: "Yes, thanks for asking. I'm not a big eater though..."
Diane: "How come?"
Salma: "Yeah, that's just me. Always nibbling on something. Being a bit of a small snacker."
Edmund: "Aha, a girl of the constant flow here?"
Salma: "Well, you could say it like that..."

Hector: "I... just can't believe some people here are eating salmon. Just imagine... how terrible must the last moments of the poor things have been. First, you are captured in a big net, with no way to escape and every inch in your body knowing that the end is near."
Janna: "That sounds quite eerie."
Hector: "Indeed. But it gets worse. They lift you up. Suddenly you're unable to breathe... Panicking amongst all your friends, family and all, desperately looking for a way out... But it's no use. Your buddy, your girlfriend, your mother, even that annoying bratty little brother of yours... You see them all die, knowing you can't do something. And, that you're following them soon... The horror!"
Min Hee: "... I- I think I should go and get some cake instead of this-..."
Janna: "You're absolutely right."

Olive: "Why aren't you eating anything, HEALTH-E?"
HEALTH-E: "My body cannot process human food. Instead, I live of sun energy and battery power."
Edmund: "Sun energy you say? My my, you would fit in well with my new line of living room furniture."
HEALTH-E: "I appreciate your compliment. Although I am not a piece of furniture. I am a personal healthcare companion."
Edmund: "Yes you are."
Olive: "... This cake tastes like more, I love it!"

*Connie blushes and smiles*

Roxanne: "I dunno if you should stuff yourself, Olive... We're gonna swim after this, not looking' forward to them bad stuff happening."
Olive: "Oh, that's right! We're going to swim! I think you've got a point."
Odessa: "No wonder you aren't eating a lot today"
Roxanne: "True. Mama Rox needs to think of them limits, young lass."
Odessa: "Good. Not too much..."

*Jason has been thinking about a topic to touch...*

Jason: "Well, any first impressions of this game?"
Kain: "Well, believe me when I say this: I think we've just touched the tip of the iceberg."
Jason: "Hmm, why do you think so?"
Kain: "I mean, there is an "Assassin". We have to find them. But I bet they'll make it harder for us to find them by setting up potential traps for red herrings and all, it;s going to be much and much harder for us, don't you think? It's how these games work."
Jason: "I better keep my eyes open then..."
Kain: "You sure want to..."

Connie: "I'm feeling a bit better now, yes. Thank you for asking."
Blane: "You're welcome. Maybe I could help you with the cooking soon."
Connie: "Hmm... That sounds okay..."
Blane: "Great!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Front Deck
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Olive: "Sooo fresh..."
Roxanne: "Indeed it is..."

*Olive and Roxanne enjoy the water for a while before saying anything again*

Roxanne: "Say, Olive, I've got an idea."
Olive: "I'm one and all ear."
Roxanne: "Hmm, I'm not sure what that means, but-"
Olive: "Oh, it means that I'm listening..."

Roxanne: "Well, they said we were going to vote on these paintings we have made."
Olive: "Well, mine is overobvious. I signed it with my own name."
Roxanne: "Wait, you did what?"

Olive: "I signed my own paiting."
Roxanne: "Well, I'm not sure that's a good move."
Olive: "How can you tell?"
Roxanne: "Well, others might put you low on them rankings, so your chances on Immunity are gonna be zero. Plus, nobody's gonna believe you're the Assassin anymore, so they wanna give you the first boot."
Olive: "But what if they don't rank me low?"
Roxanne: "Hmm... Then you're in a good position..."

*Roxanne thinks for a few moments*

Roxanne: "Whoa, this game's gotta be screwing my mind now already! Maybe they think someone else's acting like you."
Olive: "Oh my God... I can barely see the forest because of the trees..."

*They both are silent*

Diane: "This boat is simply to die for, darlings. The library is my heaven, the kitchen does not scream 'maid central' and the other peasants are okay, I assume. At least no one's dead yet, my dears. I am here for a reason, and I want this money. I could always call my lawyer and get him in for some private screenings. I'm sure these street rats wouldn't bulge if I called the whole thing off for unrighteous and inhumane circumstances. I will not be fooled by the Assassin. Such a pity of a name, really. Diane White, out."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Bedroom Corridor
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*Lenka sees the painting with Foxy the Pirate Fox... and freaks out for a good reason*

Lenka: "Yelp!"

Lenka: "Rwaaahhaaaawaah!"

Janna: "Huh?!"

Lenka: "Meep!"

Janna: "Hey!"

*Due to Lenka tackling her, Janna loses her balance and falls on the floor*

Janna: "Whoaaah!"

Janna: "Ouch!"
Lenka: "Rwaaahhaaaawaah!"

Jason: "What was that?!"

Jason: "Janna! Are you okay?!"
Janna: "Ouch... my butt hurts."
Jason: "I can help you get up."
Janna: "Y- yes please..."

*Jason carefully grabs Janna at her flanks and carries her up*

Jason: "There we go."
Janna: "Thank you. By the way, before I fell, I was looking at this painting over here."
Jason: "Yes..."

Janna: "Well, it's been signed, right?"
Jason: "Why would someone do that?"
Janna: "Do you think Olive herself did that?"

Jason: "Maybe... I mean, I think she's a bit... how to put it nicely... gullible."
Janna: "Well, it could be. But it is a bit early to tell after only one day."
Jason: "That's true."

Janna: "Well. Whattya think? Should we reward that picture?"
Jason: "Are you sure?"
Janna: "No, but it might be a good move."

Kain: "Hmm... Interesting..."

*At that moment, Hector steps out of the elevator*

Hector: "Hey, what is that?!"

Hector: "Hey, Kain. Secretly eavesdropping on others?"
Kain: "Oh, hey... Shit shit shiiiiiiit!"

Hector: "Nah, it's okay. It's part of the game after all."
Kain: "Well... yes it is, right?"

Janna: "Well, things just got very awkward..."
Jason: "Indeed. Got some popcorn?"

Hector: "I assume everybody will do so at one point."
Kain: ".., yes that's right. And if everybody's doing this, then I better join. To prevent myself from gaining a disadvantage, you know."

Hector: "By the way, should we form an alliance?"
Kain: "An alliance? Hmm..."
Hector: "You know, the two of us working together on catching the Assassin..."

Kain: "I know what an alliance is, Sir. I think I'll take your offer."
Hector: "Great! Well, already got some interesting tidbits to share?"
Kain: "Well... Yes, you see that painting over there?"

*Kain points to the signed painting*

Kain: "I made that one."

Hector: "Aah, thank you."

*HEALTH-E walks into the already awkward conversation*

HEALTH-E: "Aha, here are the paintings we made. I was looking for them for an hour already. Hello everybody."
Hector, Kain, Janna & Jason: "Hello HEALTH-E."

HEALTH-E: "So we need to rank all these paintings. Thus, it will be handy if we know who exactly made what painting."
Kain: "I made the signed painting over here."
Hector: "I just made something simple."
Janna: "As did I."

HEALTH-E: "Hmm... I guess this will not work out then."
Kain: "Yup. You've got a point. It's getting late already, I'm going to catch some z's."
Jason: "Good night then, sir."
Kain: "Thank you."

*Kain leaves for his room*

HEALTH-E: "... I do not understand what Kain means. Does he not need a net to catch some of the z's?"
Hector: "Well indeed, he does not need a net to catch the z's."

HEALTH-E: "Well, I think all the thinking about the z's is going to cost me a lot of power. I think I will charge myself up before I run out."
Jason: "Good night."
HEALTH-E: "Thank you."

*HEALTH-E goes to his room*

Hector: "Aaaand he's gone. Now, where were we again?"
Janna: "I think we have yet to start... You came in after Kain spied on us, remember."

Hector: "You're right."
Jason: "Janna and I were discussing the paintings before you came. More specifically, the one Kain claims."
Janna: "That adds a whole new dimension to it."
Hector: "Oh, and the alliance I proposed is a lie, of course. "

Kain: "Hmm... Interesting to hear, interesting to see... It was obvious that the alliance was a lie, Dolfinne."
Jason: "Obviously."
Janna: "Hmm, I think we should go to our room though. Kain was spying on us in plain sight, which we didn't notice. Somebody else might hide themself and eavesdrop on us as well."
Hector: "Indeed. My room is close, we can go there."

*The three of them enter the Werewolf Room*

Kain: Hmm, so these three are together... Better keep that in mind... But Hector does have a point; I need to find a partner in crime as well...

Kain: ... and what better partner there is than our robotic buddy...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Cat Room
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

HEALTH-E: "Ah, Kain! You have finished 'catching the z's'."
Kain: "Pssht, I've got something important to tell you."
HEALTH-E: "Well, I am currently charging, so that should not be a problem anymore."
Kain: "Okay, here goes: Hector is in an alliance with Jason and Janna."

HEALTH-E: "Hmm..."
Kain: "So I want to team up with you to counter against them."
HEALTH-E: "I am not sure what an alliance has to do with a kitchen, but I am feeling okay to team up with you."
Kain: "Good!"

Kain: "Now lets begin eavesdropping on them again..."
HEALTH-E: "This actually feels like a very exciting idea from you. Unfortunately though I cannot join yet due to my battery charger's cable."
Kain: "Thank you, it's okay."

Janna: "My painting was the one with the creepy punk."
Hector: "I did the one with the sasquatch back hair..."
Janna: "One with back hair? I can't remember seeing one with back hair."
Hector: "Well, I did mention I did do something simple."

Jason: "I did the one with the Grim Reaper, because I assumed Rudolph actually died not soon after... You know, an omen thingy..."
Hector: "Now that's a good one as well. Well-thought."
Janna: "Indeed."

HEALTH-E: "Did you hear anything interesting?"

Kain: "Barely... Janna mentioned something with punk and back hair, Hector mentioned Bigfoot. Jason was easier to hear though. He claims the Grim Reaper painting..."
HEALTH-E: "That sounds interesting to me."
Kain: "True. Maybe he has more to say..."

Jason: "Okay. now we've got that done, lets brainstorm on the other paintings."
Janna: "Okay, do you believe Kain's claim?"
Hector: "It could be true. It seems like my first impression of Kain would do that."
Jason: "Yup, his first impression seems to be filthy, scummy and ratty enough to do that."

Kain: "I beg you pardon, Jason?!"

HEALTH-E: "What did he say?"
Kain: "Mean stuff! Personal insults and all that jazz!"

Janna: "Sssht!"

*Janna incisively looks at the guys*

Janna *on a whispering tone*: "Did you hear that? That was Kain... He's spying on us again..."
Hector *whispering*: "Uh oh... We must be careful then."
Jason *whispering as well*: "Should we abandon this meeting?"
Janna: "No... We should just be quiet, that might work."

Kain: "Oi, they started whispering... I think I better get outta here, pronto."
HEALTH-E: "Oh... Good night anyway..."
Kain: "Thanks. Good night as well."

Hector: "I think we should be extra careful with him sneaking around..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The first night was a wonderful one. Everybody was sleeping like a rose. Well, okay, nearly everybody was...


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Modern Room
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Edmund: "Ughhh... Bwahh.."

Edmund: "Help... I- I can't hold it back anymore..."

*Edmund hurries away...*

Edmund: Nearly there...

*Noises of Edmund sacrificing the salmon he had for dinner can be heard...*

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Host Bedroom
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lenka: "ZzzzzzZZzzzzzzzzZZzZzzzzzZzzZZzzzz..."

*The view comes closer to that one painting...*


Odessa: "Lenka! Are you okay?!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*It's just past 6 AM... and some people are already preparing to get their rankings in. The order of the Jetsetters shown in the episode represents the order the RL-players sent their rankings in*

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Tropical Room
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*Roxanne's alarm clock goes off*

Roxanne: "Yaarrrh!... Okay, I'm awake right now..."

*Roxanne turns off her alarm clock*

Roxanne: "You know, they say the early bird gets the worm, right?"

Roxanne: "Well, Mama Rox is gonna catch it right away."

Janna: "Hey!"

*Janna begins to run to the Diary Room*

Janna: "Not so fast, you!"

*Roxanne begins to run as well*

Roxanne: "I'm sorry honey, but Mama Rox is first this time."
Janna: "Shoot!"

Hector: "What was going on in there?"

Janna: "Apparently Mama Rox was planning to go first as well..."
Hector: "Hmm..."

Hector: "What would be the point of going in there first?"
Janna: "Well, I thought that there might be some kind of advantage of being first... Dang! If there is, Mama Rox will get it."

Hector: "Well, lets hope it's not."

Roxanne: "Morning, Hector. Your turn, Janna."
Hector: "Good morning..."
Roxanne: "Please don't hurry, I'm gonna cook us breakfast today."
Janna: "Hmm, sounds good."
Roxanne: "I sure hope y'all like Mama Rox's big specialty..."

*Roxanne heads away to the kitchen*

Hector: "Well, there we go. I'll wait on you."

Janna: "Okay, I guess..."

Roxanne: "Why, hello my darlings, heheheh..."

Hector: "Roxanne and Janna both trying to be the first to vote... Hmm, might be important to me later..."

Roxanne: "Mm-mmmm. Welcome to Mama..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dining Area
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Roxanne: "Great morning everyone, and say hello to my specialty..."

Roxanne: "Fried chicken."

Janna: "Well, it's quite unique to eat fried chicken for breakfast..."

*Roxanne claps her hands*

Roxanne: "Well, you know what they say: a good start is half the battle."

Hector: "I'm not really sure if fried chicken's healthy for breakfast..."
Janna: "Hmm..."

Roxanne: "Well, it sure is for me. My baby's gonna make my day again!"

*Diane comes in. She sees the Jetsetters sitting at the table*

Diane: "Ah, good morning my darlings."
Hector: "Good morning."
Roxanne: "Yo."

*Roxanne licks her fork clean before eating the rest of her chicken*

Diane: "Oh my, fried chicken for breakfast?"
Roxanne: "Yum."
Diane: "Don't speak with your mouth full, my dear."
Roxanne: "Whoops."
Diane: "So Roxanne, you made your own breakfast this morning?"

*Roxanne nods, then swallows to empty her mouth*

Roxanne: "Yup. There's enough for everybody else as well."

Diane: "That's just... well..." I'm not the maid in this place. I'm really not the maid in here...
Janna: "That's what?"
Diane: "Great... Excellent!"
Hector: "Well, I'm sorry to say, but I'd rather eat a breakfast-breakfast."
Janna: "Me too."

Diane: "Well, you know what they say: take pot luck."
Hector: "But-"
Diane: "Good luck in the kitchen, my darlings!"
Janna: "..."

*Hector and Janna leave for the kitchen. They meet Salma on the way*

Salma: "Hi everyone!"
Diane, Hector, Janna and Roxanne: "Hi."
Salma: "Ooh, fried chicken! Me wanna have a bit."
Roxanne: "Sure, go ahead."

Diane: "Say, Salma, where have you been last night? I haven't seen you since we all ate dinner."
Roxanne: "Indeed."
Salma: "Well, I was Skypeing with Shay, my girlfriend."

Diane: "And how about the Challenge?"
Salma: "The Challenge?..."
Roxanne: "You know, ranking them paintings?"
Salma: "Oi, shit! The paintings! Completely forgot! I'm such an idiot..."

*Salma quickly collects her chicken leftovers and runs for the hallway*

Salma: "I really should get that sorted out, pronto!"

Diane: "Soo... What kind of a move was that?"
Roxanne: "Either a stupid one, or a strategic one..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Back Deck
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*Edmund stares at the sea. He is still not feeling so well after what happened last night*

Min Hee: "Hey Edmund, are you okay?"
Edmund: "Not so well... I've been sick last night..."

Min Hee: "Oh my, that's terrible!"
Edmund: "Ugh, just... I don't want to get Eliminated so soon just because of this it'dbesoembarassing..."

Min Hee: "Don't worry. It's likely just a case of seasickness. I mean, do you often travel by boat?"
Edmund: "Well, no. I don't..."

Min Hee: "Then it's very likely that's the case. I've had it as well when I first started working as a steward on cruises."
Edmund: "Well, that's quite the horror, I assume."

Min Hee: "Well, luckily it blew over after a few weeks. Before that time these pills helped me out."

*Min Hee gets a few pills out of her pocket*

Min Hee: "I brought some with me, just in case something like this would happen."
Edmund: "Oh my, thank you."

Min Hee: "It's easy, just put one in a glass of water, then drink it when it is dissolved. It should work for 10 hours."
Edmund: "Thanks. I'm going to try it right now."
Min Hee: "That's good, you need to think about the Challenge. Just try and get it all in by 10AM, then we should be fine, okay?"
Edmund: "'Kay."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Bedroom Corridor

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kain: "Hey HEALTH-E!"
HEALTH-E: "Oh, good morning Kain. I was about to send in my ranking."

Kain: "Oh, yes. I was about to do the same as well."
HEALTH-E: "Heheh. Now that is a coincidence."

Kain: "Well then, we might go to-"
Salma: "Hey Kain, you got some time? I just found my special diary, one in which I collect autographs from famous people."
Kain: "Oh, really?"

Salma: "Yip. And my observing eye senses someone who is very eager to get a spot in there..."
Kain: "Sure! Why not?"

Salma: "Okay, so if you could please sign here..."

*Kain signs with his autograph*

Salma: "There we go. Next step: Mr. HEALTH-E."

HEALTH-E: "Thank you, Salma, but, I am just a robot."
Salma: "You are a robot with human intelligence, medical giftedness and the tools to make the world a better place, of course you deserve a spot in here!"
HEALTH-E: "Okay, I guess so. But I do not have an autograph programmed in me."

Salma: "No problem, you could make up one at the spot. Even just writing your own name does the trick."
HEALTH-E: "Hmm, I think I get it..."

*HEALTH-E writes his own name as a autograph*

Salma: "Thank you. Isn't this exciting?"
HEALTH-E: "Hmm. I think it does."

Salma: "Thank you both for your autographs! Next target: Edmund..."
HEALTH-E: "You are welcome."
Kain: "Now, where were we again..."

HEALTH-E: "We were going to send in our rankings."
Kain: "Thank you, we were."
HEALTH-E: "Plus, I think I have detected a camera."

Odessa *through the intercom*: "HEALTH-E! Help me! I am stuck in here!"
HEALTH-E: "You are? How can I rescue you?"
Odessa: "You can't. I was just kidding, teeheehee..."
Min Hee *through the intercom as well*: "Very funny, Odessa."
Odessa: "Sorry... teehee..."

HEALTH-E: "Okay."
Kain: "Well, then we can better go and do our rating thing."
HEALTH-E: "I agree with you. I think that is the best we can do."

*The two go to the Diary Room. HEALTH-E goes first, followed by Kain*

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
30 minutes later...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*Blane and Connie both enter the Bedroom Hallway at the same time. Blane just handed in his rating, while Connie was busy making her bed again*

Blane: "Oh hey, Connie! How're you doing today?"
Connie: "Well, eh, I'm okay right now. Just cleaned my room a bit."

Blane: "Well, if you need to send in your ranking, the Diary Room is free now."
Connie: "Thanks, but no. I already did so a few minutes after Diane did."

*Blane closes the door to the Diary Room. Connie closes hers twice*

Blane: "Okay, that's good. I remember seeing Kain leave here as well half an hour ago."
Connie: "Hmm... I think I already did my thing by then..."

Edmund: "Ah, lovely morning to you."
Blane: "Oh, it's you."
Edmund: "I'm feeling so... honoured at the moment. You know the blogger journalist gal?"
Blane: "Salma?"
Edmund: "It turns out she collects autographs from only the most famous people in the world! And guess who she has asked one?"

Connie: "Well, she came in my room just to ask mine ten minutes ago..."
Edmund: "'... She- she did?..."

*Edmunds smile melts away like a snowman in a sauna*

Connie: "Well, err, she said to me that it was... just a tic..."

Blane: "Hmm, I think I can expect a visit of her soon as well..."
Edmund: "Is she getting all our autographs?"
Connie: "What is she going to do with them?"

Edmund: "I suggest that you find out, while I go and get in my ratings. Agree?"

Blane: "Exciting. Spying on someone..."
Connie: "But what- what if..."

*Connie clears her throat*

Connie: "What if she's a fraud and is going to steal all our money?"
Blane: "Don't be silly Connie. Salma seems to honest to do that."

Edmund: "So, I'm not sure what Salma is doing with those autographs, but what I do know is that I'm feeling a little... stupid for giving mine..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Another 30 minutes later...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Salma: "Okay, who do I still need... Blane, Jason and..."

*The door to the Mission Room opens*

Olive: "Yaaaawwnnn... I've slept like a rose... How late is it actually, by the way?"

*Salma closes her diary and approaches Olive*

Olive: "Hmm, luckily I wrote my ranking up, so I didn't forget that... yaawwnn"
Salma: "GOOD morning Olive!"

Olive: "AARK!! Don't DO that! I scared myself an accident, you, you!-"
Salma: "Oh, oh, I am so, so sorry!..."
Olive: "... Just look the next time out, okay?..."

Salma: "I'm very sorry... Anyway, I was looking for you because I am a huge collector of autographs, you know."
Olive: "Yes?"
Salma: "And I thought, why not get one from a famous opera singer?"

Olive: "Ooh, I'm charmed."
Salma: "So it's a yes?"
Olive: "Of course!"

*Olive puts her autograph in Salma's diary*

Salma: "Great!"
Olive: "Anything to help a collector in distress, right?"
Salma: "Yup. And I really am sorry for what just happened."
Olive: "It's okay; I'm not one to cherish a grudge."
Salma: "Phew. Good luck today!"

*Olive enters the Diary Room, while Salma goes on her way to collect autographs*

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Fairy Room

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jason: "So, these are your ratings?"
Janna: "Yup."
Jason: "Thank you. I'll go and get mine in right now."
Hector: "Good luck."
Jason: "Thank you guys."

Odessa: "Hey Jason, how are you doing?"
Jason: "Fine, but I need to get my rating in now..."
Odessa: "Relax, it's still 9:00, you still got some time to chat."
Jason: "Hmm, okay..."

Odessa: "So, I just heard that Salma was roaming around, asking for autographs."
Jason: "She is? I haven't spoken, not even seen her since... last dinner? What was she doing last night?"
Odessa: "I do know, but I can't say. Host protocol and stuff."

Jason: "Hmm, okay. But those autograph collectors, don't they just go for the famous people?"
Odessa: "Well, you got a point there. Then why didn't she ask for mine by now? I mean, I've heard she got Connie's, Diane's and Hector's. I assume a host is more well-known than a contestant."
Jason: "Well Odessa, there are other accomplishments one can make besides fame..."

Odessa: "Oh right, I'm sorry."
Jason: "Running my parents's farm successfully for 5 years seems like a big thing, but there's something else I'm very proud of as well."
Odessa: "I'm listening..."
Jason: "Well, you know Romeo and Jules Montague? I've helped them rescueing their kidnapped 20-yer-old daughter."

Odessa: "Hold it, you did WHAT?!"
Jason: "I've helped resueing the 20-year-old daughter of Romeo and Jules Montague."

 Odessa: "But that's ridiculous... I mean, they just got married 8 months ago. Min Hee and I were at the wedding ourselves."
Jason: "... I am sure I was at the rescue... Hang on, are you implying that I'm a liar?"
Odessa: "Nope. Well, possibly."
Jason: "Thanks..."
Odessa: "Diary Room."
Jason: "Hey.."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
2 seconds later...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jason: "Hey, is the host überhaupt allowed to do DREs?
Odessa: "Yes! If I allow the hosts to do 'em, they may!"
Jason: "But I need to do that Challenge rating!"

*The two reach the door. One of them makes it in, the other is locked out...*

???: "Yahoo!"
???: "Shoot!"


Jason: "Argh..."

Odessa: "Oh yeah, I made it, oh yeah, yeah, yeah! Wolfies go first!"

*Odessa makes some further victory dances for a few minutes before going on to her DRE*

Odessa: "Hmm, so it appears Jason was at a rescue which took place more than 20 years into the future. I think there is a mystery somewhere here..."

*Odessa comes out of the Diary Room again*

Odessa: "Your turn."
Jason: "Heheh, you'll never believe what just happened to me..."
Odessa: "Well?"
Jason: "1 word: autograph."
Odessa: "Oi shit! I missed!"

*Odessa runs away*

Odessa: "Salma, where are you?!"
Jason: "Heheheheh... Mweheheheheheeheh!!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Salma: "Blane!"

Salma: "Blane!"

Salma: "Bla-ane!"

Salma: "By Plumbob, where could he be? And why am I so glowy?"
Min Hee *through the intercom*: "Simple, that's caused by the miracles of UV-lights."
Salma: "Thanks, but... thanks."
Min Hee: "Sorry..."

Salma: "Perhaps he's not on this floor then..."
Blane: "Oi, quick Blane, hide..."

*Salma walks towards Blane...*

Blane: Uh-oh, she heard me...

*Salma enters the elevator*

Salma: "I only need him for my autograph collection..."
Blane: Wow... That was too clo- wait, that's why I was spying...

Blane: "Quick, I need to catch up..."

*Blane quickly enters the other elevator*

Salma: "Maybe he's somewhere up there..."

*As Salma walks up the stairs, Blane comes out of his elevator*

Salma: "Hey Roxanne, can I ask you a question."
Roxanne: "Sure, fire it."

Salma: "Have you seen Blane anywhere? I've been looking for him for ages..."
Roxanne: "Well, er..."

Blane: "This surely is awkward, girls."

Salma: "Oh, there you are. Where have you been?"
Blane: "Hanging around at other's rooms and all."
Salma: "Wow, it can actually be quite hard to find one person on this ship..."

Blane: "Indeed, it can be, heheheh..."
Salma: "Okay, time for business."
Blane: "Well, I can only give you my autograph if you can answer my question."
Salma: "Just ask."

Blane: "Well, what exactly are you planning to do with these autographs..."
Salma: "Just... Keeping them."
Blane: "Well, I've been told by some people that they weren't quite sure on your intentions with them..."
Roxanne: "Don't look at me..."

Salma: "Well, I'm just a collector, honestly."
Blane: "Well... guess that I have no choice than to take your word on that one..."
Salma: "Indeed, Blane..."

*Blane signs with his autograph*

Salma: "Yes! I got them all! Wahoo!"

*Salma leaves for her room*

*Odessa comes in*

Odessa: "Hey guys, have you seen Salma, I really need her to get my autograph right away."
Blane: "She just went down the stairs."
Roxanne: "Wait a sec, did you say she never got your autograph?"

Odessa: "Yup. Min Hee was neither approached by her."
Blane: "Wait, so her collection is not complete at all?"
Roxanne: "Hmm... That gal's gonna get them questions fired at her..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Rose Room

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Salma: "Hmm... Aha, if that one's Diane's, then that one must be Jason's..."

*Roxanne knocks on the door to the Rose Room. Salma locked it off*

Roxanne: "Hey Salma, could you please open up? You got them visitors..."
Salma: "I'm sorry. I'm in the middle of.. a live question session for my blog readers."

Blane: "Oh. Too bad. Guess we'll wait here then."
Salma: "Err, Blane, you do realize that's just plain creepy..."

*Salma works further on her Challenge rating*

Salma: "Eureka! Got it all finished! I knew it would help to compare everybody's handwriting with the style the paintings were made. Time to get it all in... Oh my, is it 9:50 already?"

Salma: "Okay, there's nobody in here; time to go..."

HEALTH-E: "Target signalated at the stairs."

Diane: "I can't wait to see her face... Mweheheheheh..."
Roxanne: "True. I'm gonna enjoy every second of plan "Luigi"..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A few minutes later...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Salma: "Phew. I made it... Time to- whoa!"

*Everybody stares angrily at Salma...*

Salma: "Guys? Hello? Er..."

Salma: "Err, I know you're in there, somewhere, heheh..."

Salma: "Not? Oh... Okay guys, stop it! This is not funny anymore... err... Help!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A lot of popcorn later

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Back Deck

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kain: "Well, that went surprisingly quick actually..."
Edmund: "Yup."
Olive: "Indeed."
Connie: "Well, er, I must say I think it was a bit.. too harsh..."
Edmund: "Well, I disagree on that one though."

HEALTH-E: "Well, I must say that I did enjoy to be the person on the outlook."
Kain: "Okay."
Connie: "Er, I must say, the sun is wonderful on this spot here..."

Olive: "Heerlijk warm hier, ja..."
HEALTH-E: "Code7441_Activate... Language_no.6: Nederlands. Inderdaad. De temperatuur hier is prima."
Edmund: "Wait, what did he just do?"
Olive: "Hé, jij kunt Nederlands? Da's cool."
HEALTH-E: "Ik ben geprogrammeerd om zo veel mogelijk talen te kunnen verstaan. Men weet namelijk nooit welke talen een binnenkomende patiënt beheerst."
Olive: "Handig! Trouwens, verbondje samen, wij twee?"
HEALTH-E: "Hmm, ik denk dat ik daarmee akkoord ga."

Kain: "Okay, er, that's enough gibberish for today. Back to English."
HEALTH-E: "Code7441_Activate... Language_no.1: English. Sorry Kain. But now I am back."
Edmund: "Great. Now, what were the two of you actually saying?"

Olive: "Well, er, we just... Discussed the weather."
Edmund: "Hmm..."
Connie: "I wish the sun was more often like this in my hometown."
Min Hee *through the intercom*: "Jetsetters! Could you please all gather in the bedroom corridor? The results of the first Challenge will be revealed in there."

Kain: "Ooh, I can't wait for the final result."

Edmund: "I'm fairly positive that I made it in the top 3 myself."
Connie: "Er, lets hope you're not the Assassin then..."Edmund: "Of course not."
Olive: "Well, about that Assassin dude, lets just kick their ass!"
HEALTH-E: "Okay."

Kain: "Oh God no, Olive..."
Edmund: "Wait... Was that a confession of yours?"
Kain: "Noo..."

Olive: "What's wrong, Kain?"
Connie: "Errr, I think I see what's going wrong..."

Janna: "AAAAAAIII!!! OUCH! ARRRGH! My poor lil' butt!"

Janna: "You! Why did you do that, you idiot?!"
HEALTH-E: "Olive told me to-"
Janna: "Olive, that's your excuse?! My poor lil' butt, tortured twice in less than 24 hours!..."
Kain: "Janna, calm down! Olive told him to do so..."

Olive: "So, now you're pushing the guilt on me? How sweet..."
Kain: "No, it's not on purpose... The poor thing just took your phrase literally..."
Janna: "Poor thing? I'm the poor thing here..."
Olive: "... Oh..."
Edmund: "Guys, lets just go down already."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Bedroom Corridor

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Janna: "No, don't even think about standing anywhere close behind me, you..."

Odessa: "Hello and here it is; the moment we've all been waiting for! In a few minutes, we will all know who scored well on the Challenge and who didn't."

Min Hee: "We will know who won Immunity by earning a whopping 85 points, and who didn't."

Odessa: "Unfortunately, we will not know yet whether the money has been earned. But that one person you're all hunting for will know."

Min Hee: "Annnnnd... There is another twist... In advance to the actual recording of the rankings, the Assassin has picked four players out of you. Four, who had a wicked thing with their ratings. It caused their scores to count NEGATIVELY."

*Everybody gasps*

Odessa: 'That means, that the average score will be a bit... lower than expected. Anybody a bit manipulative? Dominant? Or interested in your rating plans?"
Min Hee: "Chances are that you had to do with a cold-blooded Assassin, one who knew all the time who exactly would tear down scores..."
Odessa: "Since the results are known now, we think it can't hurt to reveal them right now. The Jetsetters whose scores are counting negatively are in fact...


Odessa: "Jason!"
Jason: "Wh- what?"


Min Hee: "HEALTH-E!"
HEALTH-E: "Oh no."


Odessa: "Kain!"
Kain: "Yikes,"


Min Hee: "And Salma!"
Salma: "All my hard work... for this?"

Odessa: "Don't worry though. As you may realize when you think about it, you actually have an advantage over the others. Each of you only has 3 opponents to give you negative points, while the others have to deal with 4. That also means each of you has 8 positive ranking opponents, while the others only have 7."

*The negative-raters sigh in relief*

Min Hee: "Also, if you do the math, you'll discover that the four of you are the only ones here who can make it to 85 points, thus Immunity."

*The positive-rankers are surprised*

Odessa: "So, without further ado, lets announce the top three spots, the ranks where you'd rather not have the Assassin in..."

Min Hee: "So, in third place, we have..."


Min Hee: "Roxanne Quinlan; whose work, the "You look like my husband", was worth a nice 30 points!"
Roxanne: "Yo, I did it! Ciao!"
Odessa: "Next, the person who made it to the second place is..."


Odessa: "Blane Scales! His painting, "Foxy the Pirate Fox", has earned 33 points!"
Blane: "Great!"
Min Hee: "And finally, the winner of the gold medal, the author of the best of the best, is..."


Min Hee: "Jason Blackland, with his pictural omen of the "Grim Reaper", which has earned him a whopping 43 points!"
Jason: "Woo, I did it! Now that are the fruits of hard labour!"

*Everybody applauds for the top 3*

Odessa: "Now remember, if the Assassin is one of these three, $100.000 and a Clue will safely go down straight into their pocket..."
Min Hee: "However, since we don't know the Assassin's identity for sure, we'll just have to speculate for a while. Got your crazy complot theories ready?"

Odessa: "However, to keep the glorious mood tempered, we will announce that there will be a Ranking this afternoon..."
Min Hee: "And on top of that, before tomorrow comes, one of you will be gone. On their way home, where they will have to just stay and wait to be reunited with us at the Finale... Lets hope it's not you that is awaiting that fate... "

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
End of Episode 1

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Picture 1: made by Edmund van Allen - 29 points
Picture 2: made by Salma Guerrero - 25 points
Picture 3: made by Jason Blackland - 43 points
Picture 4: made by Diane White - 15 points
Picture 5: made by Janna Anthony - 23 points
Picture 6: made by Connie Mouskouri - 14 points
Picture 7: made by Blane Scales - 33 points
Picture 8: made by Kain Henderson - 25 points
Picture 9: made by Olive Kropp - 7 points
Picture 10: made by HEALTH-E - 7 points
Picture 11: made by Hector Dolfinne - 13 points
Picture 12: made by Roxanne Quinlan - 30 points

Top 3:

3rd place: Roxanne Quinlan
2nd place: Blane Scales
1st place: Jason Blackland

If none of these three is the Assassin, $100.000 and a clue have been earned. Which will remain a mystery until the game roles of all three of these players are known. Since nobody managed to gather a score of a total of 85 points, nobody has gained Immunity...