17 September 2024

Episode 4 - Connecting the Dots

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Vampire Bedroom, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Artie: "Zut... Zis room is trop monotone pour mon tastes. Ça me rend fou!"

Willie: "Ugh yeah it drives me nuts too.. Why would they put one of
the Wolffs in a frickin VAMPIRE ROOM?!"
Artie: "Exactement! Didn't ze others get escorté to un hôtel?"

Willie: "That's what I think I overheard as well. Rather be there with the rest, than stuck here."
Artie: "Same wizh moi.. it vould also make it un bit easièr processing la demise d'Odessa.."
Willie: "I know..."

Willie: "The best we can do is trust those folks running around the ship to bring justice to Odessa - and once they can pinpoint the killer we'll be free to go."
Artie: "... Très vrai."

*Somebody knocks on the door*

Tybalt: "Hello, may I come in?"

Artie: "Uh, bien sûr-- of ze course you can?"

Tybalt: "I got news on the case."
Artie: "Uh, vut iz ze nouvelles?"
Tybalt: "Good news!"

Willie: "You found out who killed Odessa?"
Tybalt: "Well.. no, but I did figure out who didn't..."

Willie: "I guess that's fair enough... Who?"
Tybalt: "Why, it's you Willie. You're free to leave custody."

Willie: "Oh really? I mean, about time you figured out that when I say I didn't do it, I mean it."
Tybalt: "You were lucky to take pictures with your phone of your whereabouts when looking for Odessa. The tech department did their research and figured out those photos were valid, giving you a clear alibi..."

Tybalt: "... and speaking of your phone..."
Willie: "Oh, at last!"

*Willie takes the phone from Tybalt*

Willie: "Time to catch up with the outside world..."

*Willie scrolls through her notifications*

Willie: "Oh my god! 10 missed calls from mum! I better get back to her asap before she completely freaks out!"

Artie: "Heuu.. and vut about moi? Am I clairé too?"
Tybalt: "Uh.. I'm sorry Artie, but we still have to detain you until we have evidence that clears you too."

Artie: "Zut alors... Zis room iz making mon spirit créative très misérable."

Tybalt: "Willie, feel free to follow me please.."
Artie: "Uh, Willie! 'Elp zat Tybalt realise I am innocente aussi, hm?"

Willie: "No worries, I'll do my best to get you out of here asap!"
Artie: "Merci beaucoup!"

*Willie closes the door behind her*

Artie: "... Zut.. if only moi could get mon griffes sanglantes on zat killeur's neck..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Back Deck, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kisha: "Hmph."

Kisha: "Just shows how 'loyal' my team from the last investigation truly is..."

Kisha: "If they're gonna tell those two all our intel..."
Tybalt: "Kisha, I need you to come with me."

Kisha: "Hey, you startled me!"
Tybalt: "Sorry.. It's for the final Investigation. Please come with me."

Kisha: "Oooh..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Library, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tybalt: "Here we are..."
Kisha: "The library?.."

*Tybalt grabs his notes*

Tybalt: "During my own investigation I've come across this old murder case. It turns out that Odessa, sadly, wasn't the first casualty on this ship.. It's gossiped that history has, in fact, repeated itself."

Kisha: "Oh damn..."
Tybalt: "But I am convinced that if we can solve this cold case, we may be able to shed some light on our current case as well."

Tybalt: " Read those books lying around this Library well, and good luck, Investigator."

Tybalt: "Be careful: you only have one guess... Get one thing wrong, and you won't get access to the final Hint."

Kisha: "So I can read more details in those notes you got?"
Tybalt: "Sure - thought the important ones are also in those books."

*Tybalt hands over the notes* 

Kisha: "Once upon a time, a man named Dr Black was the proud owner of the Jetsetter. To celebrate a life milestone he achieved, he invited his 5 closest friends for a party on board."

Connie: "The guests danced, chatted and drank throughout the night, having a good time… but at midnight, tragedy struck. . ."

Lana: "Dr Black’s body was found. Dead. And because the ship was out sailing, only one of the guests on board could have done it."

Diane: "The group of guests consisted of 5 colourful people. At the time of the murder, each of these Suspects had one specific Weapon on their person, as well as a specific Motive for them to benefit from Dr Black’s demise."

Oliver: "Each of them was also at a Location, all on different consecutive floors. In order going downwards, these Locations were: the Bedroom (highest), the Kitchen, the Pool Deck, the Storage Room, and the Spa (lowest)."

Mama Rox: "You follow Inspector Brown’s lead, as you assist her on her attempt to solve the case. She sleuths around the 5 locations, looking for little bits and blobs of evidence that tell the story of what exactly happened on that one dark night."

Ava: "Every time Brown finds something, she quickly picks up her notepad and pen and scribbles down her latest insights."

Kassi: "After she is done investigating, she hands you the findings she noted down. You know the Inspector’s famed gut feeling - any hunch she gets is guaranteed to be a truthful clue of what happened."

Maddie: "You look down and immediately read what Inspector Brown has written down. Hmm.. so I guess those clues by the inspector are in the books?"

Tybalt: "That's the gist!"

Kisha: "The Dagger was with the Greedy suspect."

Connie: "Reverend Green was not the Greedy suspect."

Lana: "The Wrathful person was on the floor above Reverend Green."

Diane: "The Wrench was on the floor below Mrs Peacock."

Oliver: "The Bribed suspect didn't have the Dagger.

Mama Rox: "The Wrathful suspect was on the floor underneath Miss Scarlett."

Ali: "The Greedy suspect was not Professor Plum nor Mrs Peacock."

Kassi: "After finishing the Inspector’s notes, Inspector Brown hands you another sheet of paper..."

Maddie: "“I took the liberty to visit Scotland Yard earlier and interrogate each of the suspects about their whereabouts on the night of the murder.”"

Kisha: "After finishing the Inspector’s notes, Inspector Brown hands you another sheet of paper."

Connie: "“I took the liberty to visit Scotland Yard earlier and interrogate..."

Lana: "... each of the suspects about their whereabouts on the night of the murder.”"

Diane: "--Of course Mrs White is cut out of this thing again.--"

Oliver: "Once your gaze goes up from the paper to the Inspector, she continues:"

Mama Rox: "“I do have to warn you though - only 4 of these people have told me the truth."

Ava: "One person has told me a lie, which means that you have to assume the opposite of what they said."

Kassi: "And…” Inspector Brown is silent for a second before she continues…"

Maddie: "“And that liar has got to be our killer!”"

*Tybalt looks on as the Investigators put the clues together to figure out the puzzle*

Investigating Player: "I think I got it!"
Tybalt: "Okay.. let's see what you got..."


Kisha: "The killer was Mrs Peacock..."

Connie: "... killer was Colonel Mustard..."

Lana: "... Professor Plum..."

Diane: "... with the Rope..."

Mama Rox: "... the Candlestick..."

Maddie: "... in the Kitchen..."

Ava: "... in the Kitchen."
Ali: "And they did it..."

Oliver: "... because of Wrath."

Kassi: "... out of Jealousy."


Tybalt: "That is, in fact... correct!"

???: "Ohmygawsh we did it!"
???: "We're like, really good at this!"
???: "Oh yes, that's good!"
???: "Of course I am, my dear."
???: "This one's for you, Odessa!"
???: "Why wouldn't I get it right?"
???: "Woop woop! I did it!"
???: "Another puzzle solved!"
???: "Oh yeah! Time to go to jail, you sneaky lil' killer..."


Tybalt: "That solution is, in fact... incorrect."
???: "Oh.. should I try again?"
Tybalt: "Sadly that is not an option. Only 1 guess."
???: "Okay..."


Lana: "Dang, that sucks..."

Tybalt: "You may now leave."
Lana: ".. Who failed to escape again this morning?.. Maybe I can make a deal with one of them?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Master Bedroom, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jenson: "Well..."

Jenson: "Any idea how the killer could've slipped downstairs to Odessa?"

Dockhatt: "Me only sees two routes, landlubber. One, they be one o' the guests an' must've slipped by us while we were busy greetin' some other guests..."
Rep: "Or two: the killer snuck on board when everyone was at the ceremony. Which is.. really sneaky, but risky as well."
Dockhatt: "Aye, matey."

Rep: "My first guess would be the second, because Occam's Razor. But then again.. I tried out how much time it would take to slip downstairs at the entrance."
Min Hee: "Hmm, and what did you get?"
Rep: "Only 5 seconds. Which means any time we welcomed new guests would give the killer a chance to go downstairs."

Min Hee: "So basically.. anything goes."
Jenson: "I did notice something... but that only complicates things."

Dockhatt: "Wait whoa?"
Jenson: "This morning I found a diving suit lying around on the deck, and no idea who put it there."
Rep: "That's... really odd?"
Dockhatt: "There be no diving suit in our ship load... Huh.."

Dockhatt: "Another thing to ye, Jenson.. Where was you during the time o' teh murder?"
Jenson: "Uh..."

Jenson: "I was in the kitchen, getting ready for the ceremony. Around 10:55 I went up to the wedding arch to wait for Min Hee."

Rep: ".... the stairs down from the kitchen floor. They're really close to the hall down to where Odessa was murdered..."
Dockhatt: "Hmm.. You got some 'splainin' to do Jenson."
Jenson: "Wait are you accusing ME?!"

Dockhatt: "It'd be pretty fishy landlubber."
Jenson: "No wait - I didn't go downstairs to kill Odessa! I can pro---"

*Somebody walks up the stairs*

Rep: "Wait.. Willie?! How did you get out?"
Willie: "Tybalt approached me. He figured out I'm innocent."
Lenka: "Yip yip!"

Rep: "Ooh, noice. And Artie?"
Willie: ".. I'm convinced she's innocent too. But I don't have any proof..."
Dockhatt: "Hmph.. That means ye can't be sure, landlubber."
Willie: "I mean, I've literally been locked up with her for an entire day!

Willie: "The look in her eyes says it all!"
Min Hee: "Willie... I wholeheartedly wish to believe in her..."

Min Hee: "If Artie is innocent then the truth will reveal itself sooner rather than later. The Investigators will find out who did it, I'm sure of it."
Willie: "... I can't argue with that... meanwhile, what have you been talking about?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Bedroom Hallway, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lana: "The three who didn't get the escape hint are..."

Lana: "... Diane, Maddie and Connie. Out of those three Diane is a bit haughty and I haven't talked much with Connie..."

Lana: "... so I think Maddie is my best bet to make a deal with."

*Lana knocks on the door*

Maddie: "Oh! Coming!"

Maddie: "Ooh, what brings you here Lana?"
Lana: "Uh, my legs?"
Maddie: "Hahaha, do you need something?"

Lana: "Well there's something I want to discuss with you..."
Maddie: "Sure! Come in!"

Lana: "Ooh this room is nice! I like the bubbles!"
Maddie: "Yeah, not the worst leftover pick to have. Have a seat!"

Lana: "Small question first.. you got the hint of the murdle Investigation right?"
Maddie: "Yup! Got that one."
???: "I got that one too."


Connie: "Err.. I'm sorry to waltz in like this but... I was walking to my room when I overheard your conversation and.. I think we can all benefit together if we work together here, right?"

Maddie: "Hmm..."
Lana: "I see no harm with that - the more the merrier!"

Connie: "Ah.. phew! Thank you a lot Lana."

Connie: "Soo.. uh, where were we?"
Lana: "Okay.. I won't beat around the coral bush; I got the Murdle wrong and you missed out on the Escape room hint. So I think we can help each other out here."
Maddie: "Helping sounds good in my book..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Pool Deck, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Diane: "Honestly my dear..."

Diane: "Some of the people that were put on our investigation team seem a bit.. questionably mature to me... But I think that you and me are very level-headed and refined in our way of handling this case."

Oliver: "

Kisha: "Oi! You there!"
Diane: "Oh. It's you."

Kisha: "Oliver, if you're doing what I think you're doing then you better stop it."
Oliver: "... Hmm, what *am* I supposedly doing then?"
Kisha: "We earned our hint in the escape room fair and square. You're only empowering the goobers if you tell anyone."

Diane: "My dear, did you just call me a 'goober'?"
Kisha: "Yes, I did."
Diane: "Kisha, my dear.. What has gotten into you?"

Kisha: "I dunno, but whatever it is, it's helping me ace those Investigations. Can we say that about you?"

Diane: "Why frankly, that'd be a yes. The final Investi-"
Kisha: "That last one? Child's play, it's not even that impressive."
Diane: "My dear, let me be very blunt with you: you are an appalling disgrace to our team."

Kisha: "At least one who gets the Investigations done right."
Diane: "Frankly, I have better things to spend my time on than you."
Kisha: "Kay, bye!"

Kisha: "And THAT's how you keep the hints we won a secret to the rest."
Oliver: "... Kisha, what in the world has gotten into you? We weren't even talking about that."
Kisha: "Oh well - I did help you prevent slipping your tongue now."
Oliver: "I can hold my tongue just fine, thank you very much..."

Oliver: "... And honestly Kisha; put a fact: the sole reason you even HAVE the first two hints is because the rest of us dragged you along."
Kisha: "Pardon?"
Oliver: "It's what it is, frankly."

Oliver: "... and I got better things to do than hang out with you."
Kisha: "Oh well... Means I can call dibs on all the drinks and nuts. Woohoo!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Karaoke Bar, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Mama Rox: "You know what..."

Mama Rox: "... that Tybalt man told we gotta do 3 Investiations.. so I think it's soon time to prep for us to unmask that sneaky lil' killer! Anyone noticed something unusual?" 
Kassi: "Maybe?"
Mama Rox: "Like.. I feel like I should sneak in and have another look at that crime scene again.. There was a LOT of stuff in there and me thinks there may be a hidden hint..."

Ava: "Ooh that's.. really good actually! Though what if, like, Odessa's body still lies there?"
Kassi: "I think they should have stored the body by now."
Ava: ".. I really hope so?"

Ali: "Oh oh, I got something! I saw a purple unicorn!"

Mama Rox: "Uh.. what?"
Kassi: "How does that relate to the case?"
Ali: "Well, Millie had it! In her bed!"

Ava: "Ali shush, we were going to keep Willie's unicorn to ourselves!"

Kassi: "Oh, the unicorn is a plush toy?"
Ali: "... nooo?"

Mama Rox: "I wouldn't be surprised, I also saw Artie had that Werewolf teddy with her."
Ava: "Oooh yes!"

Kassi: "Speaking of, why did she bring her teddy bear to a wedding to begin with?"
Ava: "Because it's soft and cute like a wedding cake?"
Ali: "Wait that's right, we never had any cake!"
Kassi: "... I mean, how did she know she'd be sleeping here overnight?"

Kassi: ".. and how did she, and Willie for that matter, know about that hint to the killer?"
Ali: "Wait, Artie and Willie know who the killer is? Why didn't they tell us?!"

Mama Rox: "... Could they be in cahoots together? And covering up for each other?"
Kassi: "... Would that make both of them the killer?"


Kassi: "... A con spinach sea?"
Ava: ".. Hehe.. Ali is being silly again."
Ali: "Hey!"
Mama Rox: "... Could she really BE on to somethin'?"

Ali: "Or maybe they're accomplishments?"
Ava: "Oh wait, you mean they're like, covering up the tracks of the REAL killer?"
Mama Rox: ".. Did we ever find a murder weapon?"

Kassi: "No we didn't, actually."
Ava: "Oooh maybe they hid it somewhere! And we gotta find it!"
Ali: "Ooh yes! Let's go and look for it sis!"

Mama Rox: "You go and do that gurls, I'll go back and take me another look at that crime scene."
Kassi: "Mind if I tag along?"
Mama Rox: "Sure why not?"

Mama Rox: "We'll see ya later, Aligator!"
Ali: "Bye Mama Rox!"
Ava: "Wait why do people NEVER say Avagator? It's not fair!"
Mama Rox: "... Later, Avagator!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Karaoke Bar, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tybalt: "Investigators! Please all gather in the Karaoke Bar!"


Tybalt: "Welcome Investigators..."

Tybalt: "As you know, the Investigation in the Library was the very last one. The only thing that remains is your final challenge. There you will officially lock in who you believe is Odessa Wolff's murderer."

Tybalt: "One of you, and only one, will earn the title of Master Investigator. That will be the person who, out of everyone who identifies the correct killer, performs the best at the final challenge."

Tybalt: "Before you get there however, you still have some time to go, trade potential leads with your fellow Investigators, or maybe go out and retrace your steps to see if you have overlooked a thing you can still note down."

Tybalt: "But overall, if you perceived that killer's trails and auras well, they'll show you their true colour! Now.. good luck finding the final crumbs that lead you down the correct path. Your final challenge will begin soon."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
To Be Continued
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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