17 July 2024

Episode 1 - Here Comes the Bride

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Master Bedroom, Lone Wolff Manor
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*Min Hee's alarm clock rings*

*Min Hee wakes up*

Min Hee: "Today's the day..."

*Min Hee reaches out for the alarm clock. She turns it off*

Min Hee: "... Why am I feeling so anxious though?"

Min Hee: "... No.. It's probably just the nerves.."

*Someone knocks on the door*

Min Hee: "Come in!"

Odessa: "Morning!"
Min Hee: "Good morning, Odessa."

Odessa: "Well.. today's the big day!"
Min Hee: "Yesss..."
Odessa: "It's gonna be amaziiing!"
Min Hee: "Guess I should get dressed."

Odessa: "You should! Your wedding dress is absolutely stunning! You'll blow everyone's minds!"
Min Hee: "I guess so..."
Odessa: "You.. guess so?"

Odessa: ".. It's your big day!.. Are you okay Min Hee?"
Min Hee: "It's.. nothing. Just nervous."
Odessa: "Hmm nervous. What makes you, though?"

Min Hee: "... Just.. because it's such a big day I guess. I feel something may go wrong..."
Odessa: "Don't worry, we've had to deal with worse drawbacks back doing Jetset remember?"
Min Hee: ".. That's true.. though a wedding is different."

Odessa: "You got a point."

*Min Hee grabs some clothing items from her drawer*

Odessa: "Need any help making you look fabulous?"
Min Hee: "... Thank you, but I'll be fine, I think."

Odessa: "Oh well, I guess I'll get myself and Willie all in our bridesmaid dressed then."
Min Hee: "Good luck!"
Odessa: "Thanks, you too!"

Min Hee: "... Nervous for my own wedding... Kinda cliché."

Min Hee: ".. I wish it was just that... but there's something else bothering me.
Yet I can't figure out just what exactly..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Odessa's Bedroom, Lone Wolff Manor
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Willie: "Is Min Hee alright?"

Odessa: "She's nervous.. So we gotta do our bests to help her through the day."
Willie: "Bridesmaid mode activate!"
Odessa: "Haha, bridesmaid mode activate!"

Willie: "It'll be good practise as well, for when Waylon ties the knot later this year."
Odessa: "Ooh really? Did he get engaged?"
Willie: "He did yeah! Let's hope mum doesn't scare her off though."

Odessa: "Congraaats!"

Willie: "I'm so excited!.. Though, can you believe it he once had a fling with Emelie Van Gould?"
Odessa: "Wait.. That Emelie Van Gould? The one who drowned?"
Willie: "Yeah. They did break up before that accident happened though."
Odessa: "Hmm..."

Willie: "I do remember that she did clash a few times with her father."
Odessa: "Oh god not him..."
Willie: "Maybe she was cut from a different cloth."

Odessa: "Yeah, Ayden was a first-class pretending prick. Brings back some memories..."
Willie: "Wait.. Oh damn sorry, he was there when..- uh, you and Min Hee met right?"
Odessa: "Yeah, he was... Huh..."

Willie: "... Sorry.. I shouldn't have brought up the Van Goulds."
Odessa: "Oh.. It's not them. It's something else..."
Willie: "Are you okay?"
Odessa: "Well.. Yeah I better let it out I guess."

Odessa: "It's.. Remember Diana Jones?"
Willie: "Yes, that bitch."

Odessa: "Well.. My father proposed to her on the Luxury's Lap.
Hours before she would go and kill him."
Willie: "Waait - he PROPOSED TO HER?!"

Odessa: "... I guess I have never said that in public before have I?"
Willie: "No! Not that I can recall."
Odessa: "Anyways, she did say yes, while she was on a hired mission to kill him."

Willie: "Damn..."
Odessa: "So... if you also add all the wannabe gold diggers who tried to get 
with dad for his money before the entire Diana situation..."
Willie: "I remember some of those bitches..."

Odessa: " So yeah, there you have it. Seeing Min Hee happy with Jenson makes me happy for her and I really try to support her happiness, but I cannot help but distrust the guy.. Every fiber of my body is yelling at me that he's up to something... And it keeps nagging at me, even though I know that Min Hee is a far better judge of character than dad ever was..."

Willie: "Damn... That's a lot of baggage."
Odessa: "I know... I'll have to do my best to get over it for Min Hee, though."
Willie: "I'm here for you, if you need to get it off your chest again."
Odessa: "Thanks, you're a star. But yeah, we better get ready."

Lenka: "Yip yip!"
Odessa: "And you'll be important today as well Lenka!"
Willie: "Indeed!"

Odessa: "Let's get this show on the road, shall we?!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Back Deck, The Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Rep: "Alright, let's get this show on the road shall we?"

Captain Dockhatt: "Les do this thing, lightning bombs!"

Rep: "Ah, there's our first group!"

"First? That's nice!"

"Hmm, maybe because you've been on the same Circle season as the bride of the day!"

"Guess I got lucky because my wife Kayle got asked to be the officiant."
Rep: "Yup, you're all on the list - you're welcome to explore this floor til the ceremony's ready."
Dockhatt: "Just don' go up or down til we give the signal."

Rose: "Wow.. I can't believe I'm actually setting foot on the Jetsetter!"

Kassi: "Let's see what's inside!"


"Her Majesty the Queen feels honoured to attend this event. 

"Queen? Wow, it's an honour.. I remember you were still a princess when you were on Abnormality."

"Wait, didn't your parents die suddenly a couple years ago?"

Skye: "Why yes, they did.. And it is my duty for me and my country to bring justice to them."
Lana: "I recall it was quite the event there."
Dockhatt: "Aye.. Feel free to get inside and talk it more."

Giuliano: "I'm sure we will."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Port, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

???: "OI! YOU THERE!"

"Oh, hey there! Been some time, huh?"

"Yeah, like, it's been over a decade?"

Bridgette: "I know - time flies when you're having fun!"
Plum: "Yeah - though not gonna lie, life's different when you gotta deal with Armada's spawn!"
Bridgette: "Oof, Armada was.. something, for sure."

Plum: "Yeah, luckily that 250K helped me out a lot, thanks for that vote."
Bridgette: "You're welcome! And to be fair I've also had a kid of my own. Settled down with Pacman."
Plum: "Aah, good for you - but I ain't gonna settle down. I like being wild."

"Wait Brigette, is that you?"

Bridgette: "Oh hey, you're the Mole from that Mini Mole reboot season!"
Tina: "Yeah, that's me! Shame that season got canned halfway in..."
Plum: "Hey I buddied up to her first, find yer damn own, mate!"
Bridgette: ".. Maybe there's some folks at the party on board."

Plum: "Let's go and show 'em a REAL party!"
Tina: "Uhh..."

???: "Ohmygawsh."

???: "Aaah that's Tina!"

Tina: "Aah hey there!"
Ali & Ava: "Hiiiii!"

Tina: "Fun having you here!"
Ali: "Yas girl, let's have the bestest day everrr!"
Ava: "Where do we enter?"

Plum: "Wait you were on Abnormality as well Rep!"
Rep: "Uh yeah I was.. But sadly that season got cut short."
Bridgette: "Hey at least you won that HOH by doing absolutely nothing!"
Dockhatt: "Speakin' o' lost Abnormality seasons, weren't them gals there on one as well?"

Ali: "Hiiii Captain Haddock!"
Dockhatt: "That be Dockhatt me lassie."
Tina: "We're here for the wedding!"
Rep: "Aah welcome ladies!"

Rep: "I think most folks went to the karaoke bar in there. Just left then right. Or the other way around."
Ali: "Right is where the thumb is on the left right?"
Tina: "Just follow my lead, Ava."
Ava: "Actually *I'm* Ava. But thanks for the offer Tintin!"

???: "Why hello there!"
Rep: "Ooh it's you!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Karaoke Bar, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lana: "How come I've never seen you on The Circle before Kass?"

Kassi: "Not the best story - they stopped airing the season after a few episodes and I only entered later."
Rose: "It was a big shame.. And on my season they did me dirty as well in the finale - they computer-generated a copy of me to curse everyone else into toads! I guess they wanted to spice it up?"
Kassi: "At least Min Hee and Odessa know I was on there - they were on the same season after all."

Lana: "Ooh dang, I'm sorry to hear about all that. I hope being invited here helps out in the end."
Tina: "Hey y'all, how's everyone doing?"

Ava: "Ooh a bar!"

Eric: "Hi m'ladies, may I serve you something?"
Ali: "Oh oh! Orange soda please!"
Ava: "One strawberry soda please."
Eric: "One strawberry and orange soda coming up."

Ali: "Why do you always pick strawberry soda, orange is better!"
Ava: "I just like strawberry more."
Ali: "But like.. we're twinnies!"

Giuliano: "Aah this game is so much fun!"
Skye: "What are you playing?"
Giuliano: "Cowboy Bob Peep!-- Noo you're NOT gonna kidnap my sheep alien scum!"

Skye: "Ooh nice! I'm paying Zombie Horde Simulator... which reminds me of this serial killer who turned his victims into zombies to use to make more victims!"

Giuliano: "Oof that sounds viscious!"
Skye: "I know! Isn't it really fascinating?"
Giuliano: "Uhh... I guess so?"

???: "Ladies! Your Royale overlord has arrived!"

"Give it your all for the one, the only, the bootylicious Porsha Royale!!!"

"And her assistant and manager!"

Porsha: "Why hello there, I think I see a cute face I remember!"

Giuliano: "Oh heya Porsha! Been some time!"
Porsha: "And who is THIS lovely slady! That tiara makes you SHINE, queen!"
Skye: "Ooh yes, I actually am a Queen!"

Porsha: "Ah yas.. I'm the Queen of Drag!"
Skye: "... Not gonna lie, it's a drag being a Queen..."
Porsha: "What do you meannnn girl!"

Skye: "There's just not much time where I can be myself and unwind.. Add to that my parents' untimely demise and...--"
Porsha: "Oh nooo! Sorry to hear that! What happened?"
Skye: "Well.. it was actually the work of serial killer The Burner.. it's tragic, but also.. weirdly exciting! Now I *really* want to do ANYTHING to unmask The Burner."

Lucas: "Mind if I join here?"

Plum: "Oi neckbeard! I'm doing fine playing my own time!"
Lucas: "Oh, sorry..."

Plum: "Just let go!"
Bridgette: "Oh dear..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Back Deck, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Dockhatt: "I remember yer faces very well."

"Yup, it's us."

"Who knew that being on Jetset years ago would have changed my life so much for the better?"

"I hope I'm not late am I, my dear?"
Connie: "Wait that's..."

Connie: "Who knew we'd see each other again here?"
Diane: "Time certainly flies!"
Connor: ":3"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Master Bedroom, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Min Hee: "Well, what do you think?"

Mrs Ni: "You look stunning, my daughter."
Mr Ni: "You very much do..."

Mr Ni: "... but I see something's wrong underneath. Is there something on your mind, Min Hee?"
Min Hee: "... Just nervous."

"It's normal. I remember that Eric was really nervous too when we were in front of the altar. He even fainted once but I got him back with some mouth-to-mouth."

Min Hee: "That's... reassuring..."
Kayle: "The officient didn't like it, he was like 'nooo you can only kiss AFTER saying I do' but eh, only good luck getting that out of an unconscious person. I'm like WAY more chill than that for sure!"

Mr Ni: "Come here, my beautiful... It is going to be okay."
Min Hee: "Thanks dad..."

Min Hee: "Maybe I'll open the window for a minute, maybe some fresh air might cheer me up..."

*Min Hee reaches for the window knob when she notices the new arrivals*

Min Hee: "... wait..."

Min Hee: "What is SHE doing here?!"

Min Hee: "Why would SHE out of ALL PEOPLE show up on MY wedding?!"
Mr Ni: "?"

Min Hee: "And wearing the SAME DRESS as the BRIDE! The NERVE!"
Kayle: "Who you talking about?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Back Deck, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Rep: "Ladies of The Mole!"

"It's me! Maddie! The one who got hit by a car, remember?"

"... I remember - I was in shock. Don't do that again this time, okay darling?"

"It scared the snot out of everyone here... well at least there are no cars on deck."

"Non, zat would be très ridiculeux."

Maddie: "Sorry... This time I won't cause any drama like that, I promise."
Eva: "It's all good sugar. I think it's great we have a lot of Mole rep here!"
Rep: "I was never on The Mole lol!"

Artie: "Miaou miaou! J'adore Grey Winteurs! Miaou!"
Kaitlin: "What the heck are you doing Artie?"
Artie: "Summoning La Taiha, of ze course. Can't 'ave ze winner of Ze Mole 2 miss out, hm?"

???: "Oh sorry I'm late I'm late I hope I didn't miss the ceremony!"

Artie: "Oh vell, cloze enough."
Eva: "Don't worry, you're very much on time."

"Am I? Ah goood. You see, I was on my way here but then I saw that Goth kid, Mortimer, kissing that Bachelor girl and so I HAD to try and get all the juicy news about that but then they spotted me and told me out and then I thought I forgot the time and here I am!"

Rep: "As a fellow journalist I know the struggle hahaha!"
Plum: "Hahaha.. yeah. Gotta report THE event of the year! Make sure I don't miss out on any spicy details."
Rep: "For more spicy details, feel free to walk in."

Eva: "We will."
Maddie: "Thanks for the invite!"

Rep: "And look who we got here next..."

"As a professional it'd be a shame to miss out on the wedding of one of my fellow hosts."

THE MAST--- "We don't talk about that disaster!" - Haylo
"Agreed - plus who knows I may walk into someone I know from a show I played on."

".. Don't forget to make sure I can see your mouth, mates."

Rep: "We've seen some people from the Mole season you hosted already... And Kayle is officiating the wedding!"
Julia: "I'm sure she'll do very well. She's got the flair for it."
Brent: "I wonder if Azula or Snowflake will be there?"
Rep: "We'll have to wait and see."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Karaoke Bar, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Plum: "And honestly your hair looks like SHIT! It's like you got a moustache growing out of your neck!"

Lucas: "Ma'am you're starting to really get on my nerves!"
Plum: "Oh don't even get me started on when you crossed MY line already..."

Porsha: "Just stop harassing my assistant and manager and sashay away already!"
Plum: "At least I HAVE sashay slay to my style! What's that on your head, a plastic prawn?!"
Porsha: "Oh no you did NOT say that!"

Bridgette: "This is REALLY getting out of hand."
Eric: "I've informed the hosts - they should be here any second."

Plum: "I already diiiid. What are you gonna do about it?"
Odessa: "Throw you in the water."
Willie: "Maybe throw an anvil after you."
Plum: "Oi why do you even have an anvil on board?"

Lucas: "Thank god - I got better things to do than deal with people like that."
Connor: "Yeah - We could go outside for a second."
Lucas: "Yeah, that sounds fine to me. Time to cool off a bit."

Odessa: "If anyone of you needs us you can find us in the Art Gallery."
Porsha: "Art you say? Count me in!"
Skye: "I'll have to take a look there now too!"

*Odessa, Willie, Porsha and Skye leave*

Kaitlin: "The Queen of The Mole is in the room!"
Tina: "Oh hey there! "

Maddie: "Mind if I sit here?"
Tina: "Nah, feel free to join! You're Maddie right? Who got hit by that car?"
Maddie: "Uhh.. yeah... is that literally my entire Mole legacy?"

Bridgette: "Ooh hey, welcome Mole people!"
Kaitlin: "Mole people? We have names, you know."
Bridgette: "Eva, Kaitlin, Artie and Plum right? I'm Bridgette."
Eva: "Pleasure to meet you, darling!"
Artie: "Bonjour Bridgitte! Eet's un lovely day, is eet not?"

Plum Parsons: "Ooh it's my name twin! You won Abnormality right? You did sooo well!"
Plum Love: "Pfft twin? More like you STOLE it from me!"

Plum: "Wait what? What the *plum* do you mean?"
Plum: "I am the one who wears the *plum* name better! You're just a fake *plum* imposter!"
Artie: "Hmph, I am not in ze mood for zhis.. I vill see moiself out - Au revoir."
Plum: "What has gotten into you?"

Plum: "Good taste, that's what you *plum*!"
Plum: "Did you just call me a *plum*?!"
Plum: "Yes I did, you *plum* - I'm the BETTER Plum so don't you *plum* dare to get any thoughts in your head!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Port, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

???: "Wow you've changed!"

"Yeahh I really like this new haircut - feels a bit more light now."

"Ooh I can see that.. but I actually meant your attitude - you're a bit more firm on your feet!"

Iris: "I guess that's what writing a few decent novels does to you.."

"Decent? Rissy you're undercutting yourself - your books are amazing!"

"I can confirm, I've read them too! And normally I'm not much of a book worm but hey.. gotta help a friend in need right?"

Iris: "Heheh thanks.. What have you been up to since Jetset?"
Kiki: "Mostly just exploiting and growing my gym.. It's been a good success but goodness, finances are tricky to keep up with! I just want to help people getting into shape."
Pearl: "Just like me - look at how buff I got now!"

Jayda: "Heck yeah Pearl! You been winning lots of races right?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Art Gallery, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Willie: "Things all going swell right?"

Odessa: "Yup - a lot of people made it! The day's all according to Min Hee's plan so far."

Willie: "And Lenka's also looking extra adorable today!"
Lenka: "Yip yip!"
Odessa: "It's her natural talent."

*Willie continues to scratch Lenka's chin*

Willie: "Daww you so cuuute."
Artie: "Aah, Odessa et Willie! What un magnifique day, eez it not?"
Odessa: "Ooh Artie, welcome!"

Willie: "Bonjour Artie!"
Odessa: "By the way I have to go and do something, could you hold Lenka for a while?"
Artie: "Hm? Oh, of ze course, Odessa."

*Odessa passes Lenka to Artie*

Odessa: "Thanks!"
Artie: "Pas de quoi!"
Willie: "What am I, chopped liver?"

Odessa: "I'll go and prepare the big thing, I should be back right before the ceremony."
Willie: "Okay, I'll see you then fellow bridesmaid."
Odessa: "I won't be long."

Artie: "Soo, Willie, eez Erica at le mariage aujourd'hui as well?"
Willie: "Nah sorry, mum couldn't make it today, had a game to attend."
Artie: "Non? Zat's un bummer."

Willie: "But Waylon's getting married later this year. And knowing him he'd definitely have you there."
Artie: "Waite, ze young monsieur iz getting marié? Ooh, give 'im mon bestest wishes!"
Willie: "I will!"

*Lenka gets distracted. She smells chicken nuggets*

*Odessa looks around her to make sure nobody else noticed her, before she walks ahead*

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Back Deck, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Pearl: "Well howdy there fellow former Jetsetter!"
Lucas: "How's you been doing girls!"
Apricot: "Hang on I remember you too, Lucas... right?"
Lucas: "Hmm you do look kinda familiar?"

Apricot: "Back when I didn't need my glasses.. We were both on Ibiza together, on Castaway 2!"
Lucas: "Oooh! That show that me and Ethan were on before it got canned.. Makes me wonder how well I would've done on there?"
Apricot: "... I was in a majority alliance. You were our first target. Ethan being on Tupai was too dangerous."
Lucas: "... gah dammit."

Julia: "Hey Iris, I've read your latest book! It's really good so far!"
Brent: "Yeah Sheila, I'm not the reading type normally but..."

Iris: ".. Who's Sheila?"
Jayda: "You can put that one in the pocket Iris."
Pearl: "By the way Brent, would you be up to give me some pro surfing tips? I've been considering to try it out and since you're a surfer..."

???: "You know what? I wouldn't mind meeting up with those people over there."

Rep: "Feel free to do so then Maximus. You'll eventually be informed when the ceremony will begin."

"Splendid. Now may I pass, please?"

"I think I'll go inside for a bit first. Hope you don't mind that right?"
Maximus: "Of course not, you're free to do your own thing Kisha."

Maximus: "G'day everyone, hope you don't mind ol' me joining you there."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Karaoke Bar, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tina: "Hope you don't mind silly me using the bathroom for a sec."

Kisha: "Oh you're from Mini Mole right? Tina?"
Tina: "Sure am! And you're Kisha from Abnormality right?!"
Kisha: "Exactly!.. May I have that seat for now?"
Tina: "Sure - no problem!"

Diane: "Insolent.. I was standing here for longer, that seat should've been mine."
Kisha: "Sorry - you heard Tina though."
Diane: "Grrr..."

Connie: "What makes you go and attend the wedding."
Maddie: ".. I felt like networking a bit with other people from reality shows. Being a first boot basically means you're often overlooked."
Connie: ".. Poor Janna."
Maddie: "Min Hee and I do have a bit of a past though... Hopefully she.. won't mind me too much."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Boardside Lavatory, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tina: "Oh hey.. they're all taken?"
Bridgette: "Yeah.. Guess we'll have to do the waiteroo."

Tina: "Hmm I do recall another one of these toilet areas at the other side of the ship. I'll try my luck there."
Bridgette: "Good luck!"

Tina: "I'll see you around!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Back Deck, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Oh wow, haven't seen you in AGES!!"

"Come here, give Mama Rox a hug!"

Janna: "Who knew the two biggest losers of Jetset would return here?!"
Mama Rox: "Nah we ain't gonna call ourselves that, we're great people in our own rights!"

Janna: "Fair point."
Mama Rox: "As long as we get that fried chicken we'll rock it up at the wedding!"

Mama Rox: "Hey Cap, remember us?!"

Captain Dockhatt: "Of course me lass."
Janna: "Small question.. I hope HEALTH-E's not here?"
Rep: "So far he hasn't shown up yet no."
Janna: "Ah good - I still blame him for that one time he kicked my in the butt."

Rep: "Ooh right, that was a thing. Though I do remember that he's working on hoverware now - no more legs on him to kick people with."
Janna: "I'm still wary."
Mama Rox: "Oh we'll be fine, I'm gonna make sure all bitches will be put in their place."

???: "Did somebody ask for the one, the only..."

"Natalia Fiore!?"
Mama Rox: "Not me, hmph."
Janna: "Uhh.. who?"

Natalia: "The winner and Queen of Abnormality! Who are YOU?"
Janna: "Uh.."
Natalia: "Wait never mind, I got more important things to do."

Natalia: "Well well well... If it isn't Brent Springs."

Brent: ".. Natalia."
Natalia: "What, don't you feel like saying hi to your ex?"
Brent: "Who needs you when I got Apricot by my side?"

Apricot: "Psst Brent, I don't think she's worth it to take the fight."

Natalia: "Tch - typical Brent, thinking he's this arrogant arse who is better than anyone else!"
Brent: "That doesn't even make any---"
Natalia: "News flash for you! *I* am the one who WON. *I* am better than you! In fact, you literally handed me the money on a silver platter, Springs!"

Apricot: "I see... Wasn't that Abnormality thing over a decade ago?"
Natalia: "Yeah it was, what's it wi--"
Apricot: "I can see you haven't done anything worthwhile with your life ever since, for you seem to reach back for it as a coping mechanism twice already! And as a therapist I find it, frankly, quite alarming."

Natalia: "See? Weren't you that co-host lady on The Mole who is going be blind when I whack those ugly glasses off your mug into the water?"
Apricot: "I can see well enough to notice that your hair is one big red flag - thanks for warning us for your personal problems with it."
Natalia: "How DARE you!"

Natalia: "Whatever, I'm sure I can find some GOOD company elsewhere here."

*Natalia runs off*

Lucas: "Help me remember to NEVER ever cross you Apricot."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Karaoke Bar, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Mama Rox: "Hey y'all, Mama Rox is in the house! Anyone been frying my chicken already?!"
Connie: "Oh wow!"

Janna: "Well have you ever-- Connie and Diane!"
Diane: "Don't be too surprised my dear - we all got invitations to this class event if I'm not mistaken."
Connie: "Everyone who's been on Sims reality... who knows how packed this place will get?..."

Mama Rox: "Oh well, I ain't gonna hide away from a good party."
Janna: "Soo, how's the two of you been?"

Connie: "Good, real good! I'm here with Connor, my brother. I kinda crawled a bit out of my shell since."
Diane: "You certainly did, dear. I also did fare well - I managed to expand my abilities as a renowned chef thoroughly... now if only that Brock man from High Hopes would one day stop calling me at random."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Back Deck, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"The Jetsetter.. who knew we'd ever get to board it again one day?"

"Well we're here right now - let's make the most of it!"

"It's even my first time on here, hey."

"Not gonna lie, remember that one time you jumped off the boat?"
Benjamin: "Ooh I do!"
Victor: "Maybe we should do that at the end of the day!"
Benjamin: "Deal!"

Oliver: "Are you sure about that, last time they also needed a helicopter to get you out."
Benjamin: "No probs, the beach is literally over there!"
Zachary: ".. True.. Oh well you can have your fun later. But yeah, AFTER the wedding party."

Victor: "We can check out the water already - make sure it's not too shallow."
Oliver: "Just don't jump in yet... I'll go inside and grab a drink."
Zachary: "I'll catch you in there later then."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Pool Deck, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Plum: "Mh-mh-mhhh..."

Plum: "They literally named that roof lower button after ME! I should have a dip in there...
if I weren't wearing my good fit."

*Plum looks around and thinks for a second*

Plum: "Oh what the hell, this is my best shot. Plum Love is the very first Queen of Abnormality after all!"

Natalia: "Did somebody talk about me?"
Plum: "Huh? Oh, if it isn't my successor."

Natalia: "Your successor who took your crown and made it ACTUALLY shine."
Plum: "Ugh, boooring. You'd never made it there without my game."

Plum: "I was the very first Queen crowned in the Abnormality house."
Natalia: "I got zero votes against and all votes to win. I literally played the perfect game.
I am THE Queen of Abnormality bitch."

Porsha: "If anyone is then Queen of Abnormality that would be MOI, sisters!
Like, Porsha *Royale* - that's the name of pure Royalty!"
Plum: "Boooring, you didn't even make jury!"

Skye: "Ooh, I made the final 2... and I'm actually a queen now. So does that make me the Queen of Abnormality too?"
Natalia: "What is this, a pathetic coup attempt?!"


Natalia, Plum and Porsha: "WRONG SHOW, BITCH!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Back Deck, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Rep: "So... we meet again."


"We meet again indeed, Rep the Reporter. And this time I have once and for all cast away the shackles of my sister. I am my own man now who has said adieu to the vilest schemes Wendi concocts."
Dockhatt: "Ye got yerself a way with words, me matey!"
Wendell: "Why thanks Captain.. So... I'll no longer tolerate the presence of any evil person--"

"Mwuahah.. I'm not late to the party yet, am I?"
Wendell: "... I spoke to soon didn't I?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Karaoke Bar, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ali: "Wait so chocolate milk is like, NOT milk that comes from chocolate cows?"
Ava: "I think not. I mean, cows with black spots also make regular milk right?"
Kassi: "All cows make regular milk girls."
Eric: "I do know how to make a mean chocolate fruit shake though, anyone wants to try?"
Kisha: "Ooh me please!"
Maddie: "Me too!"

Rose: "Not me though, think I had a drink too many - if you could excuse me for a bit."
Lana: "It's okay, when you gotta go you gotta go."
Rose: "I wonder what's taking Tina so long?" 

Maddie: "Ooh let's do something crazy, let's try peach flavour! Like the Mario princess!"
Oliver: "Good morning everyone, could I order a drink here?"

Eric: "Sure - I'm making chocolate fruit drinks right now."
Rose: "Oh I was just leaving, you can burrow my seat for a bit."
Oliver: "Thank you. And, is regular fruit juice okay too?"
Eric: "No problem!"

Tina: "Tip from Tina - try the bathrooms near the art gallery. The other stalls are likely taken."
Rose: "Thanks for the heads-up."

Lana: "Hey.. you're that Grieswald guy who was on this boat before right?"
Oliver: "Yeah, I did quite well on Jetset...Wait.. those legs..."

Lana: "Uh pardon me?"
Oliver: "Oooh, excuse me.. but uh, are you a Mersim?"
Lana: "Uhh.. I am, why do you ask?"

Oliver: "My brother and his husband are also Mersims, what if you'd meet and hang out for a bit?"
Lana: "Wait, Benjie and Vic right? You got me interested..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Back Deck, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

???: "Many people walked by here... yet none of them have looked in the shadows for..."

"Nocturne Alley! The one and only true trickster and expert of Sims reality. Yet none of them has figured out I'm here yet.. which is fine."

Nocturne: "Wait. What is.."

"Hnngh.. Dis here ain't an easy clim'..."

Aiden: "But swimmin' up deh ship sure ain't ya nawmal pardy locashun eith'r."

Aiden: "Ayy, Shady Lady, could ya gimme a hand please?"
Nocturne: "Uhh.. what the hell?!"

Aiden: "Ma'am, please!"
Nocturne: "..."

*Nocturne approaches Aiden. She pulls him on board*

Aiden: "Bwoah!"
Nocturne: "... Why in Grim's name would you SWIM all the way here? There's a port."
Aiden: ".. Oh dangitt."

Benjie: "Not gonna lie, that was wicked man!"
Rep: "Uhh lol?"
Nocturne: "Welp.. my cover got blown."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Side Deck, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Eva: "Why hello there darling, what brings you here this fine day?"

Wendell: "Not much, just a bit of romance.. I can ask the same to you, m'lady."

Eva: "A fancy gentleman huh? Not many of you are around anymore."
Wendell: "What can I say, we're a rare breed nowadays."

Eva: "Mind if we share a drink together?"
Wendell: "Sure, what flavour?"
Eva: "Passionfruit perhaps, darling?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Karaoke Bar, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lana: "So, I finally get to meet the famous Benjie and Vic! Your love story is quite popular from what I've heard under the sea."
Benjamin: "Wait is it? Wowie!"

Victor: "Yeah absolutely - it's like that famous fairy tale, but instead it's the other way around. Lots of us merfolk feel more represented by it."
Lana: "Exactly!"

Tina: "Sounds like they found their vibe."
Kassi: "And in the process you got your seat back now."
Tina: "It all falls into place, mwahaha."

Rose: "Oh you got me a free seat again as well! You're a star Kass!"
Kassi: "You're welcome Rosey-leaf!"

Tina: "Daww the two of you are so cute together! Relationship goals!"
Rose: "Thank you Tina.. And I'm sure you'll find someone, too."
Ali: "But like, if you'd feed a cow lots of strawberries, that would that make the milk strawberry too right?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Back Deck, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Rep: "It's 10:50. I think it's time to gather everyone for the ceremony."

Dockhatt: "Me thinks so."
Rep: "If you gather everyone on the deck then I'll.."
Dockhatt: "'Old a sec, we gots a late visitor here."

Rep: "Ooh, wait is this..."

Rep: "... the famous KT!?"

"Kaytlyn Taylors? That'd not be me.. You can call me 'Miss Tereya'. I'm.. a connection to the bride."
Dockhatt: "I swear, the resemblance be uncanny."

"Dockhatt: "Hmm, any of them reality shows you been on, matey?"
Miss Tereya: ".. I was once on a show called The Island. Sadly it was cancelled after the promo..."
Rep: "I kiiind of recall seeing a teaser of that show. So, you're just in time for the ceremony."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dining Deck, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Soo.. any idea what you're having? Or are you keeping it a surprise?"

Kayle: "Hahah you silly, I'm not pregnant lol."
Jenson: "Oh.. okay, s- sorry."
Kayle: "Hahah, it's okay you silly."

Kayle: "Welcome family and friends. We have come together today to witness the promises in marriage of Min Hee Ni and Jenson Jenson."

Kayle: "This commitment is between two people who love each other and wish to share each other’s lives."

Kayle: "Who will grow and change in the years to come, welcoming each other’s growth with mutual love and respect."

Kayle: "This ceremony gives social recognition to a union that has already taken place in the hearts of Min Hee Ni and Jenson Jenson."

Willie: "... Where's Odessa? She should've returned already by now..."

Artie: "Moi, I do not like zis.. Zhere iz somezhing très mal going on..."

Lenka: "... Yip.."

*Kayle opens the locket in Lenka's collar. She takes the wedding rings from it*

Kayle: "Min Hee and Jenson, do you declare before me and before your witnesses here present, that you come here voluntarily and without reservation and that you are free by law to be married to each other today?"

Min Hee: "Yes, I do."
Jenson: "Yes, I do."
Kayle: "Now.. starting with Min Hee, please repeat after me..."

Kayle: "I call upon the people here present to witness that I Min Hee Ni, take you Jenson Jenson to be my lawful wedded husband. I promise to love you, to care for you and to respect you for all of---"



Kayle: "... Damn sorry I-- I lied..."

Min Hee: "... What?"
Kayle: ".. I *am* pregnant..."
Jenson: ".. oh, congrats.. I guess?"

Kayle: "T-thanks.. AAARGH!!"

Kayle: "T- the baby is coming!!! Eric!"

Eric: "Got your back Kayle, I'll get you to a hospital right away!"

Jenson: "Soo... Now what?"
Min Hee: "... This.. completely violates the wedding protocol, you know.."
Jenson: "Yep..."

*A bloodcurling scream echoes from the insides of the Jetsetter*

Captain Dockhatt: "Lightning bombs, what was that?!"
Min Hee: "Odessa?!"
Jenson: "Was that Odessa screaming?"

Min Hee: "Where are you?!"
???: "The storage room! Now!"

Min Hee: "I'm coming!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Former Diary Room, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Willie: "This CAN'T be happening!!"
Artie: "Zhis iz un dream. Un dream très horrible.."


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Port, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"... I can't believe it..."

"Out of all places... why here?"


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Back Deck, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tybalt: "My team has finished questioning all present guests."

Tybalt: "Only you have alibis that we were able to verify after our initial research was done.
Which is why I got a special offer for you..."

Tybalt: "Would you like to join my Investigative Team as my Investigators and help us solve the vile murder of Odessa Wolff?"


Connie Mouskouri - Kelvin

"I've done well on Jetset before - I think I can do this, so I'm in."


Oliver Grieswald - Iceman
"I have the brains for this. I'm sure my skills in the lab can come in play here."


Diane White - Tiger

*Chef's kiss*

"Time to serve another vile villain their just desserts. My dear, you'll wish you never opposed Diane White."


Ali & Ava Thompson - Haylo

"Ohmygawsh Ava, it's like Mini Mole all over again!"
"Yesssss! Though, Ali, weren't we like the Moles back then."
"Uhh true-- right?"
".. I assume that means you want to join the team?"
"Yesss, we're like sooo in it Mr Tybalt! Sign us up please!"


Lana Mahi'ai - Tresa

"I can take a deep dive into this one - that's what we really need to get to the bottom of this case."


Roxanne 'Mama Rox' Quinlan - Smarties

Mama Rox: "That White lady ain't gonna win this time! Time to get my little spy pad out once more and take them notes down faster than a fat chick at a buffet!"


Kisha Patel - Alleen

"I'm up for the task - I'll catch that killer red- handed and kick their ass!"


Maddie Golden - Ninja

Maddie: "No car crashes, no singing telegrams, time to finally put my game hat on!"


Kassi Havas - Lilli

"May the watcher guide me bring justice to my fallen Circle friend... I'll help find out who did this to Odessa."


The Investigative Team

Hosted by Tybalt Poysen - Vul

Remember - ANY former Sims reality player can be the killer. 
It could've been someone among the other guests.
Someone could've snuck on board behind your backs.

And above all...

Pay attention. Any details, any objects, any odd remarks...
They could all be breadcrumbs leading down the killer's trail.

I'm very positive that they've left some behind already."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
To Be Continued...
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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