31 July 2024

Episode 2 - The Mourning After

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Master Bedroom, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*A couple people let out a sigh*

Dockhatt: "Lightning bombs.. which one o' these landlubbers would do such things?"
Mrs Ni: "I do not know. Dishonour on this vile person, though."

Rep: "Honestly, Odessa was so young... I've known her for a decade, and even though she's had her moments she still has a good heart... so for her to go out like this."
Jenson: "It is bitter, cruel irony..."
Rep: "Irony?"

Jenson: "She and Min Hee met in similar dark circumstances, from which their bond blossomed.. For that to be cut short like this.."
Rep: "She deserved better."

Dockhatt: "That darn killer shoulda been the one getting keelhauled."
Mrs Ni: "If only we knew who did it..."

Min Hee: "I know who did it..."

Min Hee: "There is one person who just happened to waltz on board today and then this happens..."
Mrs Ni: "Oh?"
Min Hee: "... and this person just happens to have hated me ever since we were young..."
Mr Ni: "Are you talking about..."

Min Hee: "Odessa's killer HAS to be Maddie Golden!"

Tybalt: "Wait, Maddie Golden? I dunno how that rumour got to you but she's on our Investigation Team, she can't be our culprit!"

Min Hee: "What?!"

Min Hee: "That HAS to be a mistake - Maddie has every motive to have done this!"

Tybalt: "Motive, perhaps.. but her alibi is airtight. Every footstep of Maddie's, from the moment when Odessa last was seen alive up to her body being found, has been accounted for by at least 3 others."

Tybalt: "The same can be said of every other member of the Investigation Team. Which means none of them have done it."
Min Hee: "... Then who would have done such a thing?"
Tybalt: "My team is working on it. But so far we've detained two prime suspects, who we know have had the opportunity..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Gym, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Artie: "Très ridicule..."

Artie: "Odessa was une of moi bestest amies in ze world."

Artie: "Why vould I ever murzer 'er? Eet makes nulle sense!"
Willie: "I know.. She was literally one of my favourite people in the world."

Artie: "Oui.. Our amie. Like zhat."
Willie: "If I ever get my hands on that killer's neck they better beg for mercy..."
Artie: "Oui.. If not you, zhen I vill."

Willie: ".. If only getting justice was so easy..."
Artie: "... Zut.. We should be out zhere.. aiding zem.. We found la corpse of Odessa..."
Willie: "Yeah we did.. We fo-.. f-..." 

Willie: "... I just.."

Willie: "I just can't believe that Odessa's... d-.. d-. dead...


... Dead..."

Artie: ".. She iz..."
Willie: "For fuck's sake, please tell me this is a bloody nightmare!"
Artie: "... I vish I could..."

Artie: "... Zut.. she is morté..."

Artie: "... d- departé..."

Artie: ".. a-.. assassiné..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
La Roche-en-Ardenne, Belgium, July 2021
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Artie: "Ee-.. ee-.. eet was TOO SOON!"

Odessa: "I know... I know..."

Ella Stique-Gante

Bien-aimé de beaucoup
tu nous as quitté trop tôt

* 07-02-1959

† 14-07-2021

Artie: "... If only moi was zhere, vut if I could 'ave rescué her vhen.. vhen ze rivière all flooded?"

Odessa: "... Artie... she's still in here."

*Odessa places her hand on Artie's chest*

Odessa: "And I think what she really wants you to do is to take a step back, take the time to give it all a place.. remember the good times you've shared together.. and then she wants her daughter to go and show the world she is back."

Artie: "... Z-.. zat makes la sense... but.. eet juste hurts.. zo.. much."
Odessa: "I know.. We'll take it one step at a time. What do you need first?"

Artie: "....."

Artie: "... I.. I vant to go to Erica's maison... Stay at ma amie's place."
Odessa: "I'll help you go there."
Artie: "... Merci.. Merci beaucoup."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Back Deck, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ali: "I just caaan't believe it!!!"

Ali: "Odessa's really DEAD?!"
Ava: "Just... how?"
Kisha: "I can't believe it either."

Mama Rox: "Girl, I wouldn't believe it either... but with all that happened today..."
Kassi: "Taking a human life is against anything I stand for.. and Odessa was a good friend of mine."
Maddie: "I thought people here were civilised... Violence is NEVER the answer. We were raised to talk things out."

Lana: "Who would do such a thing? Could it really be someone who set foot on the Jetsetter today? Most people had a good time there."
Connie: "I honestly have no clue.. I know Odessa had some rivalries but.. would anyone of those actually kill her?"

Diane: "That's where we come in, my dear. It's up to us to expose who did it and bring justice."
Oliver: "Exactly... Anyone remembers that Jock Verzettelsch guy?"

Mama Rox: "Hmm yeah.. but wasn't he racing elsewhere now?"
Kisha: "Yeah he was.. But as the group's Private Investigator we got this!"

Maddie: "Yeah, we just have to work together - then we can do anything!"
Connie: "That's true Maddie."
Ali: "Can we?"

Ava: "We just like, have to believe Ali."

Ali: "... For Odessa?"

Ava: "For Odessa."

Ali: ".. wait ohmygawsh Ava we're like totally crying in sink right now!"

Ava: "Wait we are?"
Ali: "Yesss! Twinsiesss!"

Ava: "No wait don't look at me like that, you're ruining our sync!"

Ali: "Ooh sowwyyyyy..."
Ava: "Uh.. just look at the same direction as me again."

Ali: "Oh hey look it's Tie-balt!"
Tybalt: "Well actually it's pronounced Tih-balt.."
Ali: "Oh sowwyyy..."

Tybalt: "It's okay, plenty of folks make that mistake. But anyways... I need...

- Eight Sims who can think of every angle of the box
- One intelligent Sim who can bounce off their peers' trains of thought"

Ali: "Why are there angels in a box?"
Ava: "I think it's like a grave box. You know, with the dead people in them?"
Ali: "Oh no! Not another dead person!"
Mama Rox: "I think my talents would be best in the group of 8, no way do I want to bounce the ideas off my head solo this time around."

Maddie: "I always work better when I'm park of the bigger group, Its why kids all work well together when I preform for them! I'd rather be part looking at the angles."
Kassi: "I'm just a lowly ex-copper turned fencer. I think angles are more my speed."
Lana: "I suppose I could do either if I must, but I would be more comfortable studying the angles.  I am used to thinking in three dimensions while swimming in the ocean."

Connie: "I don't think I would be suitable for the unique role... I shall pass on the honour to someone else."
Diane: "It’s rather offensive to imply the only intelligent person is this “one who can bounce off” person…frankly there is no one person in this cabinet who is more intelligent, and I mean no offence. But I would be doing myself a disservice taking this overseer role, and I do love glimpsing the sides of a box."

Oliver: "I guess that just leaves me, Kisha and the twins? If no one else is set on it, I can step up."
Ava: "Ollie, you can like totally be the brain guy!"
Ali: "Yeah, Ollie! Totally!" 
Ava: "Yayyyyy, Ollie!"

Kisha: "Fine with me... I will go with the bigger group..."
Oliver: "I appreciate the enthusiasm. Also, only my brothers call me "Ollie", thanks."
Tybalt: "Guess it's a clear group consensus."

Tybalt: "The rest can come with me for now."

Tybalt: "Investigators..."

Tybalt: "... Behind me is the crime scene. Somewhere in there lies a clue to the killer's identity. And it's up to you to figure out, with some help, where the clue may be."

Tybalt: "Follow me in please."

Ali: "Ohmygawsh I'm scared to even LOOK."
Connie: "Okay Connie, breathe in and out.. it'll be alright."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Former Diary Room, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tybalt: "Uh..watch your step."
Diane: "Oh my goodness..."

Maddie: "Shouldn't we move the body?"
Tybalt: "Once protocol allows it..."

Ali: ".. is it over already?"
Ava: "No... You have to come in here..."

Ali: "Uhh.."

Ali: "Whoa?"

Ali: "Wait for meeee!"

Diane: "Thank plumbob those two eagerly pushed for Oliver as the intelligent person."
Connie: ".. just imagine she's only playing dead Connie.. Juuuust imagine that."

Kassi: "Should we really crowd around her like that?"

Mama Rox: "Uh blondie, you might want to take a step back, you're almost standing on the body."

Ali: "Oi.. eww..."

*Ali quickly paces back a bit*

Lana: "I gotta admit that I expected it to smell worse."

Kassi: "Well, I do know that it can take up to a day before a body starts to decompose..."
Diane: "That is.. frankly slightly concerning that you know that, my dear."
Kassi: "I was on the police force once, learned it there. But I'm no longer wearing the badge now."

Tybalt: "If you look around, you can notice that..."

Tybalt: "... I have marked 12 items as potential clue-holders. Memorize those items well."

Tybalt: "You'll hear more details in a bitto."
Diane: "Poor Odessa..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Back Deck, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Oliver: "There you are."

Tybalt: "Mr Grieswald, I need you to come with me."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Karaoke Bar, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tybalt: "Here we go!"

Oliver: "Soo.. What do I have to do with this?"

Tybalt: "At the crime scene there are twelve items that are suspected of containing a clue to the killer's identity... You however, get to know what item it is."

Tybalt: "Using this handy-dandy tablet you get to choose 5 numbers from 1 to 18. Behind each number is an item. Out of the items you have chosen, you can send 1 their way."
Oliver: "And I have to pick an item that steers them to the clue?"

Tybalt: "Pretty much yeah. After that you get to pick an extra number and then send another item."
Oliver: "Soo.. what is the item that has that clue?"
Tybalt: "It's... [Tybalt mentions the item here]."
Oliver: "Gotcha!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Green Colonial Room, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Ali: "Ohmygawsh what was THAT?!"
Connie: "Uhh.."
Maddie: "Ali look out you almost hit me!"

Mama Rox: "It came from behind me!"
Diane: "The apples?!"
Mama Rox: "No, as in, the room!"

Kassi: "Let's go and investigate!"

Kisha: "Wait isn't that..."
???: "Is anyone in there?"

Lana: "Look at her bloodied face, poor thing..."
Maddie: "Oh no, poor soul."

Odessa: "Sorry, didn't mean to spook you---"
Mama Rox: "Bit late with that!"
Odessa: "I'm here though, with a message from beyond."

Odessa: [KRRZT] "My killer has left something behind right after their deed. And I'm here to help you find it, so that you can get on the right track."

Odessa: "I'll be showing you pictures of objects on the floor above. These objects--" [BZZT] "--will either be upright, or on their side. If it's upright it has something in common with the item in the storage that you need to--" [KRZT] "--keep around. If it's on its side it has something NOT in common with it."

Odessa: "You need to get rid of the items in the--" [BZRT] "--storage room that you think are NOT the one with the clue to the killer's identity."

Odessa: "Got it?"

*The group assents*

Odessa: "Your first item is coming up..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Karaoke Bar, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Oliver: "Let me see... I choose..."

*Oliver taps the numbers 2, 3, 10, 14 and 17*

*Oliver's tablet reveals the pictures*

Oliver: "I think the car is my best bet for now. I'll take the leap."

*Oliver sends the item. The tablet then switches to a camera view on the others*

Oliver: "Ooh.. This could be useful."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Green Colonial Room, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ava: "Ooh maybe it's the Giraffe?"
Ali: "Ohmygawsh how could you tell?"
Ava: "Well.. Giraffes are outside, cars are outside..."
Ali: "Ooh maybe!"

Ali: "Ohmygawsh!"

Ali: "I got it!!"

Ali: "It's the Drawing Stuff!!!"

Oliver: "Oh my..."

Diane: "My dear, what makes you jump to that conclusion?"

Ali: "Well you see, the background.. it's PAPER!"
Ava: "Ooh I see! So the car is a drawing!"
Ali: "YASSS!"

Oliver: "... But.. it's a wallpaper. You were literally in THIS room for an hour."

Kisha: "I think the car is the killers' car. So we need to find fingerprints in there, then we got them... Maybe it's Lenka who did it?"
Mama Rox: "Uhh..."
Kisha: "So if it's Lenka we shouldn't take out the pet food!"

Ali: "Lenka is too sweet to have done anything!!!"
Kisha: ".. Maybe it was an accident? Maybe Lenka accidentally pushed the anvil on Odessa's head."
Ali: "I vote out the pet food! Lenka is innocent!"

Mama Rox: "Kisha honey, wouldn't there be some anvil lying around here then?"
Kassi: "I'm not seeing any anvils in there for sure."

Lana: "Hmm maybe it's the art supplies? Not the right type of paint for a car I reckon."
Diane: "Hmm.. the car is red. It could be the colour we're looking after. Maybe we should eliminate items that are not red?"
Ava: "Though.. what if all images will be red outlines?"

Connie: "Hmm.. looking at these objects I don't see any resemblance between a car and a potted plant. Same goes for cutleries... unless you would say both are dangerous?"
Maddie: "I'd see zero connection to a plant with flowers in it, so that's a safe bet to eliminate."

Lana: "Flowers might be good to eliminate first."
Kisha: "Fine.. let's vote for the flowers."
Maddie: "I vote out the flowers too.
Connie: "I'll vote flowers as well then."

Connie: "If this item is the correct item though, I'm definitely buying a lottery ticket."
Mama Rox: "Not sold on that though, I remember that arrow you shot back on our days on Jetset."
Connie: "Oh dang.. Was that 9 years ago already?"

Kassi: "Look, I'm incredibly biased here, but I'm willing to vote out the flowers too. I can think of a connection, but it's bloody tenuous and I really don't think it points to the right killer."
Ava: "It would help if I'd, like, change our vote to flowers too."
Diane: "I'd like to vote out the flowers too, then."

Tybalt: "I hear a majority consensus has been reached?"
Connie: "Yes, uh, you can take away the flowers."

Tybalt: "Okay, taking them with me..."
Mama Rox: "Noice.....?"

Mama Rox: "Oi, we got it right?!"
Tybalt: "You'll see afterwards."

Mama Rox: "Oh mothertrucker."
Lana: "So we're basically blind in this..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Karaoke Bar, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tybalt: "Round 1 is over. It's time to choose another number between 1 and 18 to get an additional item."
Oliver: "Okay... I choose 13."

*The Mirror is added to Oliver's item options*

Oliver: "Hmm...I'm leaning towards sending the bar sideways, because I don't see any obvious connection... Oh, but I might go with......."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Green Colonial Room, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Connie: "So we got two votes now... well, I mean clothes probably have little to do with karaoke stations or musics in that regard."
Kassi: "We're voting to eliminate. So we need to vote for things that are like a karaoke machine, because the thing's on its side."

Kisha: "If it's a car and there is a sound system in the car then we shouldn't take out things that work with that... The CD's have to stay. Maybe the clue is in one of the CD's. But like you say, the picture is sideways... So maybe the clue isn't in the CD's although you can play CD's on the sound system."

Connie: "Wait, now you're just confusing me Kisha..."
Kisha: "But personally, I think the clue is in the unicorn toy... So I vote the Buckets and Register."

Kisha: "Though.. maybe it's not red, but Plum!"

Kisha: "And Plum killed Odessa with the anvil!... Wait..."

Kisha: "Tools could represent the anvil!"

Mama Rox: "Hun, didn't we establish already there ain't anvils in here?"
Connie: "Pretty much.. So what I'm thinking... The clue must be something that's not related to karaoke, or maybe music in general... So we should vote out items that are related to it?"

Kassi: "Yep.. Which is why I think we have to vote out the CD's. Though we also have to think about what would fit both hints we've been given."
Connie: "Agreed - Vote the CD's."
Kisha: "Hmm can I change my vote to CD's and Plush toys?"

Lana: "I'll just vote the same as Kisha, CD's and Plushies."
Mama Rox: "I like me that idea yeah. Vote CD's and Plushies."
Ali: "We too right Ava?"
Ali: "Sure, we vote CD's and Plushies too!"
Maddie: "I vote those two as well."

Kisha: "I think we got majority on both answers now. TYBALT!!!"
Diane: "Frankly I am slightly appalled nobody asked for my two cents."
Kisha: "You had the chance to speak up, you wasted it. Too bad!"
Diane: "Hmph."

Tybalt: "I'm here, I'm here..."

Tybalt: "The next clue should arrive in a bitto."

*Tybalt takes away the CDs and Plush Toys*

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Karaoke Bar, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tybalt: "Round 2 is over. It's time to choose another number between 1 and 18."
Oliver: "Come on. Lucky 7!"

*The Fruit Painting is added to Oliver's item options*

Oliver: "Oh yes!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Green Colonial Room, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kisha: "So.. 3 items. And they're similar to fruit buckets."


Kisha: "Easy, 3 items have containers - the Buckets, Drawing Supplies and Kitchen Utensils."

Kisha: "Soo, with those three gone.. I think it's the clothes. Like, there's DNA in clothes after all."
Kassi: "Hmm, it's a painting of fruit.. So I could see the Drawing Supplies as the final item?"
Ava: "Ooh totally! And maybe the Kitchen You Tonsils too! Like, you can cut fruit with that knive!"
Ali: "Well I can't, like, I keep cutting off my nails instead!"
Ava: "Oh remember when you cut your finger?"

Kisha: "The fruits are upright, which means similar. So we have to take out similar items."
Diane: "My dear, we need to do the opposite."
Kisha: "I am a PI, so I know what I'm talking about here."
Ali: "Ohmygawsh you are?!"

Kisha: "I am, yes. And I also figured out that you are a Mole among us."
Ali: "Wait whaa?"
Maddie: "Uh Kisha we're not on The Mole."
Kisha: "Hm fine, then Ali is the Assassin! And the items we need to vote out are the Drawing Stuff and Buckets."

Oliver: "... We may be on the Jetsetter but this isn't Jetset, Kisha. What is that girl even thinking?"

Ali: "Ooh what if we'd like vote for the Clothes, Pet Supplies and You Tonsils."
Kassi: "Yeah I think I'll vote for those three too."
Kisha: "Ali you really ARE the Assassin aren't you?"
Ali: "No???"

Kisha: "In the end we need 1 correct answer and you're voting out the correct answers now - I'm sure the final clue is in the clothes, and you want to vote it out! ASSASSIN! Vote Scrolls."
Diane: "My dear, I am definitely not getting rid of the Drawing Supplies or the Scrolls. I'll
vote the same as Kassi and the twins: ClothesPet Supplies and Utensils, not 'You Tonsils'."

Lana: "I don't want to vote out Kisha's train of thought yet. I'll vote Pet Supplies, Utensils and the Register instead of the clothes.."
Connie: "I'll trust the wisdom of the crowd and vote Pet Supplies, Utensils and Clothing. Which I think brings the first two up to a majority each, and the Clothes up to 4."

Kisha: "People, trust the Private Investigator! It's the clothes! Don't vote out the clue!"
Lana: "Hmm the clothes all seem neatly folded though.. Maybe they're a red herring after all?"
Maddie: "Kisha... I think there isn't a literal clue for us to find. We just have to vote out the ones we think are wrong, based on the hints we're given. And if we keep the right item in the end, we get the Clue."

Oliver: "At least Maddie and the others seem to get it... including Ali and that's saying something."


Ali: "Odessa is like stuck in the TV right? What if we just ask HER?"
Everyone: "....."

Diane: "Honestly.. I think that's actually a smarter idea than whatever Kisha's been on about."
Lana: "Let's do it. It can't hurt can it?"

Lana: "So, Odessa... Why do this weird hint picture thing when you can just tell us who did you in?"
Odessa: "Oh.. uhhh..."

Odessa: "OhNoTheSpiritWorldIsSuckingMeAwayFromHereSorryKayBye---"

Everyone: "..."

Mama Rox: "Thanks a lot Odessa."
Kisha: "... Fine I'll vote for your Clothes instead. But if we lose, I blame you."

*Tybalt takes out the Clothes, Pet Supplies and Kitchen Utensils*

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Karaoke Bar, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tybalt: "Time for round 4! Which means you can choose another number..."
Oliver: "I'd like to go with 12."

*The Karaoke Screen is added to Oliver's item options*

Oliver: "I don't know... the barstool might make them think of tools maybe."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Green Colonial Room, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kassi: "Not like a chair... how are we supposed to vote out FOUR out of the last 6?"
Diane: "I feel stumped. My first thought was thinking about wooden items but I don’t know if I want to rule out Drawing Supplies?? It could be seating related. Or maybe more on the side of comfort?"
Kassi: "We already got rid of the plush toys though."

Diane: "That, my dear, is very true."
Kassi: "Ooh maybe the buckets! Put them upside down and you can sit on them!"
Diane: "I suppose an unrefined barbarian could do such a thing..."

Connie: "Hmm... anything else can relate to sitting though?"
Ava: "Hmm you could sit down when reading books and scrolls?"
Diane: "Hmm.. That'd make 3 items so far."

Maddie: "What if we'd change our focus on what items to keep in?"
Kassi: "My main hunch still is the drawing supplies."
Ali: "Yay, I called it first!"
Maddie: "Could we keep in the Register as a backup? Because most cashiers have to stand in front of one."

Mama Rox: "Good thinking girl."
Lana: "I'm fine with going with that."
Kisha: "I feel we can vote out anything because we already voted out the right item."

Connie: "Are you sure you're not secretly the killer and know what the item is?"
Maddie: "One way to find out: let's vote!"

*Ali & Ava, Connie, Diane, Kassi, Kisha, Maddie & Mama Rox vote for the Buckets*

*Ali & Ava, Diane, Kassi, Kisha, Maddie & Mama Rox vote for the Scrolls*

*Ali & Ava, Diane, Kassi, Kisha, Maddie & Mama Rox vote for the Books*

*Ali & Ava, Diane, Kassi, Kisha & Maddie vote for the Tools*

*These four items are removed by Tybalt*

Diane: "I swear, my dear, if it IS the clothes I will sue."
Connie: "Hm, I'll just help myself to the buffet."
Maddie: "The food should still be good right?"

Mama Rox: "They better have some fried chicken for Mama Rox."
Kassi: "I haven't seen that Belcastro guy around here so at least we won't have spoiled pasta."
Mama Rox: "Hope we ain't gonna have that Chef Bertha 'round here either."
Lana: "You think they'd serve kelp on board?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Karaoke Bar, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tybalt: "One more number to choose from for round 5!"
Oliver: "Is it me or was that the fastest round yet?"
Tybalt: "I think so..."
Oliver: "Hmm.. I choose 5."

*The Couches are added to Oliver's item options*

Oliver: "I honestly can barely tell what these even are. I shouldn't send THAT their way..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Green Colonial Room, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ali: "Uhh... what even IS that thing?"
Kisha: "Looks like the karaoke machine again."
Mama Rox: "My gut feeling says that both this and the register use buttons."

Ava: "I'm like totally stumped here..."
Kisha: "I'm with Mama Rox."
Mama Rox: "Also karaoke makes noise - just like a register. Drawing isn't as noisy is it?"
Kisha: "Though.. Music is a kind of art..."

Maddie: "Though both karaoke machine pictures were bad, but the painting was good."
Kisha: ".. yeah, I think we need to keep the Drawing Supplies. Vote out the Register."
Mama Rox: "I'm with you. Vote out the Register."

Ava: "I trust the crowd. Vote out the Register."
Maddie: "So do it - Vote out the Register."
Connie: "Guess I'll hammer it in for good measure and Vote out the Register."

Tybalt: "With 5 out of 8 votes the Register is out!"
Kassi: "Wait what?"
Lana: "Guess they've overlooked us again."
Diane: "The nerve..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Bedroom Hallway, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tybalt: "Investigators..."

Tybalt: "You're saying the drawing supplies may have a clue."

Tybalt: "Let's see..."

Tybalt: "Hmm..."

Tybalt: "Uhh..."

Tybalt: "Nothing here..."

Tybalt: "Nor here..."


Tybalt: "I'm sorry..."

Tybalt: "... for that killer! They left a finger print behind!"

*Everyone gasps*

Tybalt: "Congratulations! This should help us catch up to them. Pay close attention!"

Tybalt: "Our next Investigation is tomorrow. So I suggest each of you choose a room on that side of the hallway to stay the night at. Feel free to hang out at the karaoke bar to catch up on, talk through who you think may have dunnit."

Tybalt: "Off you go!"
Maddie: "I'm fine letting you pick first!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Rose Room, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ava: "OH EM GEE! We are like TOTALLY taking the pink room! It is like SO us! Right Ali?"
Ali: "OH EM GEE! It so is! Like totally!"
Ava: "Rose room for us!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Cloud Room, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Diane: "I will definitely rush for the Cloud Room again… Home sweet Home."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Fairy Room, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kisha: "I will take the fairy room, thanks..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Werewolf Room, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Connie: "Oof, the Green Colonial Room is off-limits?... Guess I'll occupy the Werewolf Room then"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Tropical Room, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Oliver: "I'm in the Tropical Room again... Good to be back here."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Witch Room, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kassi: "Aw, that's taken... so's that... Witch Room it is. I can at least pretend she's here."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Cat Room, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lana: "Just in time to claim the Cat Room."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Modern Room, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Mama Rox: "That Oliver took my Tropical Room from right under my nose.. Fine, the Modern Room looks chill too."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Luxury's Lap Room, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Maddie: "Are you sure no one else wants this nice room?... Oh well, if this is the last one left I can't complain..."


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Pool Deck, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ava: "Waaait Ali..."

Ava: "That house on the cliff over there.. wasn't that where we stayed at during Mini Mole?"
Ali: "Oh! Ohmygawsh! You're like completely right!"

Ali: "That's like so cooool!"
Ava: "And the beach this boat is at.. that's where the Executions were held."

Ali: "Wooow..."

Ava: "Wait ohmygawsh, Lana just grew out a tail?"

Ali: "Oh wow, that's so cool! Wouldn't it be cool if we would be mermaids?"
Ava: "Oh Em Gee, yes! We'd look so stunning!"

Lana: "Hey there girls."
Ali & Ava: "Hi Lana!"

Ali: "Ohmygawsh how do you become a mermaid???"
Ava: "Aliii..."
Lana: "Haha very straightforward huh?"

Lana: "There *are* ways... but it takes some effort and trust."
Oliver: "Oh hey there everyone."

Oliver: "How're things going here? Any idea who the killer may have been?"
Lana: "Not really yet.. but once we do more investigations I'm sure we can pin them down."
Oliver: "I guess so... I got a couple ideas already though."

Ali: "She was about to tell us how to become mermaids!"
Lana: "Uh yeah, that too..."

Oliver: "You should ask my twin brother Benjie, he pulled it off somehow."
Lana: "Yeah, he did!"
Ali: "Oh yesss! How?"

Oliver: "Well.. he did almost drown for it..."
Ava: "...Maybe not then."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Cloud Room, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Diane: "How formidable it is that we both were put on this team together, isn't it?"

Connie: "Yes, just like back on Jetset. We were the winning team back there."
Diane: "We got Hector caught last time, now to catch another villain in their tracks." 

Connie: "So, any ideas?"
Mama Rox: "Why lookie here, both my fellow season mates in a room together!"

Mama Rox: "Mind if I join?"
Connie: "Uh, it can't hurt can it?"
Diane: "Hmm, I suppose."

Mama Rox: "Look, I know I'm a third wheel here. But I'm pretty sure I got a lot to bring to the table!"
Diane: "Hmm..."

Mama Rox: "That Hector only kicked me out because he saw me as a threat, remember?"
Diane: "Hmm you do have a point, he did utter such reasonings..."

Mama Rox: "And we were also the top 3 fan favourites of our season, woulda be iconic to team up huh?"
Connie: "I do like that idea. I'd say you can join our kitchen!"

Mama Rox: "The Kitchen, huh? I like that sound. I can make me some fried chicken in there."
Diane: "Hmm."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Karaoke Bar, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kassi: "Soo.. about that clue.."
Maddie: "I have my suspicions?"

Kassi: "Oh what do you think?"
Maddie: "This finger print is not literally from our killer."

Kassi: "Oh.. and what makes you think that?"
Maddie: "First of all our Sim fingers are way too smooth to actually have finger prints."

Maddie: "They'd just leave a black blotch and---"
Kisha: "Amateurs."

Kisha: "You clearly have no idea what you're talking about have you?"
Maddie: "Do you, then?"

Kisha: "I'm a PI - I'm running circles around you already and you don't have any idea of it."

Kassi: "Tch, just like you were 100% sure it was the clothes?"
Maddie: "Very true.. Pride cometh before the fall is what I say."

Kisha: "This exactly proves my point. I needed to test what kind of people I was working with..."

Kisha: "... and you've shown me this will be a cakewalk for me."

*Kassi and Maddie look at each other in disbelief*

Maddie: "I strongly suspect that was a bluff."
Kassi: "Maybe she is a mole after all?"

Kisha: "Heheh... My point stands again."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Gym, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*Willie snores loudly*

Artie: "Hein?"

Tybalt: "I've come here to let you out."
Rep: "Oh my is she alright?"

Artie: "Ah finalement..."

*Willie snores louder*

Rep: ".. Oh. Lol."

Artie: "Aboute time for our libération."
Tybalt: "I'm sorry but not exactly. We're just moving you to a more comfortable place on board."

Artie: "Wait vut?"
Captain Dockhatt: "Prime Suspect protocol."

*Captain Dockhatt unlocks the door. It rattles loudly*

Willie: "Yaaaaawwwn.."
Rep: "Ah there we go."

Willie: "Oh you're letting us out?"
Artie: "Non, juste moving us."
Tybalt: "I'm afraid you'll have to stay the night on board.. so we'll get you to a room with a bed."

Willie: "Why not do that straight away, my neck's a bit achy now..."
Tybalt: "My apologies for that."

Artie: "We vould never kill Odessa, pourquoi vould we kill her? Zis iz une abnormalité!"
Tybalt: "What counts for now is the fact you had the opportunity, rather than the motive."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Rose Room, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*Ava changes the channel*

Ali: "Oooh I remember Banana Bunny!"
Ava: "That is such a good show!"

Ava: "Although.. this is not an actual costume right?"
Maddie: "Hey girls can I come in?"
Ali: "Oh sure!"

Ali: "So uhhh... Maddie do you know if that bunny is a costume or not."
Ava: "I think it's animated with a computer.."
Maddie: "Oh my..."

Maddie: "It's the first 3d-animated season!"
Ava: "So it's NOT a costume?!"
Maddie: "Nope.. But it was my first voice acting role!"

Ali: "No wayyy..."
Ava: "Wait... Ohmygawsh, I can hear it now! It IS you!!!"
Maddie: "Heheh."

Maddie: "Though sadly they gave the role to someone else a few years ago."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Karaoke Bar, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lana: "Okay here goes..."

*Lana turns on the karaoke song*

*Lana hums a few introductional tunes*

Oliver: "Pssht. Any ideas on the killer so far?

Diane: "Hmm... After this Investigation today I do think we may work together quite well..."

Oliver: "So that's a yes?
Mama Rox: "Shush, she gonna start singing."
Diane: "I'll get back to you later.

"In sleep he sang to me
In dreams he came
That voice which calls to me
And speaks my name"

"Sing once again with me
Our strange duet
My power over you
Grows stronger yet"

*The Audience gets awed by Lana's siren vocals*

"Those who have seen your face
Draw back in fear
I am the mask you wear
It's me they hear"

"In all your fantasies
You always knew
That man and mystery
Were both in you"

*Mama Rox, Oliver and Diane applaud loudly*

Mama Rox: "WOO, now THAT'S a golden throat!"

Lana: "Aw, thank you so much."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Werewolf Bedroom, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Connie: "Soo..."

Connie: "You.. wanted to talk?"
Kassi: "I think you may already have made a team with Diane..."

Connie: "Hmm..."
Kassi: "... but I think I could see the two of us sharing suspicions as well."
Connie: "As in, sharing theories?"

Kassi: "Pretty much yeah. You'll see and think different things than I do during the Investigation, so if we put our findings together we can bring justice to Odessa."

Connie: "Yeah.. Admittedly, some of the others out there do kind of give me uncomfortable vibes and I'm not sure how much they'd actually help out with solving this..."
Kassi: "Like Kisha, for example?" 
Connie: "... Yeah, she feels... off. But you seem okay so far."

Kassi: "That's a relief. And yeah, Kisha... has been rubbing a few other people the wrong way as well."
Connie: "Hmm.. I kind of hate talking behind someone's back... but I am not too surprised to hear."
Kassi: "Well... I was chatting a bit with Maddie earlier today, and then she waltzes in..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Fairy Room, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kisha: "Time to get a good night's rest..."

Kisha: "Gotta be well-rested for tomorrow."

Kisha: "I got this case in the bag..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Karaoke Bar, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*Min Hee lets out a tense sigh*

Jenson: "Oh, my love..."

Jenson: "Uh.. you shouldn't have caffeine at 10, it's bad for your health... Especially after a stressful day like this."
Min Hee: "... I know.. sorry..."
Jenson: "Just know... I'm here for you."

Min Hee: "Thanks..."
Jenson: "Are you okay?"
Min Hee: "No.. I'm scared.. of going to sleep tonight."

Jenson: "I can stay by your side all night."
Min Hee: "... Yes. I'd like that."
Jenson: "I love you."
Min Hee: "I love you too."

Congratulations on passing your first Investigation!
This is the only task you will play as a group though.
Your individual efforts will pay a bigger role soon...

And remember:

Keep paying attention.
Details, rumours, remarks, items.
All of these may be retraceable to the killer.

Once again, they haven't fully cleaned up after themselves.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
To Be Continued
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *