30 August 2024

Episode 3 - Escape from the Nightmare

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The next morning, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ali: "Ouch!"
Ava: "Pull the handle, then you open the door."
Ali: "But I did?!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Bedroom Hallway, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*The Jetsetters rumour.. the doors rattle.. but none of them open*

Diane: "Why you wretched handle, why won't you... Wait, what's this?"

Maddie: "Is that a number lock? And... a note?"

Connie: "Hmm it reads..."

Lana: "... 'YOU ARE TEAMMATE 1'..."

Mama Rox: "... 'YOU ARE TEAMMATE 2'..."

Kisha: "... 'YOU ARE TEAMMATE 3. In order to escape you need'..."

Kassi: "...'Your Room Key', and 'the code for your lock'."

Oliver: "Those must be hidden in our room then!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The second Investigation has begun
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ava: "Ali! Where did the key go?"
Ali: "The door key? Ummm… Did I lose it again?"
Ava: "I think we both lost it! We’re gonna miss breakfast!"
Ali: "Nuuuu! My cereal!"

Maddie: "Ooh that darn pillow! It felt really weird already the entire night!"

Kisha: "Hmm that would be a good start..."

*Kisha finds a walkie-talkie*

Kisha: "Gotcha!"

*Maddie finds a walkie-talkie*

Maddie: "Knew it! Never trust a funky pillow, kids..."

Ava: "Ohemgee! Look I found a 2!"
Ali: "Omigosh! It must be Twos-Day!"
Ava: "Um, I'm pretty sure its a Sunday...?"
Ali: "Oh. Right! My bad!"

Diane: "A yellow 4? That's peculiar.. I think I should keep this with me."

Oliver: "It's time for makeup. Perfect smile. It's you they're all waiting for."

*Oliver finds a red 1 in the vanity drawer*

Oliver: "Well, that was easy."

*Mama Rox finds a yellow 4*

Mama Rox: "Perfect! Looks like one of the numbers for the code..."

*Lana finds a red 1 in her vanity drawer*

Lana: "... Now I just have to find three more."

Kassi: "Nothing under here... Maybe I should check the rest of the couch though?"

Connie: "Hmm.. nothing of note here."

Kisha: "Hello?"

Maddie: "Anyone there? Please respond, over!"

Diane: "Why hello there my little dear..."

Diane: "That's a yellow 0 to add to my collection.. now what was that sound, was that Maddie?"

Kassi: "Well what do you know..."

*Kassi pulls out a yellow 0 from underneath the couch pillows*

Kassi: "That voice came from right behind me... though I should be a bit wary if that was indeed Kisha..."

Mama Rox: "I spy with my little eye... a yellow circle?"

Connie: "Wait what is this.. a red rocket?? No wait it's.. number 1? Huh."

Oliver: "Hmm.. nothing here.."

*Oliver keeps searching the rest of the mattress*

Kisha: "Is anyone there? Check your beds for the walkie-talkie!"

Oliver: "Wait.. is that the pillow? That was my second choice!"

Oliver: "Gotcha!"

Oliver: "10-4. I found a number in my vanity drawer so far."
Kisha: "Good to know... Just found the walkie-talkie... Nothing else."
Oliver: "Check your dressers or vanities."

Kisha: "Okay..."

Ava: "Hmm.. what would this button do?"

*Ava presses the button. The TV turns on.*

Min Hee: "Et voila, here I am."
Odessa: "Okay... BTW, have you seen Lenka?"
Min Hee: "Hmm, no, I haven't yet..."

Ali: "Ohemgee that's Odessa! She's still alive!"
Ava: "No wait, she looks younger there.. this is just a rerun of Jetset."
Ali: "... oh..."

Diane: "A portophone.. perfect!"

*Diane gathers the walkie-talkie*

Diane: "Hello dears, I’ll be brief: I have found a 4 and 0, both yellow."
Maddie: "I was unable to find anything next to my bed."

Oliver: "10-4. I found a number in my vanity drawer so far."
Kassi: "Oliver! Good, I think I can work with him."

*Kassi pushes the Mattress back on the bedframe. He just had looked underneath it to search for things*

Kassi: "Hmm if it isn't underneath the mattress..."

Kassi: "Then.. gotcha! It's in the pillow!"
Kisha: "I got a number!"

Kassi: "So did I! Check your sofa cushions if you haven't already."
Kisha: "The number got a colour with it so we need something to give us the order of the numbers. Do you guys think we have to use the same number?"

Oliver: "I found a red 1."
Kisha: "Green 2!"
Kassi: "I got a yellow 0!"

Diane: “Are we assuming the codes are the same or different?”
Maddie “I’m not sure there isn’t a lot of information yet, I just found a green number 2”

Diane: "Hmm might as well check the telly. There could be valuable information on there."

*Diane turns the thing on*

Brock: "Hello, Jordan was it?" 
Jordan: "Er, you don't have to call." 
Brock: "Meh, I'll go with Kitchen, White and the Knife."

*Diane instinctively reaches for her pocket to grab her phone*

Diane: "Typical. Blame me for your problems." 
Tiger: "Oh hey Diane, aren't you meant to be dying on a boat?" 
Diane: "On a boat yes, not dying." 

Diane: "Oh who am I kidding, I don't even have my phone with me. The trauma this man caused me!"

*Kisha grabs her number from the drawer and crams it in her nightgown, then grabs her walkie*

Kisha: "Green two!"
Kassi: "So did I! Check your sofa cushions if you haven't already."
Kisha: "The number got a colour with it so we need something to give us the order of the numbers. Do you guys think we have to use the same number?"

Oliver: "I found a red 1."
Kisha: "Green 2!"
Kassi: "I got a yellow 0!"
Kisha: "Wait..."

Kisha: "That door is open..."

Kisha: "... perfect to hide something in!"

Kisha: "--- OUWIE!"

Kisha: "Damn, them little glowflies trapped the door!"

*Lana just found a red 5 hidden in the pillows of her couch*

Lana: "Progress! Now.. what to search next..."

Lana: "Ouch!.. Wait..."

Lana: "There's something down here... but what?"

*Lana picks up the item from underneath the carpet. It's the room key!*

Lana: "Oho, let's go!"

Lana: "Maybe there's something on the tv? Just like yesterday's investigation?"

Chef Bertha: "Dem feckin' young 'uns... Wish me coulda stab 'em like dis!"

*Chef Bertha violently stabs the salmon with her spatula*

Lana: "Now that was a blast from the past. Literally. Wonder who she's terrorizing..."

Oliver: "I got a red 5 in the couch."

Kassi: "Bingo! Yellow 4 in the dresser."

Mama Rox: "Why lookie there, is that a bulge in that pillow?"

*Mama Rox searches the pillow*

Mama Rox: "Yes! This is perfect, someone might have a bit more information on what is going on."

Mama Rox: "Hello? Is anyone there? Over."

Kisha: "Number 3! No wonder I overlooked you, you're just as green as the cushions."

Diane: "I have looked at the bed, two couches, TV, chest of drawers. Numbers were in one of the couches and the drawers."
Maddie: "I just checked my wardrobe and found nothing there sadly, I'll check my sofa."
Diane: "So far between us we have three numbers. But why are they different colours?"
Maddie “And I just found a green number 3 in my sofa."

Ava: "You sure about this?"

Ali: "Maybe??... Hmm nah, nothing here."

*Ali crawls back from under the couch. She bumps her head*

Ali: "Ouwie-de-pouwie!"

Ava: "You okay Ali?"
Ali: "Uhh.. I think my head felt a bump in the couch?"
Ali: "Oh!"

*Ava dives on the couch and searches it*

Ali: "Uhh.. you got something?"

Ali: "Ava, look! You found a big E!"
Ava: "Woop woop!"
Ali: "Maybe we should check the bed?!"
Ava: "But we slept in it all night, I think I'd know if I saw something in the bed?"

Maddie: "Wait, what if..."

Maddie: "Please be Odessa with some details..."

Maddie: "...I QUIT!"
Paul: "What the-!?"

Maddie: "Wait..."


*Maddie screams, car comes to a screeching halt*

Maddie: "Are you kidding me?! Min Hee, is this your idea of a sick joke?!"

Kisha: "Hmm what's this bump under here..."

*Kisha grabs the key from under the carpet*

Kisha: "Awesome!"

*Kisha grabs the walkie*

Kisha: "I found a key under the carpet! Woot!"

Lana: "Mama Rox' voice came from the bed... Ah!"

*Lana picks up the walkie-talkie*

Lana: "Gotcha! Time to work with the team!"

Lana: "Hello! I'm here. Are you locked in your room too?"
Mama Rox: "HEY! Yeah I'm locked I'm in too. I've found two numbers for a code. You?"
Lana: "Same, plus the key... I found it underneath my carpet."
Mama Rox: "Oh good, I'll check mine!"

Mama Rox: "Hmm now where could you be..."

*Mama Rox scans the carpet. She notices a bulge underneath it*

Mama Rox: "Gotcha!"

Oliver: "Under the carpet, Kisha said."

Oliver: "Aha, there we go!"

Kassi:  "By the Watcher..."

Kassi: "There's a key under the carpet, she said.. It'll be fun, she said..."

Kassi: "I gotta start somewhere though... I guess the rug near the seating area seems to stand out?"

*Kassi body-searches the carpet. He actually finds the key really soon*

Kassi: "Well praise the Watcher!"

Lana: "Hmm..."

Lana: "This lamp is clear. Any other lamps?"

Lana: "Wait..."

*Lana reaches under the lamp hood*

Lana: "What do we have hear?"

"Your teammates are wearing the exact same predicament.
You can only relax and count on them to help you escape."

Lana: "What a peculiar note..."

Ava: "Ali what are you doing?"
Ali: "I found out how we can find all items!"

Ali: "My headbumps are magical, every time I bumped my head into something we got an item!"

Ava: "Oooh, clever!"

*Ali bumps her head to the underside of the bed*

Ali: "Ouch... But I think I felt something!"
Ava: "Ooh.. The pillow maybe?"
Ali: "I think so!"

*Ava checks the pillow...*

Kisha: "Aha!"

Oliver: "There's a note in here.. Might be important."

Connie: "Hmm.. Nothing down here."

Diane: “Oh darling, I see a lighthouse…save me, lighthouse keeper, save me.”
Maddie: “Uhhh more context please?”
Diane: “There is a lighthouse outside the window. Too far to swim to however.”
Maddie: “Oh hahaha..."

Maddie: "Well I looked at the mirror and just saw myself, wasn’t disappointed but still… now I’m gonna check under my bed, monster or clue, who knows what I’ll find”
Diane: “I worry I will go insane inevitably, Maddie.”
Maddie: “We can do this! I know we can, there has got to be something obvious we just haven’t seen yet.”
Diane: “Yes, let’s be hopeful about this. I will try the next window.”

Ali: “Hel-… … and then… …-ke tota-… … trip to France and…!”
Ava: “Ali! Push the butt-… may-… it here!"

*Ava grabs the walkie from Ali*

Ava: "Hello! Is this thingy on?”
Ali: "Ava! I was on the phone!”

Lana: "Hi!  That makes four of us. Have you figured out how to unlock your door yet? Two heads have to be better than one, right?"
Ava: “Ali! It’s Lanie! Eeeee!”
Ali: “Hiya Lanieee! We found a number 2 and a letter E!”
Ava: “Also our room has a lock and we don’t have the key?! Can you come get us?”

Lana: "Sorry, I'm locked in too. I have a key, two numbers and a note."
Ava: “Oooh, what’s on your note? Is it a cute little love letter?!”
Ali: “Dawwww! So sweet!”
Lana: "Um, no, it is not. It basically says we need to work together, so focus, please."

"Ava: Well, what does the note say then, silly?"
Lana: "I just told you? Fine, here's the full text:

'Your teammates are wearing the exact same predicament. 
You can only relax and count on them to help you escape.'

It also has the flag of Guinea on it, red, then yellow, then green."

*Kassi tries the code 0-6-4-5. It doesn't work.*

Mama Rox: "Hmm might be something useful on the screen."

HEALTH-E: "Activate emergency syrince! Fire!"

*HEALTH-E fires a syringe. It hits Mama Rox and she gets injected*

Mama Rox: "AI! What the heck, HEALTH-E..... is that... anesthetic?...... I'll..... get you....."

*Roxanne faints*

Odessa: "Not so fast, you..."
HEALTH-E: "Oh no. It is Odessa. I am sorry for what has happened."
Odessa: "You're free to go, you couldn't help it. Kain, however..."

Mama Rox: ".. Dang.. It should've been Kain, not Odessa.."

Maddie: “So I turned my lights on and off and found a sheet of paper that says: 

“Your teammates are wearing the exact same predicament.
You can only relax and count of them to help you escape.” 

It also has a red-yellow-green coloured flag!”
Diane: “Who wrote that atrocity? I did not even know I could turn the lights off.”
Maddie: “I just did it on a whim.”

*Diane checks some of the nearby wall lamps. She finds the note*

Diane: “I don’t know where to look. I found the paper same as you. We need red numbers?”
Maddie: “Will need to hear from our last teammate I assume."
Diane: "I wonder who that is and my goodness I hope they do hurry up finding their portophone..."

Connie: "Aha, a red 5!"
Diane: “... Do you have pockets, Maddie?”
Maddie: “No pockets in my sleepwear.”
Diane: “I see.”
Connie: "I wish I could find that portophone though. If only I knew where those voices came from?"

Kassi: "Wait.. this lamp! There's something in there!"

Kassi: "What's this.. Hey guys I got a note!"
Oliver: "What did it say?"
Kassi: "Uh.. It says..."

"'Your teammates are wearing the exact same predicament. 
You can only relax and count on them to help you escape.'"

Kisha: "Oh never mind, I found the thing already. Does it have colours?"
Kassi: "I think the colours are important."
Oliver: "I agree, I got red numbers. Kassi, you got yellow and Kisha got green. That HAS to matter."

Mama Rox: "Oh, but of course!"

Mama Rox: "You though you coulda fool Mama Rox huh?"

*Mama Rox unwraps the note from the lamp*

Mama Rox: "Well what do ya know, Lana, I just found the same note!"

Ava: "I don’t have a note! Can I like, borrow one?"
Ali: "Maybe they can come bring it to us!"
Ava: "Oooh! That’s a fun idea!"
Ali: "We’ll swap you one of our green numbletters!"

Lana: "Your numbers are green? Mine are red. And we have Guinea's flag... Mama Rox, are yours yellow? This could be a big clue."
Mama Rox: "Yes, mine are yellow!"
Lana: "So maybe we're meant to use a number from each color?"

Ali: “Ugh. No pink numbers?”
Ava: “Anyone want our greenies? We have a 2 and an E!”
Lana: "Keep them and see if you can find another one. Mine are 1 and 5."
Mama Rox: "I have a 4 and a 0."
Ali: "You know what..."


*SOMEHOW the lock's numbers have changed position into 1-2-3-4*

Ava: "Hang on-- Ali, what are you doing?"
Ali: "Aaah my magic trick worked!"

*Ali tries to open the lock. It doesn't budge*

Ali: "Aww shucks."

Kisha: "Wait... If you add up the numbers, green is 5, yellow is 4, red is 6.. "
Kassi: "I'm not sure, we 3 numbers, but 4 slots - unless one is zero? I already tried 0-6-4-5."
Oliver: "That does leave 6-4-5-0 as an option doesn't it?"
Kisha: "Let's do it. All at once. It's our way out, I'm sure!"

*The number 6-4-5-0 is put in by Kisha...*

*... Oliver...*

*... and Kassi, but none of their doors open up*

Kisha: "Dammit! I was so sure of it!"
Kassi: "Maybe we have to find something to put for 0?"
Kisha: "Ooh I got it! Maybe we have to replace it with our teammate numbers!"

Connie: "Oh I see something!!"

Connie: "The lamp has something!"

Connie: "Huh.. what does it say?..

'Your teammates are wearing the exact same predicament. 
You can only relax and count on them to help you escape.'

... but I can't rely on them if I can't even talk to them!"

Ali: "Ooh what if..."

Ava: "Uh Ali what are you doing?"
Ali: "Just wait and see..."

*Ali lets herself fall...*

*SLAM--- something underneath the carpet launched off towards---*

Ava: "OUWIE!"
Ali: "Did it work?"
Ava: "Something shot in my.. Wait is this, like, the key?"

Ali: "Oh em gee my headbumps really ARE magical!"

Ava: "Ali totally just found a key under the rug!"
Mama Rox: "It looks like all the items must be in the same places. Is there anywhere that you haven't investigated yet?"
Ava: "Ali has been hitting her head on EVERYTHING just in case." 
Ava: "Where can we get our own love letter note?"
Lana: "Check lampshades for notes."

Kisha: "We have to keep trying with these numbers, we'll eventually find the one we need!"
Oliver: ".. Kisha, I think this isn't it. We have to find it out another way."
Kisha: "You guys haven't even tried all my ideas yet!"
Kassi: "Welp, only some divine intervention can help us out..."

Kassi: "..."

Kassi: "UGH!!!"

Odessa: "Krrz-- hey... need a hint?"
Kassi: "Huh?"
Kisha: "Yes please!"
Oliver: "That'd be very helpful."

Odessa: "You got all items you need to escape. Just... read the message very closely to figure out what to do. Especially the words 'Dressed' and 'Relax'... they say something about the code's order."

Ava: "Wait.. we can only count on them..."
Ali: "Soo.. we gotta like wait on them?"
Ava: "Noo.. We have to use THEIR numbers!"
Ali: "Ooooooh... Oh?"

Ava: "So like.. Wait.. if Lana is red.. and Mama Rox is yellow.."
Ali: "Mama Rox got 0 and 4 right?"
Ava: "Yes.. and Lana got 1 and 5. So if we put the red numbers first, then the yellows..."

*Ava puts in the code 1-5-0-4 and tries to open it...*

Maddie: "No.. Nothing on here, even."

Connie: "Wait what's here..."

Diane: "Is that..."

Diane: "Maddie, dear!"
Maddie: "Oh yes?"
Diane: "I found the key of this blasted door! It was right under the carpet."
Maddie: "Oh, thanks! Hadn't checked there yet. Woohoo!"
Diane: "Language, my dear!"

Kisha: "Wearing... does that mean we got something on our clothes? We should check in the mirror?"
Kassi: "No, I'm.. uh.. not wearing a top."
Kisha: "Eww..."
Oliver: "Hmm..."

"Your teammates are wearing the exact same predicament. 
You can only relax and count on them to help you escape."

Oliver: "If I'm red, then I first need Kassi's yellow numbers
First the one he's wearing, or, the one from his dresser: 4
Then the one from his relaxing place, thus, the sofa: 0
Then the same, for Kisha's numbers: 2 and 3..."

*Oliver puts in the code 4-0-2-4 and tries to open it...*

*Door opens*

Oliver: "... Sweet freedom..."

Oliver: "Am I first?"
Tybalt: "Hmm.. lemme share a secret with you.. Oliver you are..."


Tybalt: "... indeed the first to escape their room!"
Oliver: "Excellent!.. not much of a secret now though."
Tybalt: "Oh well.."

Oliver: "So.. what is that door for?"
Tybalt: "Rumour has it something valuable... But you still need to help your teammates out, first."
Oliver: "Ooh, on it!"


Ava: "... Soo.. it's, like, not 1-5-0-4..."
Lana: "Wait.. wearing, relax... Mama Rox, where did you find which number again?"
Mama Rox: "I found the 0 in my sofa.. and my 4 in the dresser."
Lana: "That's IT! Girls you were very close, I think your code is not 1-5-0-4, it's 1-5-4-0 instead!"

Ali: "Ohmygawsh, are we like, genuses or something?"
Mama Rox: "Maybe you really are, gurls! So, Lana, I need your 1-5 plus the twins' numbers?"
Ava: "We got the 2 in the dresser and the E in the sofa!"
Lana: "Rox, your code is 1-5-2-3. Mine's gotta be 4-0-2-3..."

Oliver: "I got out!"
Kisha: "Really?"
Kassi: "Sweet!"
Oliver: "And I think I figured out your codes too."

Kisha: "Tell! I wanna get out!"
Oliver: "Kisha, your code is 1-5-4-0. Kassi, yours is 1-5-2-3."
Kassi: "Okay, here goes..."


Kassi: "Oh Watcher, I'm out!"
Lana: "Yes, it worked!"
Ava: "Oh Lana you're out too!"
Ali: "Hiiii Lana!"

Mama Rox: "I'm not too late for breakfast am I?"
Kisha: "I solved it!"


Tybalt: "Well done Investigators..."

Tybalt: "You are the first two teams who escaped. That means that the lot of you are eligible for the hint..."

Tybalt: "But... We kind of expected one team to clearly get out first... so we got a tie to break here."

Tybalt: "The tie here is simple: There's been some gossip going around on what exactly is behind that door. The team that unlocks THAT door, earns an extra hint..."

Tybalt: "On your mar-- oi?!"

"I'M AVA?!"
"NO, ME!"

*The Investigators argue, push and murmur as all of them keep grabbing and pulling the lock...*



*The Investigators all enter the room*

Kisha: "Bwoah!"
Ava: "Hey look out!"
Kassi: "Calm down!"
Oliver: "Not the floor!"

Tybalt: "... Well done Investigators; you just tied and ruined the tiebreaker."
Mama Rox: "Uh, some help, please!"

???: "What is going on there?!"

Artie: "Are zhey finalement letting us liberaté?"
Willie: "They better do let us out, this room is NOT our style..."

Artie: "Aah!-- Bonjour mon chers, vut brings vous in 'ere, hm?"
Lana: "We were told that there may be a clue in here..."
Oliver: "Do you ladies mind telling us more information?"

Artie: "Willie et moi *did* find la corpse of Odessa, we do know of ze rumeurs of what has passé... "
Willie: "There is one thing we know that for SURE will help unmask that killer and clear our names."
Artie: "Attention, s'il vous plaît.. You remember---"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Kitchen, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*Jenson hums as he cuts the fruits*

Min Hee: "Ah!"

Jenson: "I heard some juicy gossip that my love needs a fruit salad?"

Min Hee: "Wonderful! Thanks dear."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Karaoke Bar, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Diane: "I honestly can't believe it, this is abnormal..."

Diane: "Figuring out riddles is my specialty! What has gone wrong?"

Connie: ".. Honestly I think some people just got really lucky and found their things early."
Diane: "I presume that might be it then, my dear."

Mama Rox: "Time for coff-- oh why hello there!"
Connie: "Oh hi there Mama Rox!"
Diane: "Mind to have a chat with us?"

Mama Rox: "Sure can't hurt, can it?"

Connie: "Well, how did the investigation go for you Mama Rox?"
Mama Rox: "Real good, not gonna lie."

Diane: "Did you win the hint, my dear?"
Mama Rox: "To the point huh? But yeah.. well, lots o' folks won it. I was working with the twins and Lana, and Oliver, Kassi and Kisha were a team."

Diane: "Which leaves the final person who never found the porto to be....."

Connie: "Ahem, euh.. Remember the Kitchen alliance we made? Could you please help out an ally in need?"
Mama Rox: "That'd be cool.. what's in it for me?"
Connie: "Uh.. our loyalty and gratitude?"

Mama Rox: ".. Not one of the hints that's hidden around, any sus killer crumbs?"
Connie: "Uhh..."
Mama Rox: "Keep your eyes open they say.. Feel free to hit me up if you see something that could help me out, I'm ready to talk then."

Diane: "My dear, how does an outing to KFC sound?"
Mama Rox: "Oh damn, NOW we're talking girl! Hmm..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Lavatory, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kassi: "Oh hey there."
Oliver: "Oh hello."

Kassi: "Uhh.. gonna take long or can I go next?"
Oliver: "My apologies, just making sure the sink's perfectly clean."

Kassi: "Ooh that.. makes sense."
Oliver: "My germophobia used to be way worse though. The covid situation has shown the world the importance of hygiene, but also that having fear lead our lives will take its toll on our mental health."

Oliver: "I realised I shouldn't let my fear of those filthy little... my fear of germs control my life."
Rep: "Let's hope that your family and maybe Kiki and Melinda can help you out on it."
Oliver: "Yes, it's a slow progress, but we're working on it. What's the worst that could happen? A global pandemic?"
Rep: "Hahaha, lol. Let's hope that won't happen. I mean, it's 2016..."

Kassi: "You mentioned before that you're a scientist right?"
Lana: "Oh- hello there gentlemen!"

Oliver: "G'day!"
Lana: "Do you think it'd be okay if I'd go and swim out in the sea for a bit?"
Oliver: "Hmm if Tybalt doesn't mind you should go for it."

Kassi: "Yeah we're technically free to go wherever we want, we're not suspects.. though would you be okay to talk some theories about the killer? We're here to do Odessa justice after all."
Lana: "I'm in! It does help we're all in the know about the hint."
Oliver: "Just finished the last spot - I'm all for it!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Spa, Jetsetter
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



Ava: "Yessss!"
Ali: "This! Is! The Best!"
Maddie: "I know! By the way..."

Maddie: "Girls, you escaped during today's challenge right?"
Ava: "Yeah we made it out!"
Ali: "Mama Rox said we're genuses!"

Maddie: "Soo, wanna share hints?"
Ali: "Ooh like in, an alliance?"
Maddie: "You could put it like that."

Ali: "Ohmygawsh that's like so exciting! Let's share hints!"

Kisha: "It's a trap!"

Maddie: "What do you mean by that?"
Ava: "Yeah, Maddie is shaped like a friend."
Kisha: "Well you see..."

Kisha: "Don't get your hopes high on an alliance, Maddie just wants to steal your hints."
Maddie: "Not gonna lie Kisha but it's obvious *you* are the mole among us."
Ava: "Wait no, Ali and I were the Moles before right?"
Kisha: "If I were the Mole I wouldn't have escaped..."

Kisha: "YOU on the other hand, Maddie.. never got out. So Ali, Ava.. maybe think twice before sharing that hint. Maybe just keep it to yourselves.. Ta-ta!"

Ali: "Whoa? Oh I think I just saw a butterfly!"


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tybalt: "Investigators..

Your second Investigation has come to an end!
Congratulations to the people who earned the hint.
To the ones who didn't earn it - don't fret too much...

The killer's trail of breadcrumbs to their identity has grown once more.

Take notes of anything that:
- looks a bit off
- sounds a bit off
- seems a bit off

If it reminds you of something: do your homework!
It could lead to a breakthrough!"

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To Be Continued
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